Coming Over To My House

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Y/n's POV

I'm sitting in my living room couch watching some TV. I look up at the time and realize that it's five-thirty pm. Shit. I only have thirty minutes to get ready until Marshall gets here.

Why am I freaking out? It's not like I'm trying to impress anyone. I should just calm down and just get ready. Plus, it's not like he's gonna stay long. I'm just gonna hand him Alaina's clothes, and he's probably gonna leave right after since he's usually busy.

I put on a tight, red t-shirt, and some skinny jeans. I take my hair out of my bun and comb it out and just leave it down. I put on some mascara and neutral lipstick and I'm about ready to go.
I don't know why I'm trying hard. Usually, when someone comes for a quick visit, I just put on a baggy sweater over my pajama tee, then replace my bottoms with sweatpants. Whatever. I'm dressing like this for me. Not for Marshall.

I sit back down on my couch and continue watching TV. After a while, I hear a doorbell coming from the door.
Fuck. It's him. We haven't spoken in person to each other since we were upset with each other in the car. Will it be uncomfortable?

I get up and open the door. The first thing I see is Marshall's eyes.

Beautiful, and blue as always. Then, I study his face structure even more. I look down at his nose. I never realized how cute it was. Aw. Now all I wanna do is tap it with my finger. Then lastly, his lips. Once again. The last time I looked at his lips like this was when he was fixing up my bruise.

Y/n! Hey. It's great to see you again.

Marshall! It's been so long! Long time no see.

I say it sarcastically since we were literally with each other all day yesterday. He does a little smirk at me. Marshall leans in for a hug. I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms just above my torso. We hug for a bit, and then I loosen up my grip from the hug. I pause when I realize he hasn't start to let go yet. He's still holding on.

Marshall's POV

I've missed Y/n desperately last night. Even though she said she forgave me, I still felt incredibly guilty for what I did. I honestly don't think I'll be able to move on from that. I stayed up all night just thinking about it..about her. I kept wondering if she went into her house crying last night after I dropped her off. If she was, it was because of me.

I remember last night in the car when it looked like she had been crying, I wanted to hold her so bad reassuring her that it would be okay. Yesterday even though we talked on the phone, it didn't feel the same as physically being with her. Now, I'm with her. I get to see her face again. I get to capture everything about her. I get to hold her. Everything feels so right, especially now since everything is fixed between us. A part of my guilt is gone, but it will never be fully forgotten. I'm still hugging her. I should let go.

Do you want to come in? I have Alaina's clothes in my room.

Yeah, sure.

Okay, come on.

She walks in front of me. I take a few glances around her home. Looks pretty nice. She leads me into her room. I watch her walk up to a table and grab Alaina's clothes from it.

Here you go. Oh, and does Alaina know I used her clothes? If she does, tell her I said thank you.

She doesn't know. My daughters don't know that you've been staying with me. If I mention it, I'll tell her you said thanks.
I lie. I'm not telling my girls that another woman slept in our home. They might assume things about us that aren't true.

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