Step One

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step one- say goodbye

***Lucy's POV***

"I can't believe you're leaving me!"

Meredith, my best friend, whined.

"I knooow! My parents denied the offer of me staying with you."

I pouted, frustratingly throwing all the last of my clothes in my bag, "can you sit on this?"

I gestured to the overflowing suitcase. Mere sits on the bag, tying her long brown hair up. I smile thanking her.

"Mere, Lucy it's time to go!"

My mom called from downstairs, signaling its time for the airport. We run down the stairs, well Mere ran, I dragged my bag down the stairs in an uneasy fashion. After what seemed like an eternity, my dad grabbed my bag and brought it to the car. Mere walks overs to me and gives me a tight hug, I return it almost instantly return it, tears spilling over.

"I'm gonna miss you so much!"

She says in between sobs.

"Me too! But you're coming to the airport with us"

I reply, still holding on tight. We let go of the hug and go into the car.

"Bye house, ill miss you."

I hear Nikki whispering as the engine starts and the car pulls away.


When we reach the airport there's a herd of business men and women coming for us. I push my way through with Mere hot on my heels.

We reach the baggage drop off to find a blonde girl with bright red lipstick in her twenties scowling at the people in line.

I guess she isn't a people person. When we reach the front I give the woman my luggage and get a tag for my carry on. I make sure that my favorite keychain is on it, the one that my boyfriend gave me.

{flashback-the week before}

to: Jason<3

hey jay! can I come over for a while? love youuu(:

I wiggled my thumb in the air over the send button, wondering if I should actually do this. After my head argument I push send, knowing it was right. I laid down in my almost empty room, gazing at the ceiling when I received a text.

from: Jason<3

hey baby luccce! come over whenever. love you too

I smile getting off my bed to look decent for him. Jason and I have been dating for about a year and a half. I put on some pink high waisted shorts and a grey sleeveless blouse. Already having makeup on, I grab my black flats and phone and leave my room. I run down the stairs, bumping into Nikki along the way.

"Hey! Where're you goin'?"

She asks in her usual cheery tone.

"Doin the plan..."

I whisper and her face falls, nodding. I told her what I was going to do yesterday, along with Mere.

I run out the door and notice it's quite warm. Taking advantage of this I decide to walk to his house, since it's only two blocks down. A warm breeze hits and sends my hair flying. The leaves and twigs on the ground whirl around me. I pass by a small, quaint coffee shop, with all the time I have, I walk into the building. I am immediately taken over with the scent of fresh pastries. I order a frappe and quickly pay and leave the shop.

As I turn the corner to Jason's house I receive a funny feeling in my stomach. About to spew my coffee, I run over to a bush to be prepared. Thankfully it was only a false feeling of nervousness so I continue to walk to his house.

When I reach the door I knock quietly, praying that no one would hear and I could go home. Of course, with my luck, Jason opens the door ushering me in. I walk to the couch and let my breathing become stable. He walks over to me and smiles.

"So what's up?"

I sigh looking around for a distraction.

"Well I'll just come out with it. MydadwastransferredtolondonandI'mmovingthere"

"Really?! Tell your dad congratulations!" He obliviously exclaims.

"But that's not what I needed to say. Um I think we should... um break up 'cause we um w-won't have fun in a long distance relationship. But we can still be friends..."

I barely say the words, they come out as a whisper.

"Hey c'mon don't cry, we can always be friends. Best friends," he smiles wiping a tear away, "and it's ok because I completely agree. Friends are much better for long distance by the way."

I didn't even notice I was crying until he said it. I wipe my eyes and smile, hugging him.

"Hey I know. Lemme give you something to remember me."

He says already running up the stairs. I wait there for a couple minutes wondering what it was gonna be. When he comes back he had something in each hand.

"Pick one," he exclaims holding out his fist. I reach for the left arm and he opens it, revealing half of a heart saying "best".

He opens his other fist and its the other half that says "friends".

"Jason it's perfect!"

I say jumping on him for a hug. He grabs my thighs hoisting me up while I wrap my legs around his torso. I place my arms around his neck, I start playing with his dark brown hair wondering how I could let him go. He rests his forehead against mine, grinning like an idiot. I slowly lean forward forgetting about anything, he mirrors me and I stop realizing what I'm doing. He doesn't think so, Jason keeps on going as his lips smash into mine. It was rough and hungry, but very sweet, definitely new.

"Can we please try long distance?" He begs in between kisses. I nod in reply, still kissing him. He walks over to the couch placing me on his lap, not breaking the kiss. I push back before things get to heated.

"I gotta go. Bye babe," I say after I catch my breath.

He mumbles something but then says bye.

{end of flashback}

I smile at myself knowing that it was the right thing to do to try to keep the relationship.

"Flight 185 to London will be boarding in 5 minutes," the lady on the speaker says. I look around to my family and grab my bag. Now I know what you're thinking, why does she only have one bag of clothes?

It's because most of our clothes and furniture was sent to our house. I go over to Mere and engulf her into a hug. She's been my only friend that truly stuck. Sure I had some other ones but not as close as Meredith. I feel her tears drip onto my tank top as I did the same to her.

"I'm gonna miss you so much Lucy!" She sobs.

"Me too! It's summer so you can come over for a week or two!" I cry. I have never felt this sad in my life, ugh this is terrible.

My mom looks at me and says its time to go. I give Mere one last hug and go into the gate, waving. Now I'm officially a London girl.


A/N: hi!

So Mere's name is pronounced mair. Like hair but with an m.

Ew I just heard a condom commercial on the radio.

Oh yah so could you try to promote this pleeeaaase?

until next time! Byee

Nisha xx.

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