Chapter Fourty Hood Up

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It was all black. I was standing, but couldn't move. Somebody was breathing next to my ear. They said to me, "Mason," over and over again. Then something stabbed my left hip. Mason's name kept on being whispered into my ear. They laughed.

"You don't know the real Mason. Mason. Mason. You don't know the real Mason. Mason. Mason. You don't know the real Mason. Mason. Mason. You don't know the real Mason. Mason. Mason."

"Stop!" I screeched sitting up in my chair. I awoke Liam.

"Paisley! What's wrong?"

"Sorry, I just had a bad dream."

"Well, you know it isn't real."

"Yeah, I know."

"Ladies and gentlemen, our arrival into the airport will be in thirty minutes."

"How do I always manage to do that?"

"Do what Pais?"

"Sleep through the whole flight."

"Because you are Paisley Parker."

I laughed, "You're right."

"I know I am."

"Shut up!"

"So, what was it about?"

"Getting stabbed. Somebody kept whispering in my ear a familiar name. They said that I didn't know the real person."


"Yeah, definitely strange."

(Liam's P.O.V)

"Yeah, defiantly strange."

That dream was telling her Mason did it. I don't want her to know. I've seen her hurt before because of me, I can't even imagine what will happen if she finds out Mason did it.









"You copied me."



"I would never do such a thing."

"Yes you would! You just did!"

"That's rubbish!"

"Rubbish not my good sir."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Told you!"

"I am a good sir."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts for your departure."

"Shut up Liam."

We did as told to do, then soon enough, we were home. In Wolverhampton. We picked up our bags and called a taxi. We told the driver Paisley's address. Then we were there. The driver helped get our stuff out of the trunk. Paisley had already gone running inside, so it was more like he got out to help me with the bags.

"You two are a very cute couple," The taxi driver said with a Greek accent.


"Is there a problem?" he asked.

"You must be mistaken, we aren't a couple. Just very close friends."

"Oh, my apologies."

"It's fine, it happens all the time."

My "Best" Friend (Liam Payne)Where stories live. Discover now