Chap. 46 Saving Him

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As the boy fell into the Kings arms, he smiled widely.

"Now this will be fun..." He laughed wickedly.

"Put him in the cage. When we get back we'll get ready for the transfusion." The tall and slender demon stood up from his small thrown looking over the fallen angel city. Setting him in a small box like area, then sealing it with a key, putting it down his own throat.

"Take him away..." The King put out his pale arm, and shooed them away. The box was carried by a few demons to the castle. As they danced across the sky, Levi looked up and freaked out.

"E-Eren!!!!" He yelled, souring through the sky's, blowing up dust everywhere. People falling back.

Erens eyes slowly opened and heard his name being called. He sat up quickly and hit his head on top of the box, one small hole so he could breath.

"W-What happened?" He yawned.

"EREN!!!!!!!" Levi screamed, flying up to them, when a demon grabbed his wing and caught him off balance, making him fall towards the ground, trying to flap his wings against the pressure of air.

"L-Levi?" Eren rubbed his eyes and looked out the peek hole, seeing Levi falling.

"LEVI!!!!" He slammed against the box, again and again.

Someone hit the top of the box and yelled at him to shut up.

"Levi!!! Oh my god... Fly damn it!!! Please!!!" Eren cried, kicking and screaming.

As Levi fell he heard Eren, but he couldn't get his balance in time. He slammed onto the ground, bones crunching immediately.

"Levi!!!!" Eren cried, pulling his knees to his chest.

"This can't be happening..." They then carried Eren away, leaving him helpless in the box. His mind to scrambled to make any decisions or even think in general.

Levi... LEVI!!!!!" Everyone ran up to him and surrounded him.

Levi was shaking, his eyes wide open, starring at the sky as the box vanished from sight.

'I couldn't even save one person... I couldn't even save Eren... The one person I love...'

"Levi! Answer us!!!" Petra yelled, Hanji holding her back.

'How did I lousy old demon get in the way?'

"Levi...." Mikasa looked down at him.

'IM GOING TO KILL EVERY LAST DEMON......' His mind blew up in frustration.

"NO!!! Levi! Levi! Listen to me!!! Don't do it!" Hanji went next to him.


"You idiot!" She slapped him across the face.


"You... You.... LEVI! I don't give a shit if Eren has been captured! If you don't stop now!!!! I swear! I swear Eren will NEVER LOVE YOU!!!" Hanji screamed, tears falling down her face crazily.

'... What?...' Levi's mind went blank.

"I'm telling you Levi! If you let the darkness consume you like it did when you were little... Eren will be scared... Not just of you.... Of what you'll do.... When I saw for the first time and you killed all of those innocent Angels... Even I was scared, and when I saw Eren's face go from happiness to horror in seconds, I knew everything was going to go wrong..."

Levi then had a single tear drop down his face. Everyone took a step back, they all thought

'Levi? Crying? What the hell is going on?'

"I'm.... I'm.... S-s-sorry....." Levi sat up hesitantly, holding his stomach in pain, drops of blood leaving his mouth.

"A-Are you ok???" Ymir stood up, holding Historia wedding style.

"I-I don't know..." Levi gulped scaredly.

"Levi is more demon then Angel... But, the fall... I... I might of messed him up." Hanji looked at him worriedly.

"Hanji, what have you done...?" Petra grabbed Hanji's shoulder and snarled at her.

"What I said about Eren... Might of... I don't know... Changed him?..." She questioned herself.

"I'm fine! Just... I'm fine..." He smiled brightly.

"Who the hell are you and what have you done with Levi?!" Sasha shouted, obviously freaked out.

"What?" Levi said, trying to stand up, but falling back down.

"Shit... I did... Damn it..." Hanji stood up and helped him up to.

"I'm going to have to make him mad..."

"Please, let go of me!" Levi squirmed.

"Do something for him, he's being.... Nice...." Connie cringed.

"I will... Even if it means... Sorry Levi, but... Maybe you need torture like when you were 12..." She sighed.

"What?! NO! NO NOT AGAIN!!!! PLEASE!!!! You guys! Please help me! This can't be happening!!!" He tried to get out of her grasp.


All of the sudden the box was set down, and Eren could remember the terrible smell of the city, the grotesque moldy smell filled his nose making him gag.

"No! Get me out of here!!!!" Eren yelled.

"Yes your majesty." A demon smiled widely, and the Kings heels tapped on the in a slow way. A small chuckle in the background.

'Majesty? What the hell is going on?'

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