Truth behind Hell creatures (Part 1)

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~Kristine's P.O.V.

After we left the restaurant I could have sworn everyone cheered as we exited.Talk about rude!Any who Anthony teased me the whole night about my awkward position I was me I wasn't to happy about and ended up smacking Sebastian...the boy just gets to grabby.

He followed us home and of course he ignored my passed out mother who was laying down on the floor once again.Ugh I swear if I had a penny for every time I found her like that I would be a millionaire!Maybe even a billionaire!It was getting late so I let Anthony stay with us in my room...worst.Mistake.Ever.

He ended up beating up Sebastian,while Sebastian was passed out cold inside my closet Anthony was getting too comfortable on my bed next to me.Any other girl would have been happy to grant him permission to sleep on their bed but me on the other hand was not that type of girl.He ended up being kicked over five times or so in the are where the sun don't shine.


Morning came rather quickly for my liking.I got dressed quickly seeing my alarm clock.I was freaking late to work!I didn't care I was undressing in front of two males in a fairly small room.Ineeded to get to work!

I ran downstairs making toast quickly as possible and headed out the door jogging to the nearest bus stop.

Like always it was a chilly morning.I can't wait until my small brain finally decides to move from this boring place.

"You're late." Stated Mr.Valence while smoking and sitting on my empty desk.

Something's not right...

"I'm sorry sir!It won't happen again!"

"You said that the last two times." The first time was because I overslept...oops.And the second was around the time when I cared for my mother.She was in the hospital for the cause of her alcohol.

"I'm sorry sir please give me another chance-"

"Get out of my face.You disgust me.When I was you're age I was more successful and responsible person than you!"

Gee sir that must have been a long time...

"What do you mean?"

"You're fired.Get out." He spat he frightened a little girl that was sat in the waiting area.She trembled holding her teddy near closely.

"It's ok sweetie.He usually isn't mean,"(Lie.)"He wouldn't hurt you so don't worry about your precious teeth.Okay?" She smiled up at me and hugged me whispering thank you in a shaky voice.

I sighed and exited my old job that I been working at for about two years now.That place may have been crummy and all but it sure did pay good.

I skipped the bus and decided to just walk home.It wasn't that far.Just about a five minute walk or maybe even ten.


As I arrived home I found mom making out with some stranger.Great not this again.

"Who's this?!" I yelled at her pointing at the half naked man in my kitchen.

"My boyfriend." She smiled and continued kissing him.More like eating him.

"Whore," I said in a disgusted tone making my way to my bedroom.Right outside my bedroom I felt a huge horrible tension behind my door.

As I opened it I saw Sebastian and Anthony growling at each other while Rashel and Raquel were doing the same.

"Great a family reunion." I commented and sat down turning on my tv ignoring their confused looks.

"Hey,Kris?You alright?" Asked Raquel who made her way towards me.I tensed at what she called me.Kris... I guess it been a while since I have been called that.

"No.I got fired from my only job." I felt a strong pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist.Anthony sat behind me pulling me into his muscular chest making me go to shock.Damn was his chest always this hard.

"Eww," one disgusted Rashel stuck her tongue out at me for no reason.

Anthony chuckled pushing me tighter into his chest.

"You know that is what humans consider TMI,Kris." Stated Raquel scowling at me and Anthony.

"What are you talking about?"

"You idiot you never told her did you?" Raquel snapped at one pissed off Sebastian,smacking the back of his head.

"Tell me what?"

"Us hell creatures can read humans mind..." Muttered Raquel

Oh great.

"Really?!" Oh great that mean Sebastian heard everything I said last time when I said my demon...and that time-

"Yep sure did!" A now cheerful Sebastian chirped.

"Reapers and Demons are different...For example Reapers only have one ability besides reading human minds and that is changing weapons but then again that depends on what rank you are," Rashel commented still talking but I ignored her.

"Sadly I envy my brothers for their ability." Sighed Raquel whacking a chattery Rashel with the sheath of her sword.

"What ability do you have?" I asked Anthony looking up at his grey eyes. He smirked and suddenly I was surrounded by ice-cream,gummy bears-basically candy!Right when I was going to stuff my face with it the image blurred away and I was still sat in between Anthony's legs and resting myself against his chest.

"I can make anyone see what I want them to see.Kind of like a hallucination." He said rather proudly.

"What about you,Sebastian?" I asked him and he only motioned me to approach him.I got up from in between Anthony and made my way to Sebastian.He held my hand and I was surround by doctors all of a sudden and when I turned around I saw my mom huffing and puffing while she sweated.

Dad was next to her holding her hand telling her to push.I turned once more and saw a crying baby being hold by a doctor who was laughing and congratulating them for having a girl.

"Daddy?" I shouted and felt tears roll down my cheeks.The image in front of me blurred and I was suddenly cradled by Sebastian who began chanting 'sorry' as he stroked my hair and wiping my stray tears with his thumb.

"Basically I can see anyone's memories and show them to anyone I want," he whispered not letting me go.

"You were a cute baby back then!" Commented Rashel saying aww pinching my cheeks.

I pulled away from Sebastian and looked around me.Everyone was smiling at me with a worry expression.I quickly ran from my room to my bathroom locking myself inside and sobbed.


He looked so happy and young when I was born...

Now he was just bones underground in abandon graveyard.

"Daddy..." I whispered sobbing a bit more.

*^.^ sowwy I sucked at this chapter lol I was kind of in a rush :P update number 2 for the day!!!


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