Step Five

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Step five- Acceptance


"Wh-who's there?" I ask frightened by the anonymous voice.

"Hey calm down, it's me Bugga."

"What're you doing here?" I ask.

"I just wanted to say, I'm closer than you think." The street lights around me start to glow brighter showing that I'm on a street, my old street. His voice seems so much older now. And it sounds so familiar.

"Bugga where are you?" He doesn't respond. "Bugga?" I whimper.

"Bye Lucypop see you soon." He whispers.


I was awoken by someone lightly knocking on my door.

"Come in," I yawn. My mom enters the room, with her warm smile on. She was dressed in sweats, which I always adored because we've always been rich but she buys her own clothes instead of dad giving her money.

"C'mon Hun, it's time for breakfast." I nod and get out of bed. I head into my bathroom and brush my teeth. After that, I feel to lazy to take a bath right now so I just put on some deodorant and body mist. I brush my hair and put it in a side braid while I walk down the stairs into the kitchen.

"LUCY DO YOU KNOW WHO LIVES NEXT DOOR?!" Nikki practically screams when I reach the landing.

"One Direction?" I laugh. She looks at me confused.

"They dropped by yesterday giving us cookies," I say pointing at a tin of cookies. She starts screaming and runs towards them.

"Hey Nik if ya want I can take you to their place after," I offered my excited little sister, "just don't freak out." She laughs and leans against the wall placing her elbow on it.

"I'm cool," she gets out right before she falls. We both erupt into a fit of giggles. Our dad walks in with an amused smile.

"Morning sweeties!" He says, kissing our heads. We laugh again and both say, "morning daddy!"

I run out to get the mail and newspaper, it's funny how we haven't even been here for a day and we already have 17 pieces of mail. I look at the envelopes, checking for my name. I see the second to last one and bring it closer to me. My eyes widen as I scan my eyes across the letter.

"DAAAD!" I scream parading into my house like a maniac. He looks at me with confusion as I run up to him.

"I-I'm finish-finishing college there, THEY LET ME IN!" I scream. My sister drops her spoon and runs up to me, practically squeezing the life out of me.

"MOM OH MY GOD COME HERE!" Nikki yells. I laugh seeing as everyone is now screaming at each other. In a few seconds my mom is emerging from the living room with concern all over her face.

"MOM I GET TO FINISH MY LAST YEAR AT THE LONDON COLLEGE OF FASHION!" (a/n: is that real idk) I jumped like a five year old around the kitchen. My family laughs at me as I flash them a goofy grin. They all continue what they were doing as I hop up the stairs to go take a shower.

I run into the bathroom and strip off my clothes, turning on the shower. I carefully step in and feel my entire body being engulfed in the warmth. I quickly shave my legs and underarms and lather my body in soap. When I'm done, I grab my towel and step out of the shower. I apply deodorant and put on some undergarments.

I reach for a pair of denim shorts and a grey tank top, and slip them on. I grab my phone and text Louis, asking if I can come over. He replies immediately saying that Niall, Liam, and Zayn were out golfing and that he and Eleanor, which I presume be his girlfriend, are going out for brunch. But I can still come over and hang with Harry. I smile placing my phone in my pocket and run into the bathroom. I open my makeup bag and pull out some mascara and lip gloss. I put the simple makeup on and grab my pills. I read the label which states:

Lucile Anne Fox


To be taken once a day

I remember when I started to take these. It was in the ninth grade when everything just became less important and I stopped having feelings towards anything. I thank god that it has gotten better and not as severe, even if I still have to take pills.

"Mom, Dad! I'm going next door!" I yell as I step out of the front door. I hear a distant ok from inside the house and I'm off. I walk past the driveway and notice that my moms car is gone. She probably went shopping with my sister as always. I walk up to the boys' house and see Louis with a gorgeous girl that seems around my age.

"LUCY!" Louis exclaims running over to me and engulfing me in a bear hug. I laugh as he pulls away.

"Hi Louis," I turn around to the girl and give a small wave, "hi I'm Lucy, their neighbor!"

"I'm Eleanor! The boys were talking about you so much before it was crazy!" She laughs. I smile and blush a little.

"Well we're gonna go get some brunch, Harry's room is on the second floor third door to the right!" Louis yells walking to his car. I wave bye to them and continue inside of the house.

The first thing I enter into is a living room with pictures of the boys and their families. I see the cutest picture of baby Liam and couldn't resist to saying aw. There were some newer pictures too. One of them is from a photo booth of all the boys and their girlfriends, except for Harry and Niall. Aww poor boys. I continue the through the kitchen and then walk up the stairs. When I reach the second floor I remember what Louis said, third door to the right.

As I walk up to Harry's room, I stop at the door thinking I heard something. I lean my ear against the door and hear quiet sobs. I frown and gently knock on the door, there was no response. I slowly open the door as my breath hitches at the sight in front of me. My eyes begin to water as I run to him.


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