Can't Even Look At Him

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Y/n's POV

I'm practically yelling at Marshall. I wanna cry, but I hold it back. I don't want to show weakness. He might use it for his advantage again. I can't trust him anymore. The way I see him isn't the same anymore. I look at Marshall, waiting for a response.

Y/n, please. Just hear me out. Can we please talk this out first? Let's calm down.

There's nothing to talk about. You harassed me, Marshall! There's no excuse for that.

Let's sit down, please? I have a lot of explaining to do. You need to understand why I did all of that. It was a mistake. A fucking stupid one.

I wanna go home.


Just drop me off. Please! Nothing you say will make me change my mind about how I feel about you now.

What about finding you on the streets, huh? I spent two hours looking for you. Taking you into my own home? Helping you through everything? Y/n, I've done nothing but treat you well. This wasn't all just a game I was playing.

At this point, I'm not even listening to anything he's saying. I really don't want to talk him anymore. Or even see him.



Marshall obnoxiously bumps into my shoulder and walks fast out the door way. I'm still standing at the same place I was before, still processing everything that had happened tonight. I stand there looking so upset and clueless, just looking at the wall in front of me.

I hear a voice coming from outside. I look out the door. Marshall's so impatient right now.

Well, are you coming? You said you wanted to go home, right?
He's standing right by his car, holding up his car keys.

Marshall's POV

I get into the car, slamming the car door hard. I'm assuming Y/n's walking up here right now.
I can't believe Y/n won't even listen to me. I bring her into my home and take care of her, and this is how she treats me? I didn't get to see my girls yesterday, and I did that just for Y/n. She's being an unreasonable bitch right now.

But then again, I fucked up. Big time. Looking back at what I did..I don't even know if I should blame her. I got on her and sexually touched her without her permission. It was just..out of no where. With no warning. I'm not even surprised she was scared. Now I keep hearing the words 'Marshall get away from me!' in my head. What have I done?

When she gets in the car, that's when I'll explain everything to her. If she thinks my excuses are stupid, I'll apologize to her until she forgives me. I'll take as long as I need too. I can't believe I did all that to her just because of a stupid conversation I had at the studio yesterday. I actually let it get to me.

I see her coming near the car. I put on a straight face and look ahead.

She opens the car door and sits down without saying anything. She doesn't even look at me. She's still so upset. She didn't deserve any of what I did to her. I want to hold her and tell her everything's gonna be okay, but I can't. This is all my fault. I think she cried for a little bit after I walked out the door.

Y/n, I know you don't want to speak to me right now. But please, just listen to me, okay?

She doesn't react. She still has a straight face on and is looking straight ahead.

Yesterday, when you were with Annie and me and the guys were at the studio, we were talking. We started talking about stuff that used to happen in my early career. How fun it was, how carefree it was, and how wild it used to be. It was especially with women. I used to let groupies into my life and we'd fuck around. ...And, I made me feel bad about everything. I thought I wouldn't be able to experience that anymore.
And I know, that what I did to you was really fucking wrong. I had no reason to do that to you. I should've respected you. You shouldn't be treated like you're some groupie I met at a bar. Y/n, I'm just asking you to forgive me.

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