Chapter Forty-Three Bracelet

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I helped out Justin with his song, and gave him my number. Then I was in California. L.A. to be specific. Okay, go check flights Paisley. I went up to the lady, and she said the next flight to Iowa was tomorrow at noon.

So, I have a day to waste in L.A. I left the airport and headed to the beach. I didn't care which one, I just told the taxi driver to drive to the nearest one.

I went out on the beach and sat down. Not many people were there, it was kind of cloudy out. I sat there, and realized that Liam gave me something. I dug through my bag and found the little box. I took a deep breath. Then slowly opened it.

In the little box was a bracelet. There were charms on it. A four-leaf clover, Niall. A cell phone, Harry. A Lamborgini, Zayn. A carrott, Louis. With that a heart with the British flag in it. Then what suprised me the most was that there were two microphones together on the same chain, Liam and I. A tear escaped my eye. I miss them already. But I had to move on. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number. Mum's.

Ring Ring Ring

"Paisley! My dear!"

"Hi Mum."

Her voice tone changed, "What's wrong?"

"I'm done with them."

"I knew this would come soon."

"I should have."

"You're flight is in two days, where are you in England, I might be able to get you."

"I'm actually in California Mum. I left right away."

"Where in California?"


"I don't want you there alone, you're too young."

"Mum, I'll be fine."

"Which is why I'm calling Richard's sister! She lives there!"

"Just my luck," I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. Just have her meet me at," I looked at the sign of the beach name, "Dockweiler Beach."

"Will do! Love you honey! You're strong." Then she hung up the phone. I wiped the tear off of my cheek. Then I looked into the sea. It was beautiful. There were hard waves crashing back into the water. There was a cool breeze. My arms had goosebumps. The bracelet was in my hand. That's all I could look at.

After about thirty minutes, Oscar came and sat down next to me in the sand. I looked up at her. Her brown eyes were looking into mine. "Come on, let's go," she said getting up holding her hand out for me to take it.

I nodded my head, and reached my hand to connect to hers. She pulled me up. "Why don't you call me Maria, instead of Oscar. Hm?" I smiled and nodded my head. She seamed like a totally different person than when she was in Britian. We put my things into her car. She got into the drivers seat, while I got into the passengers. "I have fresh hot chocolate made at home. It's a little chilly out than it normally is here during this time."

After about ten minutes, we pulled up to a decent sized house. It had three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a decent sized kitchen. Well, that's what she told me. Once we got in, she gave me a tour, but she said I needed to be quiet. I didn't hear why, but I was. We went through the downstairs, then we went up the stairs to the bedrooms. I heard crying, like from a baby. "Oh, she's up!" Maria said rushing into one of the rooms. I walked over to see a little baby girl in her arms.

I leaned against the door frame, "Is she yours?" I asked.

Maria looked up at me, "Yes, her father died before she was born, in Iraq."

"I'm so sorry," I said.

"It's alright, we're getting through it."

I nodded, "Why wasn't she at the wedding?"

"She went to his parents house. Would you like to hold her?" I nodded my head, and walked over to her. "This is Bailey May George."

"She's beautiful."

"Let me go get her bottle, she'll just stay there pretty calm." I nodded my head, and Maria left. Bailey started to fuss, I didn't know what to do, so I sang to her.

"Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell. You don't know. You don't know you're beautiful. Na na na na na na na na na. Na na na na na na na na na. You don't know you're beautiful," I sang to her as if it was a slow song. It sounded good. Bailey slowly fell back asleep. She was so small, she was just perfect.

"She likes you," Maria said at the door.

I smiled, and put Bailey back in her crib, and said, "I like her too."

"Well, you should get some rest, your plane leaves to take you home tomorrow, and you start school soon," Maria said. I nodded my head, and walked into the guest bedroom. I fell asleep quickly, very quickly.

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