Jason and Rose

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Betty left work feeling exhausted. The place just wasn't the same without Jack. She had played bingo with the ladies and no one yelled at her. When she brought out the jello cups no one threw theirs at the wall demanding booze in the shots. The ladies missed him too- they didn't have anyone except George to dress up for, and he had a toothless grin that did not work on the ladies.

She drove to the new pack house and parked next to Jax's truck. Her plan for the day was to pick out the flooring and counter tops for the new alpha house.

She felt nervous about picking everything out. She still wasn't exactly comfortable in her position as Luna, but she knew that the wolves felt better when she was assertive. She took a deep breath and gave herself the old pep talk: it will be okay. Just be truthful; you don't have to impress anyone.

Except for the she wolves, that is. She definitely felt like they were scrutinizing her every move. Maybe they were just bored? She would have to talk to Jax about assigning them more responsibilities. Like one of her foster moms said, if you have time to gossip, you have time to work.

She walked into the alpha house and marveled at the progress. The pack had people on all different work schedules. Wolves that worked graveyard normally spent their days off contributing to the new buildings. Same with day shifts and swing shifts. This meant that people were literally working on it around the clock.

All the wolves had a common goal. Build themselves a community, separate from humans. A place to be free, safe and happy. It was beautiful to watch the unity in action.

Betty smiled as she walked through the doorway into the kitchen. It didn't have doors yet, but it would have cute French style doors eventually. The kitchen looked amazing- she could imagine how it would look with the cabinets and counters. There was a huge window that let lots of natural light in. The view was of the forest, and she could see pups playing. This was perfect.

She smiled at Rose, a shy but kind wolf, and Wendy. Wendy had really tried to be friendly and supportive the last couple times they interacted.

"Hello, the kitchen looks great! I can really imagine myself cooking family meals here."

"The kitchen is the heart of the home," added Rose shyly.

Betty nodded in agreement and looked over at Jason. He was over by the outlets talking to the electrician and plumber. She did a double take. Was he wearing a suit?

She grinned at him and said, "You're looking nice! What's the occasion?"

She could have sworn he blushed and his eyes shifted to Rose. Oh. She looked at Rose who was busy talking to Wendy about color schemes. She seemed oblivious to Jason's interest.

"Go and talk to her," Betty urged. If Rose was anything like her, Jason would have to make his interest clear. When you're shy it's hard to imagine anyone being interested. Or maybe that was just Betty's low self esteem.

Betty shook that thought off. She hated the little thought monkeys that popped in her head at random moments to tell her that she wasn't good enough. Heathens. She forced her thoughts back to the positive feelings she had about Jason crushing on a girl. She hoped Jason and Rose hit it off- they were both so kind. And let's face it, Jason needed a woman in his life to hold him back from Cheetos and Call of Duty.

Jason got a panicked look in his eyes and said, "Talk to who?"

Betty rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand. She pulled him over to the women and said, "You guys know Jason, right?"

"Yes, Luna. We're a small pack, so we all know each other," Wendy said slowly, like she was talking to a small child.

Ugh. Of course they knew each other! Well, there went that plan. She'd been planning to introduce them, not thinking it through. Now that she dragged Jason over, though, she had to do something.

She felt her stress skyrocket with the realization that everyone was looking at her. What could she say? Think! Think! Think!

"Right. So umm, here's Jason." She cringed. She obviously hadn't been successful at thinking.

Jason smirked at Betty, his dimple showing. His amusement was clear to see. He looked at the women and proved why Betty liked him so much. Even Kilala, who didn't really like anyone except Jax, liked him.

He said, "Betty wanted me to get your opinions on what counter tops we should put in."

Immediately the awkwardness vanished and the women started talking colors and styles. Betty watched Jason and Rose closely. She kept noticing Rose peeking at Jason when she thought no one was looking. She knew it! They were so cute.

Betty let them control the conversation, honestly wanting their opinion and wanting to let Jason and Rose talk. She wondered if they'd talked much before now. For all she knew, maybe they were secretly dating. She didn't think so, but obviously she had a lot to learn about pack relationships.

By the end of the evening she was convinced of two things. Her kitchen was going to be lovely and Jason and Rose were totally in to each other.

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