A few answers

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Pack life went on like normal after Bre was ousted. Wendy made an effort to be friendlier, but Betty wasn't ready to trust her anytime soon. Her time in foster care taught her not to trust easily and it was a hard habit to break. Thankfully the construction of their pack house effectively distracted everyone from any drama.

Betty was musing about the changes in her life when two arms snaked around her. She leaned into Jax and smiled. It was early morning and she was making pancakes for everyone. She'd started making breakfast at least once a week for everyone. She turned her head and kissed his bare chest- god he was magnificent.

"What's your plans today?"

"I'm going to talk with Jack's doctors today. I'm hoping since I'm his granddaughter that I'll be able to bring him home to live with me."

Jax made a face and Betty scowled. "Before you say anything, remember that I love that old coot. It's okay for me to grumble about him because I love him- anyone else who does it is getting smacked."

"Duly noted," Jax said with a smile. He kissed Betty's neck and murmured against her ear, "Do we have time for a quickie?"

"The pancakes will burn."

"My pack loves burnt food."

"They might  catch on fire!"

"It'll keep them on their toes, they're getting lazy."

That morning the pack ate burnt pancakes.


Betty went to work and found Jack playing cards with a table of women. He was a horrible flirt. She smiled and pulled Jack away from his adoring fans.

"Jack, I got the okay to have you move in with me if you want."

His eyebrows rose and he said, "What makes you think I want to leave here? I'm having the time of my life!"

"Well, I thought if you lived with me you could teach me more about my people.  Plus, doesn't everyone want out of here?"

He smiled and patted Betty's head and said, "Kid, I can't tell you what you want to know. Knowledge is a very dangerous thing. Too little or too much can have disastrous results. The way of our kind is gone for a reason."

"Then why did you tell me to find you when things got weird?" She asked, exasperated. Couldn't he have just told her that from the start, instead of playing around for months?

"Two reasons- you are funny when your mad and so I could monitor your powers." He grinned and then walked away. If Betty didn't love him so much, she would have killed him.

A part of her was sad that he didn't want to live with her. A part of her had imagined them growing closer and becoming a real family. The orphan in her would always dream of being loved.

She shook those feelings away and threw her energy into work. Jack was back at the table playing cards and he really did look happy. This was probably the best place for him to be after all.

That night she went straight home and showered. Afterwards, she went over to Jax's. She found Jason on the couch, eating smores, jelly beans and drinking orange soda.

"Doesn't your belly every beg you to stop?" She asked with a grin. "If I ate that combination, I'd be so sick."

"Nah, I'm a werewolf- I don't get sick," he replied with a smile. He patted the spot next to him and called her over.

"Jax is finishing up at the pack house. They're putting electrical and plumbing in. Soon we'll move on to cosmetic stuff. Hey, did Jax ask if you wanted carpet or wood floors?"

She frowned and said, "I haven't been asked anything. I kind of got the impression that it was pack stuff."

"Pack stuff is your stuff. You're our Luna." He spoke matter of factly, like it was a given. Was she the only one who felt like she didn't belong?

"People keep saying that! What does that mean?"

Jason rolled his eyes and said, "My god, do you and Jax ever talk? Or do you just screw all the time? You are Jax's mate. He's the alpha of our pack. That means that he is in charge. He leads and protects us. You are the Luna, which means you lead the she wolves. You stand by the alpha and keep our pack strong, united, all of that stuff."

"But I'm not stronger than the she wolves! How can I lead them?"

"Yeah, you are pretty weak."

"Hey!" She punched him  and laughed when he held his chest, feigning an injury. "If a weakling like me hurt you, then what does that make you?"

They laughed and the mini tutorial about pack dynamics was over. They were watching tv together when Jax came home.

The moment he walked in, Kilala burst into life, jumping around her subconscious. "Our wonderful is here! Kiss him! Take him upstairs and do that one thing with him..."

He strode right to her and grabbed her, pulling her upstairs. She laughed and playfully tried to get away. He just growled and pushed her against the wall.

"Not now. My wolf is fighting for control. God, I missed you." He sniffed her neck and growled softly, almost like a purr. "Come upstairs, sweetheart."

She nodded and followed him upstairs. This had happened before. Jax had explained his wolf was territorial of his mate. Seeing her with Jason probably set his wolf off.

There were times when his wolf was more in control and didn't understand that she was only playing. Her struggling to get out of his grip probably looked like a rejection to the wolf. Of course she wanted to go upstairs with him, silly wolf. She smiled and thought of all the ways she could sooth the wolf.

Jason was right, they did screw more than they talked.

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