Chapter 13/ Mascot /

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So I quit my job,earning a scolding from my older sister and now at school,I'm lonely. I still avoid Yoongi as much as I can but he still finds me somehow. I brush him off and find excuses to leave because I didn't like the sight of Soyeon waiting for him patiently at the side. And now,I'm picked as the school mascot. Ew.

Every 2 months,the person in that stuffy costume will change and will be picked in a lucky draw and I was 'lucky' enough to be picked. So,my new name is Randy,The Rat. It's so embarrassing I want to dig a hole in cheese and hide there forever. Being the mascot sucked because I had to be at every single match,walking around in the ugly,hot costume acting cheerful and take pictures with people. The only good side about this is that it gives me a good record on my school report book.

The worst thing is that on the very day I got this stupid task,there was a match which meant I couldn't go home till late afternoon. I put on the suit,holding the head in my right arm as I got onto the bus filled with excited boys in their uniform,chatting happily. I headed to the back and sat down tired. Mark and JHope were in the team and that sucked.

"Hi!"someone greeted and I turned to face the 2 boys who were staring at me.

"What?"I snapped coldly.

"Hehe I know everyone hates being the mascot and you're actually the first girl mascot,if you haven't realised! You'll come to love it. Anyway,I'm the Captain of the Team,nice to meet you!"he said and extended his hand. "I'm Chanyeol. Hyun,right?"

I nodded my head and shaked his hand. "Kris."the other male said. "Vice-captain."

"Will it be okay to take a picture with you after the game?"Chanyeol asked.

I nodded my head. "Isn't that the job of the mascot?"

Chanyeol chuckled. "You seem fun."he ruffled my hair and sat back down. Someone please put a leash on this giant yoda,thanks.

I looked over to my right and saw JHope wave enthusiastically at me. I reply him with a half-hearted smile and turned to face Mark who had a poker face. His face is always the same pft.


After taking millions of pictures with random students,teachers and the team,I ripped off the head,revealing my sweaty face. It's like a sauna in there.

"Hey,wanna join us for dinner? It's paid by the school."Chanyeol offered and just then,I received a text from my sister saying that I had go settle my own dinner.

"Why not?"I agreed and got on the bus again.

Once we reached the fast-food restaurant,I headed to the toilet to change out of the costume and into something more comfortable.

"You're just in time!"Chanyeol said and dragged me over excitedly. SOMEONE PLEASE PUT A LEASH ON HIM!

"To welcome you,we will be playing a game with the food! We'll play a series of games and everytime you lose,you have to drink 1/4 of your drink. Whoever pees first wins!"he announced and sat me down. Right beside Mark. Thanks,Chanyeol. -.-"


I stared at everyone at amazement. Aren't they going to pee? I'm holding it in in my almost-bursting bladder. Should I wait for someone to pee first before I go? Or should I just admit defeat?

"HAHAHAHA YOU HAVE TO DRINK AGAIN!"JHope cheered and I drank it reluctantly. Ok I can't do this shit anymore.

I ran off to the toilet and cleared everything. Those jerks. They must have played this game a thousand times before.

With a frown,I walked out of the bathroom,feeling ashamed as they applauded. How horrible of them.

"Your forfeit kiss someone beside you!"Chanyeol screamed. I stared at him with a raised brow.

"You're sitting beside me."I clucked.

"Precisely! Or you could kiss Mark!"he suggested. It's either the emo one or the crazy one...damn

"Where?"I asked,folding my arms.

He licked his lips and wriggled his eyebrows. Ok,definitely not kissing him.

I sat down and faced Mark. "Sorry. I'm forced to."

Mark shrugged and I leaned closer slowly but the fucking Yoda beside me smashed our heads together and refused to let go despite me pinching his thighs and Mark smacking his hand.

I dared not look at up,in case Mark was staring right ahead. The fucking Yoda finally let go and I glared at me.

"YOU FUCKING YODA!"I cursed as I pulled his earz harshly. He screamed in pain before I decided to let him off.

"Try that again and I'll be attacking some other part of you."I threatened.

He nodded his head in shame,like a child that was admitting his mistake. Great,I feel like a queen!

"Next round!"

The dinner ended and Kris had to stay shirtless till the end,Jhope had to twerk and let us record it,Seungcheol had to give an old lady his number and flirt with Yunho had to sing trot on top of the table and I unfortunately lost again and had to wear the mascot on the ride home.

One by one,the players got off the bus in their district,leaving me alone with Jhope and Mark.

"Hey Hyun."Jhope called me and scooted over. "We are throwing a surprise birthday party for Yoongi. You know,just a small gathering to chat and eat. You're counted in. Show up,okay?"

Before I could respond,he got off the bus and I sighed. I stared at Mark who wss seated beside me. He was looking out of the window.

Silence swept over us and I leaned back in my seat. The bus stopped again and Mark got up. He walked towards the exit but suddenly halted. He looked back at me and ran up to me. He planted a kiss on the mascot head before running out...

Was he trying to kiss the mascot? Or me...

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