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And the flashbacks come back.
Like a slap in my face.

No I scream.
Let go I say.
But he doesn't listen.

I try fighting back.
Then bam.
An other black eye I'll have to lie about.

I don't know I stayed for so long.
I think I thought I deserved it.
Little did I know how much it would still affect me to this day.

Yah okay I know I shouldn't be blaming myself
But I stayed when I should have left.
So it is at least a but my fault right?
Guess so.

The feeling of you breathing down my neck and yelling at me telling me I'm nothing.
Telling me that if I tell anyone.
Anyone at all.
I'll regret it.
That if I leave you
You'll come back for me.
That you won't stop till I'm dead.

So I guess you could say I'm still scared of Eric.
But it's not like people just get over trama like that.
It doesn't just go away

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