The invitation

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A week later, Betty placed a bouquet of roses on Jax's table. She carefully propped up a note with his name on it and smiled. The note had directions for him to come over to her house tonight because she had something special planned for him. He'd been so busy at the building site that she hadn't been able to spend quality time with him in a long time. That was changing tonight.

She ran over to her house and dimmed all the lights. She had candles lit and soft music playing to set a romantic mood. She hoped Jax liked her surprise! She stripped out of her clothes and made a trail leading to the bedroom. She ended with her panties right outside her door. That should give him a pretty big clue what she had in mind for him, she thought with a smirk.

She shut herself in her bedroom and finished getting ready. She swiped on lipstick and fluffed her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was wearing black lingerie and high heels. Jax would love it. She positioned herself on the bed and waited.

Jax had said he'd be home by 8:00 pm and it almost 8 now. She couldn't wait to try out a new move she'd learned on the Internet. She smiled and pictured what she would do to Jax and what he'd hopefully do for her.

"He's home, he should be here any moment!"

She perked up and waited to hear his footsteps. The silence seemed to stretch for forever. She frowned and checked her cell phone, no messages. Why wasn't he here? He had super speed, it shouldn't take him long to run over.

"Kilala, are you sure he's home?"

"Yes, his wolf told me the second they got there. He smelled you by the flowers and was happy."

"So he saw the flowers?"

"Yes... Should I tell him to come over?"

Betty chewed on her lip and slowly shook her head. She didn't want to come across as too needy. She'd left him a note, which he obviously saw, it was up to him if he wanted to come.

Her phone beeped and a message from Jax appeared. Hey sweetheart, I'm beat and am going to call it a night. See you tomorrow? Maybe you could make your awesome pancakes for everyone again? Love you 😘

She stared at the text and frowned. What the bloody hell? She angrily stripped off her lingerie and heels and went downstairs to blow out the candles. She wanted to march over there and chew him out. If they were dating she would seriously consider dumping his ass for missing a romantic date without apology and demanding damn pancakes on top of it all. What was she, his servant? She fumed the more she considered it.

"Our wonderful wouldn't hurt us on purpose. You should go over and bring the party to him."

"Don't you get it, cat? He brushed us off. He isn't interested. He's a guy. He's always horny. I handed him hot steamy sex on a silver platter and he turned it down without an apology. This is big."

"He's our mate. Let me talk to his wolf-"

"No! I don't want to hear his damn name for the rest of the night. No Mr. Wonderful, no mate talk, no wolf talk. I'm going to sleep and then you can do whatever your furry butt wants to do."

She tossed and turned for hours until finally sleep claimed her.


Jax walked downstairs and frowned at the empty kitchen. Where was Betty? He saw Jason eating cereal with Bre and Wendy. He grabbed a bowl and growled lowly. He hated cereal.

Bre smiled up at him. She was the strongest she wolf in the pack. It was expected for a while that she'd be his mate, but his wolf had never fancied her. She stood up and grabbed the bowl from his hands.

"Let me make you some bacon and eggs, Jax."

He smiled gratefully at her and sat down. Jason shot up and shoved his bowl away too.

"Hey! Why didn't you offer to make me some too? I'm a growing wolf! I need bacon and eggs, not cereal!"

Bre rolled her eyes and promised to make him food too. Jax sat back in his chair and sniffed the air. Betty hadn't come over this morning or replied to his text last night. Kilala had curled up with him last night as usual, but it was weird for Betty not to stop by.

Kilala had aged and was no longer a kitten. She was an orange and black tabby, with big soulful eyes and a spunky attitude. She'd slept on his bed every night since he'd accepted Betty as his mate. For the most part it was just Kilala during these visits, but sometimes Betty would be able to see through her eyes.

Bre leaned over and placed a hot plate of food in front of him and he thanked her absently. She smiled and sat down next to him with her own plate.

"I hope Betty is okay, I thought for sure she'd be here today to cook for the workers. Maybe something came up."

"I'm sure she's fine," Jax said shortly.

"You know, I tried to take her under my wing and teach her about the pack. Making breakfast for everyone last week was my idea. I thought it would help some of the gossip I've heard about her."

"What gossip? Who is talking about my mate?" Jax growled and glared at Bre. She continued cutting her eggs carefully and looked unconcerned about his anger. Jason was glaring from his seat too. His face was red and he looked like he was ready to shake Bre for answers.

"Just some of the she wolves. She's very submissive and antisocial. I keep reminding the others that we can't hold her to the same standard as the rest of us. We've been trained since we were pups to be a part of the pack, to contribute and to find our spot in the pack. She has lived alone most of her life and isn't used to thinking of anyone but herself. I tell them not to worry about what kind of Luna she will be. It will all be sorted out eventually."

"Antisocial, my ass! She's is one of the most caring people I know. Jax you aren't going to let them speak about her like that are you?" Jason defended.

Jason was his brother and they shared a lot of the same features. While Jax was more serious and dominant, Jason was fun loving and disheveled. He was also the best tracker for the pack. It was rare for him to be so serious, but he'd been the first person to accept Kilala and Betty in the pack. No way would he let others, even members of the same pack, talk bad about her.

Jax frowned and stood up from the table. "I'm sure she has a good reason for not coming this morning. Bre can you please make breakfast for the workers? I'm going to go check on her." He waved at Jason, telling him to drop it and stalked over to her house. She better have a good reason for ignoring his text last night.

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