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I'm back in the middle of the clearing in the Wavering Wood, with the unicorn. This time it is perfectly calm, grazing on the clover near the edge of the clearing. However, as soon as I calm down and realize that I'm safe, Simon bursts into the clearing. He's swinging his sword around like a madman, growing nearer every second. I am immobilized. Simon is getting closer. He's not showing any signs of stopping, and has a violent look in his eyes.

I thought he was kidding, but he's so close now. Too close. Time seems to slow down and his sword flies through the air, towards my heart. The flow of time is restored, and he begins attacking me with all his strength. Cut after cut, I am slowly being reduced to a pile of flesh and blood. My screams echo through the empty forest, where both of us know that no one can hear them. The pain is unbearable, and I can see my own heart, beating slower, and slower, and slower...

"Hey. Baz. Wake up!" Simon is yelling at me, shaking me. He has a concerned look in his eyes, but he forgot about my wounded arm, because he's grabbing me by it.

"My... arm..." I stutter, and he lets go immediately. I look around, and remember that I am on the football pitch. It is morning now. It was just a nightmare, and I had fallen back asleep after my first ones. I get up, feeling grateful that I actually can, but then I fall again.

"Right, we're taking you to the medical wing," Simon states. I choose not to argue with that. I am weak, tired, hungry, and thirsty, and I can't fix any of those things without help. I'd never say that out loud, though.

Snow is helping me limp back to the castle, step by agonizingly slow step. In order to take these steps, however, I have to put all my weight on him. Part of me hates myself for letting him do this. The other part just likes being so close to him. We reach the gates too soon, but at the same time, not soon enough.

Moments later, a first-year sees the two of us struggling down the corridor. Simon only gives him one look, and he runs the other direction, shouting for the Mage, for a teacher, for anyone. I would've done that, had I the strength. I'm sure Simon would've, but he's too thick too have thought of that. He's blushing a bit, and it drives me crazy.

Soon enough, the first-year comes back down the hall, this time with a nurse and a stretcher. The nurse rushes over, and I collapse onto the stretcher as soon as it's within reach. The nurse carts me away, and Crowley, we are going fast, but I have enough time to catch a glimpse of Snow's worried expression before we turn the corner. It almost makes me wonder, "what happened to being enemies?"

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