Chapter Three Car Rides

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"Come one Liam get up! It's almost time to go!" I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Just go without me, I'm glued to the bed," he said grabbing the pillow.

"Obviously we can't leave without you!" I said, "and if you don't get up, I might just have to break your Toy Story movies!"

"I'm up! Don't touch my Toy Story movies!" He said chucking a pillow at me.

"Too late!" I said pulling to cases out of my back pocket.

"Give me those!" he said chasing me.

"Nope!" I went running out to the car with them in my hand. Before I could reach the door though, Liam grabbed me, and pulled me over his shoulder. "Here you go!" I said handing him them so he would put me down.

"Thank you," he said ran in dropped them on the table, and came running back out to the car.

"How dare you threaten me with putting Toy Story in danger, I don't think we can be friends!" he said crossing his arms sarcastically.

"Oh, come on, you know you love me!" I said pinching his cheek, "want me to get a spoon next time?"

"I'm over that!" he said putting a little kids pouting face on.

"Sure," I said looking out the window.


"Paisley, you fell asleep!" Liam said shaking me.

"Oh, sorry," I said moving around a little.

Liam flicked his hair, "You always do that!" I said.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Flick your hair like this!" I decided to imitate his little hair flick with my long curly brown hair, it flew all over my face.

"Now that looks beautiful!" he said sarcastically.

"Liam, I hate this!" I said while fixing my hair.

"Hate what?" he asked moving a strand of hair away from my face.

"Realizing that you could become famous and totally forget about me!" I told him.

"Well, stop that rubbish! I will never forget about you!" he said smiling.

"I have to give you something!" I said grabbing my purse.

"Um, okay," he said adjusting in his seat so he was facing me.

I kept looking through my purse, until I found it. It was a picture of us two. We were sitting in a tree, and Karen found us, so she took a picture of us two from ground level. It was really cute, and it was only taken two months ago, so it was up to date. I handed it to him. He was speechless.

"This was the day we decided that Cry Me A River was the song I would sing for my audition," he said looking up at his mum driving.

"It should fit into your phone case, I just wanted you to have it, so when I wasn't able to talk to you, or you weren't able to talk to me, you could just look at the picture and know that I'm always right there for you," I said smiling.

"This is perfect," he said, "man, I'm going to miss seeing your eyes everyday!"

"I know, they're one of a kind!" I said widening them.

"You bet they are!" he said.

"We are almost there," Karen said from up front.

"Also, if you need to see my eyes in person, out section is Aa, so just look around in that section for me, and I'll be there," I told him.

"I have to get passed bootcamp, and the judges houses first," he said to me.

"Hey, just calm down, you'll do great!" I said. We pulled up to the place where Liam was supposed to go for bootcamp. He slid the picture into his phone case. I got out of the car with him. He took a deep breathe, Karen gave her son a hug, then it was my turn.

"Hey, you can do it," I said. I gave him a hug, and said, "Don't ever be scared, I'll send you a message or picture every morning and night. Don't make people think you'll only talk to me, make friends with new people. You don't need to talk about me, I can be your little secret, promise?" I asked. "

I promise," he said, then we broke apart from the hug. "Every song I sing will be for you, unless its a song about somebody leaving another person," he said laughing, "I'll miss you."

"Don't, I'm always in your heart," I said. Then he had to leave.

I decided to make him smile, because he looked worse than it was the first time he left for bootcamp. I decided to take a picture of him walking up to the doors. I sent it to him right away. He stopped before he was at the door, pulled out his phone, and laughed. He turned around and gave me the smile I was looking for. I waved to him, he waved back, then he was gone. I knew I wouldn't see him until we were able to again, but it wouldn't be long.

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