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After the storm Takashi laid unconscious on an island beach as the waves gently went over him. Then after a while Takashi slowly opened his eyes. "Ow, my head!" He moaned. "It feels like I've been ran over by a Blood Oxen from back home."

This is a Blood Oxen (despite it just being the head

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This is a Blood Oxen (despite it just being the head.)

When his vision cleared Takashi then realised that he was on the beach and noticed his uncle's ship and then started to search for the crew. "Uncle! Kagura! Anyone, where are you?" The boy shouted while walking along the beach. "Hey! Anybody hello! I think we've arrived!" Before Takashi yelled out again he heard a rustling noise coming from the thicket. "Who's there?" Takashi asked as he held his knife firmly. "Come out, I dare you. I've got a sharp knife and I ain't afraid to use it!" Then out the bushes was a small hybrid animal, unlike anything the young boy has seen before. It was the size of a squirrel, it had two bright orange eyes, colourful feathers on it's head, a long pointed nose with long whiskers, a forked tongue, a golden furry mane around it's head, four colourful insect-like wings and a body covered with red orangey fur with a black tail. "Allo" the little creature squeaked. "Did you just say hello?" Takashi asked but the creature replied "No, I said "Allo" but that's close enough." The 12 year old sheathed his knife away since it was such a small creature. "What are you?" He asked. "I don't know" said the creature. "Then do you have a name?" Takashi asked. "Of course! It's Mei Mei. What's yours?" The furry beast said. "Takashi" the young boy said as he bowed in respect. "Nice to meet you Takashi, but tell me, what are doing here on the island of the apes?" Mei Mei asked. What she said sent a quiver of excitement down Takashi's spine. "This is the island of the apes?" He asked excitedly before calming down and said "Well I've come here looking for my Grandmother on that ship, but as you see we had a running with those sea serpents and now I can't find my uncle, his crew or even my friend."
Mei Mei gave a little smile before flying into the air. "Come with me" she said as she flew in front of Takashi who followed after the little creature. They climbed over some rocks and got chased off by a few sea elephants that lived amongst them.

 They climbed over some rocks and got chased off by a few sea elephants that lived amongst them

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These are the two different types of sea elephant, Takashi was chased off by the second one down

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These are the two different types of sea elephant, Takashi was chased off by the second one down.

"Don't mind me!" Takashi shouted, then he noticed Kagura along with the crew! "There they are! Kagura! Uncle! Hey!" Takashi was yelling and Kagura screamed "Takashi! You're alive!" before hugging him tightly along with Shuifon. "I thought I'd lost you guys!" Takashi said. Then Mei Mei shows up and lands on Kagura's shoulder. "Who's this?" Asked Kagura. "I'm Mei Mei and I'd like to be with you" said the little creature making Kagura squeal "You cutesy! I'm gonna keep you." Takashi rolled his eyes at the pair before saying "Yeah while you two are at it, I'll be washing my shoes." He then went into the surf and put his shoes into the water to wash before taking them out again. "Hmm, actually I'm gonna keep my shoes off for a while" Takashi said as he buried his toes into the white sand. "I'd put those shoes back on if I were you" said Shuifon urgently. "Why? The sand feels lovely" Takashi replies before Kagura said "Okay, but if a Coconut Grab takes hold of you don't blame us."
"A Coconut Grab? What the heck is a Coconut Grab?" Asked the young boy before an octopus-like creature with a spiralled shell grabbed hold of his ankle! "That's a Coconut Grab nephew" Shuifon said bursting with laughter.

""A Coconut Grab? What the heck is a Coconut Grab?" Asked the young boy before an octopus-like creature with a spiralled shell grabbed hold of his ankle! "That's a Coconut Grab nephew" Shuifon said bursting with laughter

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This is what a Coconut Grab looks like.

"Get this thing off me!" Takashi shouts as the cephalopod makes its way up to his knee. "Hang on Takashi" said his friend as she tried to pull the animal off of Takashi's leg before it can go further. "Not so hard!" Yelled Takashi. "Okay I'll think of something else" said Kagura as she ran off. "Kagura, where are you going? Kagura?" Asked Takashi as the Coconut Grab creeped higher and higher up his leg. Just then Kagura came back with a coconut in her and showed to the creature. "Come on little guy, come on, come get the coconut" she said and with that the Coconut Grab loosened it's grip on Takashi's leg and went for the coconut. "Thanks for that" Takashi said as he rubbed his hands on his leg. "You're welcome" said his friend with a cheeky smile on her face. "So Kagura, guys how did you make it through the storm and the serpents?" The 12 year old asked while he wiped his feet dry. "Well it's a long story T" said Kagura before Shuifon said "It was just after you hit your head on that piece of wood that went flying and Kagura helped me and the rest of the crew to see off the serpents and make it through the storm. But when we saw you fall into the sea we thought we you were dead." Takashi was really in a state of guilt even though he was knocked out and somehow was washed ashore and survived the sea serpents. "Well I'm here now and that's what's important" said Takashi. This ended with Kagura hugging him tightly along with Mei Mei and Shuifon until Shuifon said "Okay everyone if we're going to find Takashi's Grandmother and my Mother in law we have to get off this beach and head inland." Then Takashi signalled the crew to follow him and then everyone headed into the jungle and what was in there was probably some Wasquitoes and Spider-snakes and....... who knows what other perils await our young heroes and their new found friend and Takashi's uncles crew?

The Legend of Takashi: The Island of the ApesWhere stories live. Discover now