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At the Chun Nan Kung fu academy Takashi a young 12 year old boy was learning the basics of his training along with Kagura his closest friend. They were both at the top their class and were at the one of the most dangerous parts of their training. "Hey Takashi I don't know if we could do this!" Kagura exclaimed as she looked upon the wooden Juggernaut and it's axes.

"Yes we can Kagura, we've come too far to give up now!" Yelled Takashi as he then leapt into the air screaming before hitting the giant machine and dodging it's attacks

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"Yes we can Kagura, we've come too far to give up now!" Yelled Takashi as he then leapt into the air screaming before hitting the giant machine and dodging it's attacks. Kagura followed and started attacking the rear as the Juggernaut swing one of its axes towards her. Then she along with Takashi gave out a powerful kick on the machine's head sending it flying through the hall! The head they knocked off then landed in front of their Tutor who was an albino, humanoid crocodile. "Well done you two" he said. "You both showed everything I ever taught you. Though I don't remember teaching you how to knock off the Juggernaut's head."
"We'd thought we would surprise you, Master" said Takashi as he put his fist into his palm and bowed at the same time as Kagura. "Well done, Takashi and Kagura" said their master as he bowed to them. After training Takashi was feeling troubled because the reason he went training was so he could defend himself while he searches for his long, lost Grandmother. "But that was not the final test young ones" said the old crocodile. "Your final opponent will be me."

The young pair readied themselves as their master leapt into the air roaring before slamming back down onto the ground in front of them and began fighting them

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The young pair readied themselves as their master leapt into the air roaring before slamming back down onto the ground in front of them and began fighting them. Takashi used his skills at the front while Kagura done hers at the back but Miyatsuko their master seemed unbeatable until Takashi landed the final blow! "Well done, again" Miyatsuko said before bowing. "Class dismissed." And with that Takashi and Kagura got ready to go home. "You still gonna look for her Takashi?" Kagura asked. "You know she was last sighted on the open ocean 3 years ago."
"I know, that's why I've been training so hard" said the young boy as he put his shoes on. "If she's still alive, I'm going to find her."
"Humph! Whatever you say Kung fu geek!" Kagura said. "Hey! You trained alongside me, don't forget that" said Takashi before sniggering. Chun Nan was very similar to the real world China but the continent was the exact same shape as Australia. There were many markets selling meat buns, Dumplings and noodles. The fireworks displays were like nothing on our planet because some take the shape of dragons and left off the biggest explosions. Takashi was now heading home after his Kung fu training and he was greeted by his cousin Hualin. "So Takashi how was training today? I heard you've finally completed it" said his Father as he readied some noodles for dinner. "Yeah let's just say I knocked the Juggernauts head off" Takashi said. "Wow, my little cousin finally knocks a head something" Hualin exclaimed "And I had to face Master Miroku as the final opponent" said Takashi before Hualin asked "Are you still going to find Grandma?"
"Yes I am" said Takashi determined to go into the unknown. "But Kagura is coming." And that's where his adventures begin. But...
"We'll get you onto the ship your uncle Shuifon owns" said his mother.

The picture above is supposed to be Takashi.
I hope I didn't rush it.

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