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Betty woke up with the distinct memory that Kilala had done something naughty. She couldn't remember exactly what she'd done, but she remembered the feelings of delight and mischief. Both were a bad sign in the troublesome kitty.

"What did you do?" Evil laughter was the only reply.

Betty sighed and got dressed in her favorite X-Men shirt and a pair of comfy jeans. She had no doubt she'd learn soon enough what had happened last night. In the meantime she had chores to do before work.

She had found that regular contact with Jax had gifted her with more energy and faster speed. She used that speed now to zoom around her house, cleaning and dancing. She finished the whole townhouse in half an hour. She was in the middle of doing some old school dance moves when she looked out the window and saw Koga.

She smiled brightly and ran to open the door. She rarely spent time with Jax's wolf anymore. Back before she knew about werewolves, she'd thought Koga was a friendly, if slightly spoiled and demanding pet. She'd actually had to feed him steak on chinaware! That should have clued her in that Koga wasn't a typical dog, but love is blind. And she'd loved that dog.

"What are you doing here? Everything ok? Do you want to come in? Should I talk to you like you're a dog or my lover? Am I talking as fast as I think I'm talking?" Her speed apparently also affected her words if she was excited enough.

Koga's ears flattened and he growled angrily. He nudged her to the door and scratched at it, leaving claw marks on the wood. She quickly opened it, looking around to see if there was danger outside. It was a typical sunny day, no people in sight. What was going on?

She followed him in baffled as to why Jax wasn't turning into a man. Maybe it was werewolf thing. Was it a full moon? Did that effect them?

"Kilala can you ask Koga what's wrong?" Betty asked as she watched him pace angrily. "Kilala?" There was nothing but silence. Kilala was never silent. She was always purring, hissing, threatening or making lewd comments.

She walked over to Koga and dropped down on her knees to hug him. His muscles were coiled, ready to spring, and his hackles were up. What was wrong with him?

"Koga, are you ok?" A growl was his response, but it came out more grumbly than angry.

"Koga, can you turn into Jax?" That got her a doggy eye roll. Okay.

Betty threw her arms up in the air and said, "I don't know what to do then, buddy! I have to go to work though, so you can just pace in here until I'm back."

That got a reaction. Koga jumped in front of the door, blocking it with his massive body. How had she ever thought he was a dog? He was huge and all muscle.

She put her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Just because we are mates doesn't mean you can tell me what to do. I need to bloody go to work!"

She tried pushing and pleading, but nothing worked. She finally gave up when she saw the clock. She only had 10 minutes before her shift started. She glared at the stubborn wolf and silently cussed out Kilala. Why were the animals going crazy today?

"Kilala, if this has anything to do with what you did last night, then you are in serious trouble. I need to go to work and something is wrong with Jax! Talk to Koga, please?"

"Shhhh two legger, I'm sleepy."


Fake snoring filled her mind. Betty scrubbed her face. She didn't have time for this.

She dropped down on her knees in front of Koga and buried her head in his fur. They hadn't even had a real relationship talk, let alone the how much of you is in your wolf talk. She knew that with Kilala she was often just in the back seat when Kilala was present. Sometimes it was like she was sleeping, but sometimes she was actively aware. She'd noticed that when the wolf was mostly in control it made him territorial and moody if he thought there was a threat. So maybe he was scared about something?

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