Chapter 22 /You'll Probably Beat Their Asses/

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I stared at KittiB and KittiB stared back at me. "KittiB,my dear. This is not a suitor worth considering."I said,waving KittiB's phone in the air. KittiB had turned to me for some "love" advice on a guy that had recently started texting her.

"There's a term for guys like this..ah yes...FUCKBOY."I stated sassily. "You know how to identify them?"

"Just look at the living room and see those 7 boys who are dancing. Yes,that's right. Fuckboys."I mocked in the most sarcastic voice.

"My brother is a fuckboy?"

"The most out of them."I replied. "But the main point is,say no to this boy. I just stalked him on social media and he talks to a lot of other girls."

She nodded and pouted before typing away.

"I have a gut feeling you're saying this because you have absolutely no experience in love."Yezi said menancingly,propping her elbows on the table.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Do your homework,missy. Mind you but I have a great love life."I lied blatantly.

"Oh really?"she raised a brow. "When was your last relationship?"

"You don't need a relationship to have a love life."

"Uhm now that sounds a little bit like a fuckgirl."

"Get your terms right. It's whore."Yezi informed. I shaked my head in disapproval.

"Stop cursing."

"But you do it!"they both retorted in unison and I huffed,unable to talk back.

"Fine then. Last crush? Last kiss?"

I froze for a moment and turned to stare at the group of boys who were dancing. I gulped at the sight of Mark and immediately turned away at eye contact.

"OH MY GOSH!"KittiB screamed. "Do not tell me you have a thing going on with oppa's friends or worse...oppa!"she whispered excitedly.

"CRAZY!"I screamed back,blushing furiously.

"Uhm aren't you adults suppose to be a role model and be honest?"Yezi challenged and I gaped at her.

"Fine...there has been a little thing going between me and one of them but I don't have a crush on him...I think. I don't know. I think I like someone else but I think I sort of like the one here too."I sighed,running a hand through my hair in frustration.

"Omgomgomg!"KittiB shrieked. "Let me guess...Jackson oppa?"

"Ew no. Too loud."

"Bambam?"Yezi asked.

"Too cheeky."


"He's scary!"I exclaimed. "I'm not scared of him but he still looks like he has a grudge against me or something."

"Omg...Jaebum oppa?"KittiB widened her eyes.



"He's dating some girl from another school."


"Nice but...not really my type."

"THEN IT'S MARK."KittiB shouted,causing them to turn their heads towards us. My eyes widened and I groaned internally. Her big mouth!

I avoided eye contact and buried my face in the pile of books.

"You're so embarrassing."Yezi insulted. Whether to me or KittiB,who knows?


KittiB and Yezi were sent to tuition by their part-time chauffeur and I had to bring Chanhee and Jaejoong to the park for a stroll. But what's bad about this is that Jackson suggested tagging along since it was boring at Jaebum's house. Well,it would be if you went there almost every time I babysit!

I sat down at a bench and Jaejoong went off to play with other kids while I stayed behind to look after Chanhee who was still asleep in his stroller. Chanhee sleeps so much for his good,I swear.

"Do you like tripping people?"Jackson sat down on the bench and slung his arm around me. "Because I keep falling for you."

I flicked his arm away and scrunched my face in disgust. "Then keep falling."


I stared at him weirdly. He's such a weirdo.

"What Jackson is trying to do is warm you up for a conversation. So he can go away and let someone else take his spot."Jaebum said as he grabbed Jackson and pulled him away while BamBam forcefully sat Mark down,beside me.

"What do you want?"I asked,feigning nonchalance.

"They're just forcing me again."

"Don't make us sound like bad guys. You'll thank us later!"Yugyeom chuckled and they ran away. I shaked my head in annoyance. Childish.

"Hyun."Mark called. "I know there's been a lot going between us."he paused for a while.

"And I know that you told me it felt like cheating if you were to start dating me though you still like Yoongi. I know that you had a thing going on with him for a long time and maybe you can't forget that but I really really really like you."he said and my heart started beating at an insane rate that I could feel like it was going to pop out anytime. I fiddled around with my fingers as he continued. "I know you still like him and I don't mind. Could you just give me a chance? I hope you aren't mad but I happened to overhear your conversation with Bangtan the last time round and I feel that you should give me a chance. It can be a experiment for you to maybe let go of him or just treat me as an escape."

"Don't say that."I sighed. "I don't want to be dating you because you're an escape. I-I just don't know what I'm feeling towards you. I know I still like Yoongi but I feel like I like you too and I'm really confused."

"Then give me a chance and then choose."he replied and held my hands. I stared into his eyes,my heartbeat going all over the place.

"Please."he said and leaned in for a kiss. It was that feeling that hit me again. The feeling of justness and how right it felt. It calmed me down and I kissed him back softly.

"NOONA!"a familiar cry was heard. I immediately broke away and I was returned back to reality. I tucked my hair behind my ear,flustered and looked for Jaejoong.

He was on the floor,crying. I ran over to his side. "What's wrong?"I asked,though my mind kept replaying the scene of Mark leaning in.

"He pushed me on the floor."he sobbed and I turned around to face the boy who was at least 3 years older than Jaejoong. He had his arms folded and his head up cockily.

"Yah."I growled and stood up to look down on him. He flinched and looked at me. I glared back. "What nerve you have to pick on Jaejoong. You know what happened to the last boy that bullied him?"

"What?"he asked,showing signs of fear now.

I smirked. I love scaring children. "He had the cooties because I kissed him afterwards and I'm going to give you one NOW!"I screamed and he screamed equally loudly before running away. I smiled in victory and picked Jaejoong up from the floor. "Don't cry,you pabo."I cooed and wiped his tears away. He nodded obediently.

I put him down on the floor and walked back to wear Mark was,watching me with a smile. "I'm gonna head back."I informed and he immediately grabbed my hand.

"I'll go with you."he said and held onto my hand tightly. I broke out into an even bright smile and interwined our hands.

"What about your friends?"

"They'll handle it. Besides they're happy with what they filmed."


"It's nothing. You'll probably kick their asses and make them delete it anyway."

"Then you better help me."

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