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    For those of you who are a bit squeamish, there will be blood in this chapter. If you would like to skip past that part, it will be marked with a line of ~~~~~ at the beginning and end. Enjoy!

      Well, I wasn't lying when I told Snow that I'd be out of the hospital soon enough. I did not expect it to be this quick. I also didn't expect Snow to bring me stuff from the room, he never visits me in the hospital (not that I'm in there all that often), nor do I expect him to. But whatever, I guess.

     I now have time to kill, as classes for today are just about over. Snow is most likely in our room right now, scowling at a wall. He might even go off, with how mad I made him earlier. Then, there most likely wouldn't even be a room to go back to. I should probably go up and make sure nothing explodes.

     I find that I was completely wrong about Snow just sitting there. The room is a complete and utter smoking disaster when I get back. The air is tainted with the smell of burning plastic. Snow had definitely gone off, and destroyed our room in the process. As per usual, I am the one who has to clean all this up. Fortunately for him, there are spells for this exact situation. If there weren't... well. I don't want to think about what I'd have to do to him then.

     It only takes a few minutes to restore our room to it's original state, but I'm still weakened from the unicorn attack, so the task is more tiring than it should be. Healing spells don't give you everything, after all. The damned creature wounded me so badly that even a full night's rest didn't help. I am also extremely thirsty, so that could be it. Either way, spelling the room back to normal was draining. At least I don't really have to move until dinner.

     Just in case this information is ever needed, it's a bit difficult to eat when your worst enemy is glaring daggers into your back. I should be satisfied, considering he is my worst enemy, but he did save my life last night. I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt from my words earlier. Just a little twinge.

     Aside from Snow's excessive glaring, dinner wasn't unbearable. It's usually unnecessarily boring, and sometimes even pointless. I prefer to eat human food in the morning and drink as much blood as I can at night, since no one's up. The two don't really mix well, and I don't need anyone suspecting something sinister from me. Well, anyone who doesn't already think the worst. I head up to Mummer's House, but Snow is nowhere to be found. He doesn't usually stay up super late, and it's not like he has anywhere important to be at this particular moment. He could just be with that scum he treats like a father, so I don't think much of it. I snuck some blood bags from the hospital earlier, so I haven't got anywhere to be either. Sleep comes easily to me tonight.


     I hear tossing and turning in the water around me. Water? I'm underwater. I can't breathe. I can't see. If I open my eyes, all I see is red. Blood. I'm drowning in blood. Not water. Blood. Thick, dark blood, that smells familiar... All I can do is reach. Which way is up? My head breaks the surface. I'm in a darkened room. There's no light. I still can't see. Up ahead, there is sound. Now I realize how silent it was. Suddenly, the whole room fills up with glaring, yellow light. The source of the blood is revealed. Simon Snow lays in a corner, a fountain of blood pouring from his chest. I'm drowning in his blood, and somehow, I know that I'm the cause of it. I start to slip back under, and my limbs are so heavy, too heavy, heavier than bricks and mortar. I am plunged into a familiar blackness. My eyes open again, but this time, I am back in my bed. Back in my room, my school, my world. Everything is alright.

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