Chapter Sixty Times a Million

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(Liam's POV)

We said goodbye to the fans, then I came off the stage, looking for her. I can't lose her again. I want her. I need her. I saw her looking at me and talking to Sophie, then she turned and started to run away. I started to run after her, but many hands grabbed my arms and held me back. I even called her name, she didn't stop until she got to and exit door. She turned around and looked at me, she then opened the door and left. "Where is she going!?" I yelled right at Sophie. She looked down. "Tell me! I need to find her! Now where is she going! I need her!" I said, "I need her," I said looking down. I would've fallen to the ground if the boys weren't holding onto me. I looked up at Sophie again, she had a sympathetic look. "Please," I whispered.

She took a deep breath. "She's going home." When she said that I know she didn't mean Iowa. Pais doesn't call that home. I know what she calls home. I started to walk towards the door.

"Liam, how are you going to get there?" Zayn asked.

"Taxi?" I said questioning his question.

"With what money?" Louis asked. I felt my pockets, then went to my room. I went for my phone on the coffee table. It wasn't just my phone sitting there. The bracelet that I gave her when we were eight was sitting there, and it looked like a song. It was a song that she wrote for us. The title was 'Story of My Life'. I folded it so it could fit in my pocket, then put my phone and bracelet with the song. I grabbed my wallet and went out the door. The boys were all waiting there.

"Where are you going?! We have the after party!" Connie said walking up to us. I looked to the boys for some help. Louis walked over to some poster in a glass frame on the wall. He picked it up, and turned towards us.

"Liam has to leave, now," Louis said.

"Louis, please put that back on the wall, and he can't! He has to be at the party! Your manager told me!" she said to him.

"I will drop this!" Louis shouted. A smile came on my face. I love that guy!

"You're bluffing!" she said crossing her arms.

"No I'm not!" he said back to her. The boys and I were trying to hold in our laughs, we know that he's going to do it.

"Louis, if you do this, I'm telling your manager!" she said pointing at him. He just raised it up high into the air.

He then looked at me, "Run Liam." Then a huge crash happened, and I was running for the exit of the building. I opened the doors to tons of fans. They all started to scream, and were yelling Paisley's and my ship name. I tried my best to get through, there were so many girls.

I finally got to the edge of the sidewalk, girls were grabbing my arms, but then a car pulled up, and it wasn't a taxi. The window rolled down, and it was Connor, Paisley's friend. "Get in you idiot!" he shouted. I opened the door, and slid into the front seat, then closed and locked the door before fans would try to get in too.

"What are you doing out there!?" He shouted.

"I need to get to the airport! I need to get to Paisley!" I told him.

"Why is she going there?" he asked.

"It's a long story."

"We've got time." I looked at him like he was crazy. "Dude a One Direction concert just finished, and it's New York, traffic."

I nodded, and started to tell him everything that happened today.

(Paisley's POV)

"Now boarding flight 285 to Wolverhampton, England," the speaker said. I stood up, and stepped onto the plane. I quickly found my seat next to the window. I could feel my eyes being puffy from crying. I think I took care of the make-up. It shouldn't be that smeared anymore. I'm so tired. I should just get some rest. I could also use a water. I'm exhausted from the singing. I wonder how they do it, they run all around the place, sing more songs, and do it all the time. I really need to stop.

The flight attendant quickly went through all of the rules and procedures of the plane, then we were in the air.

"Excuse me, Miss?" I asked the lady in her fancy uniform walk by.

She turned to me and smiled, "Yes, how can I help you?"

"Could you please get me a water?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll be right back!"

"Thanks." I looked out the window to see the moon. I wonder if he see it too.

(Liam's POV)

We finally got to the airport. A plane just got into the air. It looked like it was going the direction toward home. I watched it as it disappeared into the clouds. She was on that plane. I didn't even have to go up to the desk to try and make it. She was on that plane, and I was stuck here. I looked up at the moon. "What have I done?" I asked myself.

(Paisley's POV) (The Next Day)

Quinn and Daniel picked me up from the airport. They are out for Christmas break now, so they are staying in Wolverhampton. Somehow they found out what happened, so they didn't really talk about it to me. We finally pulled up to the house after the silent car ride. Mum stayed here, while Richard had to do a little extra business in Italy.

I got out of the car, and Mum came walking out the door. I ran into her arms and cried. "It'll be okay sweety," she said stroking my hair.

"I thought I loved him. I thought he was the one. But I was wrong."

"No you weren't wrong honey, he was."

"You're just supposed to say that," I said crying more.

She chuckled a little, "I'm your mum, I'm going to say stuff like that." She let go of me. "Let's go inside and clean you up," she said as I looked down at myself.

I was in the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I still had the dress on. I didn't want to take it off, but I had to. I turned on the shower, took off my clothes, and felt the warm water hit my cold skin.

I found some clothes in my closet. I put on a plain gray long sleeve shirt, light pink skinny jeans, gray bailey button minis, a gray knit beanie, pink lip gloss, mascara, and a white button down coat. I came down the stairs to see my mom drinking coffee, and talking with Daniel and Quinn. They all looked at me.

"I'm going for a walk," I said, they all nodded and I left into the cold winter air.

Little snow flakes were falling from the sky, lying neatly on the ground. I walked all around the town until I was at a tree. Not any tree, but the tree that Liam and I would always come to. It was bare with no leaves. I walked up to it, then sat down leaning against it facing away from the town. I started to cry again.

I thought about him. He was all I could think about. My thoughts were disrupted by somebody.

"You're going to smear your make-up if you keep crying," I looked up to see him. He gave a weak smile. I turned away from him. He sat down next to me. "Can we talk?" he asked.

"There's nothing to talk about," I said turning back to him.

"There's everything to talk about," he said looking me in the eyes.

"No there isn't Liam! I can see that you're in love with somebody else! And-" I started, but he cut me off.

"No Paisley! I'm not in love with anybody else! Ivy kissed me out of no where! I kicked her out of the place when she did that! I don't love her! The only person I'm in love with is you! The way you sing, gives me butterflies! The way you go walking into a room, and the whole place lights up! How you smile at me, it warms my heart! When ever I'm with you, it's like you and I are the only people in this world. I've been in love with you ever since I met you, and I don't know what I can do to tell you that! It's impossible to tell you that I'm in love with you! I love you Paisley Parker! I always will love you, and that's never going to change!"

I stood up, and he did to. "L-Liam, I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything," he said, then kissed me. It was perfect. It wasn't just one fireworks it was like the Fourth of July and New Years combined times a million. I pulled back. "I love you too Liam," I said smiling, then he kissed me again.

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