Stowaway in the jungle

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Deeper and deeper the group went through the thick undergrowth as fast as they could. Takashi was looking at the map so he'd know exactly where his grandmother was and how she got there, of course the hybrid called Mei Mei was still with them since they crashed onto the beach but it seems she's having a instant and close relationship with Kagura whom was happy to have her around, she even kept the Wasquitoes away from her new human friend.

 Takashi was looking at the map so he'd know exactly where his grandmother was and how she got there, of course the hybrid called Mei Mei was still with them since they crashed onto the beach but it seems she's having a instant and close relations...

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This is what a Wasquito looks like, a hybrid.

"I didn't expect that this jungle was going to be this big" said Takashi as he swatted some of the insects. "Well, nephew if your grandmother is here I wonder how she manages it out here" his uncle said when one of the crew complained "I'm being eaten alive!" while trying to keep the Wasquitoes away from him. "Get over it you lug! They'll go away soon" said Mei Mei. "Yeah! You call yourselves sailors, even though you can't stand Wasquitoes?" Takashi asked when Kagura said "Ha! You're one to talk, aren't you!" The rest of the crew laughed when they heard this. "What? What's so funny?" Takashi asked before swatting an insect that landed on his shirt. "Damn! I've got bug all over me now!" Then just up ahead there was a shrill scream from the thicket! "What was that? An ape?" Asked Takashi until he heard the complaints of a young woman saying "Stowing away on the ship of my own father, some good that did me!"
"Wait a minute... I know those complaints anywhere" said Shuifon when Kagura replied "The unmistakable complaints from..."
"HUALIN!!!" Everyone shouted including Mei Mei who had no idea what's going on. "What's she doing here?" Takashi asked. "She obviously stowed away like she said while complaining Takashi" said Kagura. "Well, we'd better get to her" said the captain of the crew who of course is Shuifon. "What is she even doing here if all she's gonna do is complain about the environment?" Takashi asked himself quietly so no one can even hear him. As they made their way through the jungle they managed to find Hualin who was in quite a state. "Hey Hualin" said Takashi. "Hiya Cuz" said Hualin before Shuifon said "You... you are so grounded!"
"Sorry Daddy, I just wanted to find Grandma as much as Takashi does" said the young woman as she stroked her hair. "Geez Hualin you've always been a bit of a drama queen when comes to places like this" teased Kagura before she turned around and saw a scarecrow that made her jump.

 "Geez Hualin you've always been a bit of a drama queen when comes to places like this" teased Kagura before she turned around and saw a scarecrow that made her jump

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This is what the scarecrow looks like.

"What the hell is that?" One of the crewmen said when Kagura had her hand on her chest still startled by the scarecrow. "It looks like some kind of scarecrow to scare off trespassers" said Takashi as he examined the object. "And I don't think it was a person that made it either." It was those very words that made Kagura, Hualin, Shuifon, Mei Mei and the crew feel very uncomfortable but anyways they moved on through the jungle with Hualin alongside her father. Kagura has now calmed down and is enjoying herself while she can before the next nasty surprise. "So umm... Hualin if you wanted to help Takashi find his Grandmother so badly, why didn't you volunteer to come with us?" Kagura asked when Hualin answered "He'd of just laughed at me if I did. For you see Takashi and I have quite a lot of differences between us and all. Most of all he does not usually see me as the adventurous type, he sees more as the sensitive, moany type."
"I can imagine why" thought Kagura as she rolled her eyes. "Look!" Takashi yelled pointing to a strange looking rock ahead of the party. It has the same sort of appearance as a skull.

 It has the same sort of appearance as a skull

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This is the rock here.

"The Skull rock, just like on the map" said Kagura. "Skull rock? I thought it was just added for decoration!" Takashi exclaimed. Hualin cautiously approached the rock while shaking in fear. "Is this really THE Skull rock?" She then asked. Suddenly there was a loud bellow in the distance. Everyone was unsure what it was and stayed where they were and heard it again, when Hualin asked "What was that?"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2017 ⏰

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