I Violated Her

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Y/n's POV

After 2 hours, we finally made it to the studio. Marshall finally finds a place at the parking lot. He speaks up.

We're an hour late. Paul's gonna be so mad.

Why didn't you just call him?

My mind was kinda else where while we were having that game of truth or dare.

Yeah, you really are Mr. Badass. Aren't you?

I guess I am.
Mr. Badass. Huh. That sounds so right for me.

I guess. Mr. Badass it is then.

Alright, then. Let's get out of the car.

I turn over and grab the door handle. Just as I'm about to open it, Marshall jumps out of the car and runs over to my side. He opens the door for me instead. That lil' thing he did was cute. Jumping out the car..running out. What he just did definitely makes him seem like a gentleman.

He waits for me to get out of the car. He gestures his arm art and swifts it sideways.

Ladies first.

Why, thank you, Marshall. Or should I say, Mr. Badass.

No problem, Y/n. Let me just say, being called that makes me feel more....manly.

Marshall leads me to the way of the studio, and we walk over there.

Manly? You're funny.

What? It'll definitely catch on. Trust me.

Mhm. Let's just keep walking.

I say that pretty sarcastically. From there, we just walk there silently, side by side, next to each other.

We walk into the studio. It's definitely a lot bigger than the one I went too with Royce. It's not dim with black walls. It has light brown walls with an extra room beside the equipment to I guess just hang out or talk about what to work on.

We both step in and I recognize Fifty, as in Fifty Cent, because of Royce. I also recognize Dr. Dre, because I mean, he's a legend..and also works with Royce sometimes. Fifty runs up to Marshall and has a huge grin on his face. They hug and greet each other with the usual "Aye, what's up man?" "How is everything?"
Fifty notices me, but doesn't say anything. He looks confused. Marshall then walks up to Dre and they also hug and greet each other. I'm greeted first by Paul.

Y/n! It's good to see you again! What are you doing here with Marshall?

I look up at him, not really getting my words out and stuttering a bit. I don't know if Marshall or Royce would even allow me to tell them.
Marshall speaks for me.

Y/n was beaten near a bank, got her purse stolen, went unconscious for several hours, and now she's here.

Ok, never mind my last thought. He told everyone in a heartbeat. That was fast.
I speak up.

Yeah, what he said.

Paul looks majorly confused. He decides to speak up.

Shady's Forbidden Love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora