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Luke opened his eyes and groaned, his body ached. He winced as he swallowed, the dryness in his mouth made it even harder to swallow, and it felt like he was swallowing blades. He squinted, glaring at the bright lights before slowly looking around the room. It was a typical hospital room, nothing worth going into detail about.

He squirmed to try to sit up, but his body ached too much to move. He briefly closed his eyes and sighed as he reached up to rub his face but the minute his hands made contact to his skin it burned. wincing, Luke quickly dropped his hands and opened his eyes, pouting.

he hated hospitals, he hated everything about them. Besides the fact they safe people of course. Luke looked over toward the empty guest chair and frowned. Where was Ashton? Ashton would always be beside him, if he could.

Luke sat up, no longer caring about the pain in his body. Was Ashton okay? did he die?! Luke reached down to pull off his blankets but the sound of the door opening stopped him. He looked up, seeing a cheery nurse walk in. "hello" he croaked, mouth too dry to manage another word.

the nurse smiled, walking over to the small table to pour Luke a glass of water from the jug. "Hello! good to see you're finally awake." she turned and walked over, handing him the plastic cup. "here, drink this"

He took the cup and quickly gulped down the water, loving the soothing coldness in his dry mouth. He heard a soft knock at the door, so he looked toward it then back at the nurse. " Oh! i forgot, you have a visitor." 

"Ashton?" Mumbled Luke but the nurse was already walking away, toward the door. He put the empty cup down, curious on who was at the door. He frowned in confusion when Calum walked in.

"Calum?" Luke said, voice less raspy. Calum faked a pout, " good to see you too buddy." Frowning more, Luke glanced behind him. " wheres Ashton? is he okay? Michael?" Calum stopped moving at Luke's words, looking just as confused as Luke did.

He turned to face the nurse, as if silently asking her something. She too frowned and walked over, touching Luke's forehead. " His vitals are all fine.. maybe its from the slight concussion. ill go get the doctor."

Luke watched the nurse leave the room before looking back at Calum, who stood there awkwardly. "You didn't answer my question.." Calum laughed softly as he walked over and patted lukes arm.

" Michael, everyone is okay. i haven't checked on Luke yet though..but im sure he is fine. Or else ashton would be clinging to me crying" Luke furrowed his brows at calums words. michael? luke? hes luke..why is calum talking to him like he was michael?

When  calum noticed michaels frown, he too frowned but wanted to change the subject. " hey mikey, have you seen your face? its already starting to heal.." calum grabbed a small mirror from the counter as he stepped closer. 

Luke looked up, watching him walk closer. he finally noticed a bruise peeking out from under the collar of calums shirt, and a rub burn by his neck. Luckly calum wasnt hurt, which means ashton may not have been either. But what about michael?

Luke took the mirror , still confused. he glanced down and froze. his eyes widen, mouth parted in shock " michael its okay, they will heal.." Calums words seemed to far in the distance. It wasnt the cuts all over his face that luke cared about. It was the fact, staring back at him in the mirror, was michael. Not his own face. 

Luke quickly yanked off his blankets and stood up, grabbing his IV bag cart. he rushed to the door, in full panic and confusion. He yanked open the door and froze again, because standing directly across the hall from him was.. .himself.

He felt as if the world was suddenly going in slow motion again. A sickening feeling crept into his stomach, making him want to puke. Luke stared at himself, seeing the same exact confused and scared expression on his own face that he was sure he had. 

"What. the. fuck?!" Both luke and michael said, at the same time.  Ashton stood behind luke, Calum stood behind michael..which was actually luke.

///  Okay, sorry for such a short chapter. I was stumped! the next one will be michaels version. Was this too confusing? It was Luke but hes in michaels body, unknown to him..at first.  From now on, i will have who the chapter is about with who they are..

EXAMPLE:  Luke (As Michael)

                      Michael (As Luke)

since its suppose to be sort of in their point of view. Hope you enjoy this! Please give me opinions!

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