Aero Bars

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I do my best to avoid Baz all day. He does the same, thank godness. I'm not sure I can handle him after last night.
However I can't avoid Penny's interrogations.

"Simon, what happened yesterday? You weren't in classes," she asks worriedly. I grunt.

"Baz was a smart ass with the Mage, so guess who gets to sleep outside with him!" I throw my hands up in the air.

"Wait, you actually had to sleep outside?" She asks quietly. I nod. 'It was bloody awesome,' I think sarcastically.

"Did anything happen?" She asks. She can tell when I'm keeping something from her. She's trying to get more. I give in and tell her, but not before a few minutes of bickering. She deserves to know. She is my best friend, after all.

"If you don't count me almost dying, then no. Nothing happened." I say as I put my head in my hands. I rub my sore, tired eyes. I can't shake the thought that I might have fallen asleep on Baz last night.

"You almost died?!" Penny practically yells. Baz is sitting a couple feet away and puts his head on the table he's sitting at. Last night when he said he wanted an audience to kill me, I don't know... I think there was something else he was hiding. Probably for his own selfish gain.

"Yeah, well I don't want to talk about it." I say turning away from her.

"Simon, you just told me you almost died, there's no way you're getting out of here without giving details." She persists, but I'm not ready to talk to her about it.

"Not now Penny." I croak. "I promise later though." I plead with my eyes. I can't talk about this now.
She gives in.

"Okay, fine." She says as she gathers up her books. We then head to class together.
I don't see Baz until it's dark. We go to the Wavering Woods this time. I don't think either of us can handle the moat again tonight.
I pull 2 aero bars out of my bag. I was prepared tonight, because we had to skip dinner again.

"Want one?" I ask. Baz looks at me like I'm going to poison him or something, which I am not, that's his job.

"What flavor?" He finally asks, and I can see that he kind of wants to take one.

"Mint." I say. It my favorite. Baz looks like he really wants it now but he doesn't say anything. I wave it around.

"I do like the mint ones." Baz admits.
I hand him one, he turns around so his back is to me when he eats it. I wonder why but I really don't care.

"Me too." I agree. I think tonight is going to be much better than yesterday.

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