A little bit loony

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Make sure to read the kitten claims her mate first, I tried to explain some things for first time readers, but it will be much more enjoyable if you read it in order 💜 Hope you enjoy!

Betty giggled and pushed Jax away. "I need to get some sleep. I have a canasta game with Jack tomorrow. If I don't get enough sleep I won't have the patience to deal with his antics!"

Jax growled and kissed Betty's flat stomach. "I don't like sharing you. Quit your job."

"I told you already, I can't quit. They are my friends. Besides, Jack is the only person who knows anything about who I am."

" I know who you are. You are my mate. Anything else isn't important."

Betty rolled her eyes and pushed Jax away again. "I'm serious, I need my sleep. Play with Kilala if you're lonely."

Jax smirked and leaned back. "Fine, I wouldn't want to wake up to a bear in the morning. You should ask Jack if your alien ancestors were cranky in the mornings too."

"Bite me, Jax."

"Well now that's what I've been trying to do, sweetheart."

They laughed and settled into bed, spooning each other. He kissed her neck and mumbled a goodnight.


Betty put her hands on her hip and glared at Jack. Jack was a resident at the care home where she worked. He was also the only person who knew exactly what Betty was. Only he wasn't being very forth coming with his knowledge.

She was an orphan and had grown up in a variety of foster homes, none of them loving. When she had aged out of the system, she got her CNA license and started living a perfectly boring life.

Then one day she discovered that her subconscious takes the form of a cat when she's in a deep sleep. That cat, named Kilala, chose Jax as her mate. Jax just happened to be the alpha of the local werewolf pack. He drove her crazy most days, but he was the other half of her soul. Without him, she would lose her strength.

"Jack, I really need to know more about my alien heritage. I don't even know what I am!"

"You are loony, my dear sweet Betty. Loony and probably a bit constipated, based on your irritability." Jack laid down a red canasta and discarded his last card.

"Why, I do believe I'm out! How many points is that for me? Hmmm it puts me over 5,000 that's for sure. Oh dear, oh dear. You have quite the handful there. Should we count points or do you want to declare me the winner?" He grinned his patented grin and continued to boast.

"Jack, I've been patiently waiting for answers."

"No, you haven't. You ask me every time you see me."

"And yet you've hardly told me anything. My cat chose my mate. Done. We give each other energy when we are together, I'm the alien equivalent of a teenager- even though I'm almost thirty, and I am a little bit faster than humans. That doesn't help me much! I need to know important things, like how long is the normal gestation period, what is my planet called and why did I end up here? Are my parents still alive? Answer at least one of those questions!"

Jack put his cards down and said, "One year."

"One year, what?" She asked, glaring at Jack.

"It's the answer to one of those questions." He got up and smiled again, "Oh and I suppose you should know that I'm your grandpa. Toodaloo!" He waved his fingers in farewell and danced out of the room.

"Dammit, Jack get back here!" She yelled after him, but of course he didn't listen.

She sighed and picked up the cards, putting them away. She loved that old coot, but sometimes she wished she could strangle him. She shook her head and smiled. She had a grandpa.

Afterwards, she drove to Jax's recently acquired property in the woods. Long story short, there was a crazy rogue that terrorized Jax's pack and murdered three people. Jax preformed wolf justice on him and took his land for the pack. She was heading over there to spend a few hours with Jax before heading home.

She jumped out of the car and smiled at Jax. He was overseeing the building project. He was standing in the field without his shirt on, with his muscles on full display. He was tall and muscular with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. He was devastatingly handsome; she counted herself lucky every day with him.

She hurried over to him and gave him a hug. He grinned down at her and tweaked her nose.

"How was Jack, sweetheart?"

"Ornery as ever! He told me he's my grandpa- which is awesome, but he couldn't have told me earlier? I've known him for like 5 years!"

"Wow, that's both great and messed up. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"Good. Now that I have you alone, want to play little red riding hood and the big bad wolf?" He showed his fangs to her and howled.

Betty giggled and screamed before running away. Man, she loved Jax. He always made her feel better when she was feeling down.

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