Setting sail/Good ship Misery

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The next day Takashi managed to board the ship his uncle owned to where his grandmother was last sighted and of course he wasn't alone. Kagura was with him. "So Takashi, what's going to happen when you find your grandma?" She asked. "I don't know, I haven't even thought about it" said Takashi as his uncle Shuifon asked "Is everything alright?"
"Yeah we're good" Takashi replied. The two both looked out onto the ocean seeing Rhinoceros dolphins leaping out of the water. "I wonder why my grandmother was doing all the way out here, it's not like there's some sort of island" said Takashi as he thought of an explanation of how and why his grandmother Lin was last sighted on the ocean he was sailing on now. "Maybe she was searching for something" Kagura suggested. "And what do you think she was looking for?" Takashi asked his friend before a Rhino Dolphin squirted him in the face! "Oh damn you, you bloody animal!" This made Kagura laugh out loud as well as the ships crew. "Oh Takashi, you really are a grouch when it comes to something spitting you in the face!" Kagura said bursting with laughter. "Oh yeah?" Asked Takashi before filling his mouth with water and spraying it in Kagura's face! Now he was laughing. "Who's laughing now?" Takashi chuckled. "Me that's who!"

This is what a Rhinoceros Dolphin looks like

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This is what a Rhinoceros Dolphin looks like.

"Oh Takashi! Did you have to do that?" Kagura complained when Takashi said "Darn, it wasn't my idea but now I'm starting to like it!" The Dolphins then squeaked in response before swimming off. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, to you too!" Kagura shouted before going to her cabin to dry off. "Now that was funny" said Shuifon chuckling. "Yeah, but I think she's mad at me now uncle" Takashi said. Then Shuifon said "Oh come on nephew, Kagura's not gonna stay mad at you forever you know. It's not like the time you gave Hualin a wedgie."
"Actually she's still mad at me about that" Takashi nervously said. "You're really sure you want to do this? You know find your grandmother" asked Shuifon. "Yes" said Takashi before making his way to the galley. The crew were a noisy lot especially when it came to dinner. They also told stories about a ship called the Misery, an absolute nightmare and they sang a song about it too. "Why is the ship known as the Misery uncle?" Takashi asked. "Well, the name kind of says it all" said Kagura when crew started shouting "It's an outrage! An abomination! The indignity!" Then Shuifon's pet a hybrid of a parrot and an iguana squawked "The horror."
Crew: "If you're into pain and agony (Agony), if you love the great indoors, welcome to the good ship Misery. The misery's all yours!"
Twin crewmen: "Everyday begins with misery (Misery!) breakfast in a rusty cup, then they all get good and miserable, and then they all throw up!"
First mate: "The boots have got the place so hot, for soon you spot you've got the rot and (Roll!)"
Quartermaster: "There's never sun..."
Crewman: "The rats have run!"
Iguana parrot: "Does anyone remember fun? (No! No! No! No!) Just thought I'd ask!"
Crew: "If you're thinking this could never be (Think again!) If you're thinking it's the rits."
Iguana parrot: "Fat chance!"
Crew: "Sorry, but the good ship Misery..."
Cook: "Is a reality."
Iguana parrot: "What?!"
Crew: "Takashi baby, it is the pits!"
(Short instrumental)
Cook: "You sit and think..."
First mate: "And pray you'll sink."
Quartermaster: "Your muscles shrink..."
Iguana parrot: "YOU START TO STINK! And..."
Crew: "Ewww! And when they cough that slimy slop and drop a glop of some on top it's woo! So everyday's a total tragedy (Tragedy!) Then the days begin to blur. Getting bored aboard the Misery..."
Cook: "Is a redundancy!"
Iguana parrot: "What? Is everybody miserable?"
Kagura: "Now your talking!"
All: "Yes sir!!!!!"
Then the song ended when the entire crew fell backwards like a bunch of old drunken pirates! "Well that's certainly a way to get them quiet!" Takashi sarcastically said before laughing. Then the Iguana parrot jumped on his head and screeched into his ear. "Hey! Be a nice Reptile-bird you and leave Takashi alone!" Kagura shouted before being calm and began stroking the hybrid. Now Kagura has a very special way with animals, making them calm and to behave themselves. It even works on the most ferocious beasts. "Thanks K, I really needed that" said Takashi with huge grin on his face, which made Kagura laugh. Then Shuifon laughed with them as well. The iguana parrot climbed back onto his masters shoulder after that. "Now let's get you back onto your perch" Shuifon said as he walked off with his reptavian pet. "Hey Takashi, I've got this map of where we might be heading and where your grandmother was last seen!" Kagura squealed with excitement. "Really? Where?" The boy asked when his friend replied "Here, on the Island of the Apes." Takashi wasn't sure. "I wonder what's going to be the island."
"Apes obviously! It is called the Island of the Apes after all" Takashi teased. This made Kagura red with rage. "You, you..." Kagura cursed before punching Takashi in the face! "Ow! What was that for?" Takashi moaned as rubbed his nose. "That's for being a jerk" said his friend before she made her way to her cabin. "She sure packs a punch" said Shuifon before Takashi said "Shut up."
"Maybe you should owe her an apology" his uncle said. "But she punched me in the face, the bloody face!" Takashi yelled. "And you deserved it... Raw!!" Squawked Shuifon's Iguana parrot which just appeared. "I'm gonna go to my cabin and think it through" said Takashi walking away with guilt on his face.

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