Sea serpents

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Later that evening Takashi was in his cabin thinking how this voyage was going to turn out. But mostly he was thinking about what he said to upset Kagura. "I definitely deserved a fist in the face" he thought to himself as he rubbed the spot where he was punched. "Uncle Shuifon and that stupid reptile bird are right, I've got to apologise to Kagura." So Takashi got off of his bed and left his cabin to apologise to his friend for being a jerk. Before long he was in front of the door to Kagura's cabin and knocked on the door. The door suddenly opened as Kagura still had some anger in her yelled "WHAT!?"
"Look about earlier... I'm sorry. I never should of said what I just said, I was only messing about" Takashi said just Kagura pulled him into a hug and said "Apology accepted." Takashi smiled as he was glad that he and Kagura made up as friends again. "So do you think there's going to be more to the island than just apes living there?" He then asked. "Well going there is the only way to find out" said Kagura as she pulled one of the cutest smiles. The two friends looked at the map that Takashi's grandmother had about the island. They noticed that there was a skull of a baboon-like ape on the left side of the map. "This must be the symbol of the apes that live there" Kagura said. "Yeah, creepy" shivered Takashi. "How long did my uncle say when we arrive?" Before Kagura could answer she was interrupted by the sound of thunder and lightning from outside. "Kids! Kids! Kids, get back up here! We're going to need your help to get through this storm!" Shuifon shouted. "It said there was a storm surrounding the island" said Kagura as Takashi looked at her worried but they both put on their coats and went on deck only to see a very violent storm. "Secure the rigging!" Shouted Takashi's uncle. The young boy then rushed to his uncle while holding Kagura's hand and shouted "Uncle the map says the island is somewhere through this storm! If we keep going, we'll all be there in no time at all!"
"Takashi?" Kagura asked before pointing at something coming towards them. "What is that, a whale?" Takashi asked. "No, that's no whale" said the quartermaster. Suddenly a huge serpentine beast leapt out of the water and took one of the crew! "Sea serpents!" Yelled the crew as more and more serpents appeared. "They're everywhere!" Kagura screamed.

"We've got to do something!" Takashi shouted and then whispered "Kagura, remember the lessons our master Miyatsuko gave us?" Kagura guessed what Takashi was thinking and nodded

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"We've got to do something!" Takashi shouted and then whispered "Kagura, remember the lessons our master Miyatsuko gave us?" Kagura guessed what Takashi was thinking and nodded. "Let's do it" she said getting into her fighting position alongside Takashi. Just when a serpent with one eye leapt towards them, the duo leapt into the air and landed on it's head. "Come on" Takashi urged when the serpent lunged at him but deflected it with his Kung fu. Kagura then started kicking the beast on the chin at a rapid pace before throwing a barrel into its eye making it roar in pain! It also sent it swimming away from the ship. "What do you think you're doing?" Shuifon shouted. "Are you trying to get yourselves killed?"
"We want to help hold off the serpents" Takashi shouted back when another serpent leapt up from the sea! "Take this, you beast!" Kagura yelled as she punched the creature in the chin. "You can't just waltz in and try to take on serpents by yourselves you know!" Shuifon shouted angrily. "We've taken enough lessons from Miyatsiko to bring on such enormous foes! We're going to continue fighting them off, whether you like it or not!" Takashi yelled backed before using a Kung fu move to send a serpent back into the sea. Then half of the crew started to help out including the Quartermaster. "We've got your back laddie!" He said in a gruff voice. The men then picked up some harpoons and threw them at an incoming serpent with a long fin on it's back.

"Keep it still while I use one of my Mystic Kung fu moves, oh and keep your eyes closed" said Takashi before yelling "Golden Lotus Clap!" And clapping his hands together to create a golden, mystic light  and mist that blinded the beast! Shaking in...

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"Keep it still while I use one of my Mystic Kung fu moves, oh and keep your eyes closed" said Takashi before yelling "Golden Lotus Clap!" And clapping his hands together to create a golden, mystic light  and mist that blinded the beast! Shaking in agony the serpent broke free and unwittingly started to attack the other serpents. "Just as I planned" Takashi said proudly. "Takashi what was that? Master never taught me that!" Kagura shouted when Takashi said "Sorry Kagura, I couldn't tell you before that..... I've been having private lessons with master to learn more advanced Kung fu moves and that you saw was one of them! That's why I've been late coming home sometimes!" Kagura then smiled and shook her head before punching a serpent that was sneaking up behind her in the face, knocking it out. Takashi then leapt into the air and helped one of the crew with the sails as the winds blew violently through his hair! "Come on Takashi, there's more serpents on the way!" Shuifon bellowed. "I'll be right there!" Takashi roared when a piece of the ship broke off! One piece ended up hitting Takashi on the head and sent him falling into the sea! At first all he could in the water were shapes and shadows of the battle above until he blacked out completely.

The Legend of Takashi: The Island of the ApesWhere stories live. Discover now