Independence day

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I smiled as I talked with Gwen about some new spells I had learned. I jumped hearing an explosion we looked up and saw some men running from a building holding alien tech. Ben and Kevin ran ahead of us to deal with them while Gwen and I helped get civilians out of the area I heard Ben yell


I ran over and scrolled through the ultimatrix choosing big chill. I flew through the air freezing the men's weapons Ben and Kevin destroyed them and Gwen tied them up with mana when we were done. Ben and I changed back and we walked over to them and started questioning them I saw movement from the corner of my eye. A man shot a blast at us my eyes widened and I pushed Ben, Kevin, and Gwen away with mana getting hit with the blast

"Alex!" Ben, Kevin, and Gwen yelled

I felt myself loosing consciousness as I was enveloped in a bright light


Young Justice universe

The league members were finishing a meeting when a bright light engulfed the room they each got into a defensive position as the light died down they saw a body slumped onto the ground they all stared in shock when they saw the person's body was purple and that their hair was a glowing pink Wonder Woman approached the body turning it over noticing that the body was small and female

"She's a child" Wonder Woman said looking at the strange being

Alex's p.o.v.

I moved groaning in pain sitting up. I held my head. I looked at my hand noticing it was purple

'Why am I in my anodite form' I thought

I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up seeing a woman next to me wearing an odd looking costume I backed away from her when I saw all of the people in the room looking at me

"Don't worry child we won't harm you" she said

I relaxed slightly looking them all over noticing that all of them were wearing costumes

"What are you?" a woman with wings asked

"um I'm half anodite and half human" I said

"How did you get in here?" a man in a bat costume said glaring at me

"I'm not sure I was hit with a blast and I ended up here" I said

An ankh symbol appeared in the air and an elderly man stepped out

"Leave the poor girl alone she just traveled to another dimension I'm sure she's exhausted" he said

"I'm in another dimension" I said my eyes widening

"Yes my friend professor paradox visited me telling me about you being here" he said

After discussing with the league for a while they allowed me to go with Kent Nelson to the tower of fate

- 5 months later -

3rd p.o.v.

Do I have to go?" Alex asked pulling at the cloak she was wearing as Kent shuffled through a few boxes in the corner of his study, levitating the ones he had already checked into the air behind him.
"Aha!" Kent exclaimed as he pulled a golden ankh the size of a pencil out of one of the boxes "Knew I didn't lose it" Kent gently placed the boxes on the ground with a thought and turned to face Alex with concern.
"And yes, you have to go, you can't live in here forever, trust me" Kent said
"But what if they don't like me I'm stuck in my anodite form and I became two years younger because of entering this universe" Alex said pulling the hood of her cloak over her head

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