Welcome to happy harbor

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"Recognize Robin B02, Kid Flash B03"
Robin and Kid flash teleported into the main hall of Mount Justice wearing their civilian clothes. They immediately noticed Kaldur, M'gaan who asked everyone to call her Megan, Superboy who hadn't decided on a civilian name yet, and Alex all gathered around a Holoscreen tracking Red Tornado's approach to the mountain compound. As they caught sight of the four heroes standing in wait they shared a brief look before running over to greet them.
"Hey! Did you ask yet?" Wally exclaimed as the heroes turned to face them.
"He's arriving now" Kaldur responded as the speedster along with the boy wonder raced to the entranced to greet the android personally. This caused Kaldur and Superboy to roll their eyes and run after them leaving Alex and Megan behind to walk like normal people.
They both looking over to Red Tornado as he landed out front.
"Greetings, is there a reason you intercepted me outside the cave?" the robots monotone showed a slight hint of confusion but no other sign of emotion.
"We were hoping you had a mission for us" Robin responded.
"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility; I am here merely to supervise you"
"But it's been over a week and-" Robin began before Red Tornado cut him off placing his hand in the air waving the team off.
"You will be tested soon enough, for the time being simply enjoy each other's company"
"This team is not a social club" Kaldur demanded as Red Tornado stayed with his stoic robotic face.
"No, but I am told that social activity is a good team building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourselves with the cave" Red Tornado walked away without another word.
"Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin exclaimed.
"Oh, I'll find out!" Megan responded happily.
She focused on Red Tornado's fleeing mind but couldn't get a fix on anything.
"I'm sorry; I forgot he's a machine, inorganic so I can't read his mind" Megan said defeated by the laws of physics.
"Good effort, in the meantime, why don't we take a tour of the cave?" Kid Flash suggested.
"Well, Superboy, Alex and I live here so, why not let us be your tour guides?" Megan said referring to the half of the team that didn't live in the cave.
Everyone turned to Alex and Superboy.
"Don't look at us" Superboy said crossing his arms.
"We won't, a private tour sounds much better" Wally said getting closer to Megan who smiled innocently.
"She never said private" Robin remarked as Alex chimed in.
"Team building, we'll all go"
"Ok, then I'll be the tour guide!" Megan clapped her hands excitedly as she walked back towards the entrance. "This is the front door" she said as she walked through and inside the cave.
After showing the team nearly every part of the cave that mattered, Megan made her way to the back of the cave.
"This would be the back door" she announced as they walked out of the cave and onto a platform that was used when vehicles entered the facility. "The cave is actually the entire mountain"
"It was hollowed out and reinforced by Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the league" Wally mentioned as they walked back inside.
Stopping at a staircase that led further into the cave Superboy decided to be productive and ask questions. "Why abandon it for the Hall of Justice"
"The caves secret location was compromised" Aqualad answered.
"So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yea that makes sense" Superboy finished sarcastically.
"Obviously it was temporary until the Watchtower was finished, then if any villains attacked the hall. It wouldn't matter and they could be there in an instant via Zeta-Tubes" Alex concluded as she sniffed the air "Why do I smell smoke?"
"Oh my cookies!" Megan squealed as she floated into the air and towards the kitchen.
As everyone else arrived they were greeted with a silver plate of charred cookies.
Megan sighed "I was trying out Grandma Jones' recipe from episode seventeen of... never mind"
Aqualad put a hand on her shoulder "I'm sure they would've tasted great" they turned to Wally who was currently shoving an over burnt cookie into his mouth.
Wally continued to chew until he realized that everyone was staring. "What? I have a serious metabolism"
"I'll make more?" Megan said uncertain if he was serious.
"It was sweet of you to make any" Kaldur said with a generous smile across his face.
"Thanks, Aqualad"
"Please, we are off duty, call me Kaldur'ahm or better yet, my friends call me Kaldur"
"And I'm Wally" Wally said as he shoved a cookie into his mouth. "See, I already trust you with my secret ID, unlike Mr. Dark Glasses over there, Batman's forbidden boy wonder from telling anyone his real name"
"Well my names no secret, its M'gaan M'orse, but you can call me Megan Morse" She waved her hands in the air for emphasis "It's an Earth name and I'm on Earth now"
Superboy sighed lightly and turned to leave the room; on his way out he felt a small nudge in his mind.
'Don't worry Superboy; we'll get you an Earth name too'
Superboy narrowed his eyes with rage "Get outta my head!"
'What's wrong? Everybody on Mars communicates telepathically'
"M'gaan stop!" Kaldur asserted "Here your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy"
"Plus Cadmus' psychic G-gnomes left a bad taste in his brain" Alex said
"I didn't mean to-"
"Just stay out!" Superboy spoke with a growl.
Alex looked at everyone "why aren't you upset" Kid flash asked
"I have mental barriers up" Alex said
"Why?" Robin asked
"Well some enemies that I have faced in my world can mess with my mind so I set up mental barriers"
"Oh I know what we can do!" Megan suddenly spoke up after several seconds of silence. "Follow me" everyone went to follow except Superboy who chose to sit on the couch.
Alex saw this and stayed behind for a moment.
"You coming?"
Alex heard a grunt before hearing foot steps behind him.
"It's my Martian Bio-Ship" Megan said as they walked into the hangar where a giant red sphere shaped object laid.
"Cute, not aerodynamic but, cute" Wally said as Megan chuckled slightly.
"It's at rest silly, I'll wake it" Megan waved her hand in the air causing the sphere to shift and melt growing wings and even a door, which opened with only another wave of the Martian teens hands. "You guys coming?"
Wide eyes and loose jaws they slowly walked in to the ship and they were surprised with how roomy it was. It was an empty room with windows on each side. Suddenly chairs melted up from the floor along with a control console in front of the main chair. As they sat, flesh like straps melted around them. "Cool" Wally said as he let the straps form around him.
"Red Tornado, please open the bay doors" as the doors opened per her request, Megan took off at full speeds.
"Hey, how about showing us some Martian shape shifting?" Robin asked as Megan smiled and rose from her seat. She looked over at Robin before shifting into a female version of him. Then she shifted into a female version of kid flash in full uniform.
"Impressive but, you're not going to fool anyone with those" Alex pointed out as Megan reverted to her usual look.
"Mimicking boys is a lot harder" she sat down slightly flustered.
"And your clothes?" Kaldur asked
"They're organic, like the ship, they respond to my mental commands"
"As long as they're the only ones" Superboy mumbled causing Megan to frown slightly.
"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that Manhunter does?" Wally asked as to lighten the mood.
"Density shifting? No that's way too advanced for me" Megan looked down at her feet before Robin chimed in.
"Flash can vibrate his molecules strait through a wall, when he tries it? Bloody nose"
"Here's something I can do!" as her mental command was sent the entire external shell of the Bio-Ship began melting with its surroundings. "Camouflage mode!"
"Red Tornado to Miss Martian, an emergency alert has been triggered at the Happy Harbor Power Plant. I suggest you investigate, covertly, I'm sending coordinates"
"Received, adjusting course"
"Let's just find the cause of the alert and get out of here" Superboy grunted.
"I don't think that's gonna be a problem" Alex said as she pointed out the left window where a giant tornado was headed towards the ship. Catching the ship in its winds, it pulled them to the ground causing an emergency landing.
The heroes immediately jumped out to face the giant cyclone in front of them.
"Robin, are Tornados common in New England?" Aqualad asked but looked around to find that Robin was already running towards the factory. "Robin?"
The others ran in after him to find that robin had been thrown against a wall by something. That something was a giant man wearing some sort of red and blue armor with a single scarf tied around its neck. Blue glowing tubes extended from his back into his arms and his eyes were a sinister blue.
"Who's your new friend?" Superboy asked before jumping into action.
Robin got to his feet slowly "Didn't catch his name but he plays rough!"
Alex immediately reached for the Ultimatrix and dialed up an alien. "Perfect" she slammed the dial and after the signature green glow faded a giant turtle was left in her place.
"Terraspin" the turtle's voice was quiet and lethargic without any sound of interest.
"My apologies, you may call me Mr. Twister" Twister summoned twin tornados from his gauntlets slamming into Superboy and knocking him across the room with ease.
"Let's see how you handle some wind power yourself" Terraspin floated into the air for a second and allowed his arms and legs to spin causing a vortex of wind to push Mr. Twister into a wall.
"You think you have control over wind? I am the superior elementalist here, trust me on that" Twister unleashed an enormous tornado colliding with Terraspin's and eventually overpowering her sending Terraspin across the room and outside the factory.
Wally shared a look with Kaldur and Megan before pulling a pair of goggles out of his pocket and slipping them on. He ran towards Twister and through his vortex at near Super Sonic speeds and attempted to drop kick the armored villain but it proved useless as Twister was unaffected by the attack and simply used his power over wind to spin Wally around and send him behind Twister and outside the factory.
Twister wasted no time before sending a giant gust of wind to knock both Kaldur and Megan off their feet and into wall behind them.
Suddenly a giant tiger like creature burst through the wall and began charging at Mr. Twister.
"Lemme tell ya something Mr. Twister, Rath doesn't like being blown away by her enemies! Now Rath is gonna blow you away! One way or another!"
Rath jumped at Twister who used his tornados to catch her midair.
"Oh! Now you're using gravity against Rath? Give up gravity! You're no match for Rath!" Rath wiggled in the air and threw punches that connected with nothing.
"Is this what I'm greeted with? Children and a half-wit shape shifter? I was prepared to fight a super hero" Mr. Twister gloated as Robin was the last one standing with an explosive Bird-a-rang clenched in his hand behind his back.
"We're not children!" Robin yelled as he threw the projectile along with others in which Twister deflected easily with only one landing on his armor.
"Objectively you are" Twister flicked the projectile stuck to his armor away before it exploded "Without super vision I find your presence here disturbing"
"Well we hate to see you disturbed but let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!"
Twister chuckled and dropped Rath onto the ground with a large thud.
"Stupid gravity, I don't need you anyways!" Rath slapped the symbol on her chest causing a bright glow to occur.
When it faded a giant fish like creature appeared with the trademark glowing green eyes and Ultimatrix symbol on its chest. "Ripjaws? Now is not the time for a classic!"
Superboy jumped at Twister who merely used his wind to blow him away and into the ceiling knocking him into the floating Megan. Kaldur and Robin ran at him but only to be blow away in the same manner except they were knocked into each other.
Ripjaws used their defeat as a distraction to jump from above and land on top of Twister who simply used a cyclone to brush the fish alien aside knocking her to the ground.
"Oh yes, that was quite turbing, thank you"
Wally sat up from his position on the ground outside, as he got to his feet he noticed Mr. Twister leaving the scene. He sped in front of Twister and stood in his path. "What did you do to my team?"
"Embarrassed them largely" Twister sent a tornado at Wally picking him up and sending him into the wall of the factory, just before he made contact he was suddenly stopped by an outside force.
"I got you Wally" Megan announced with her hand in the air gently placing him down.
"I was sure you would know your own limitations!" Twister yelled as he rose into the air slowly.
"What do you want!?" she shouted in anger as she became more frustrated with every alien that failed against Twister.
"Isn't it obvious?!" Twister shouted sounding dumbfounded that the heroes hadn't noticed yet. "I'm waiting for a real hero"
"Read his mind, find a weakness" kid flash turned to Megan who looked confused.
"I thought I wasn't supposed to do that?"
"It's okay with the bad guys!" Robin shouted as Megan nodded and looked over to Mr. Twister.
"Nothing. I'm getting nothing!"
"Hello Megan, Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise, he's inorganic, an android, and how many androids do you know that can generate tornados?"
"Red Tornado sent us here!" Kaldur announced as Ben chimed in.
"After saying we would be tested"
"This game, so over" Wally said before walking over to where Twister was floating.
"We know who you are and what you want"
"So let's end this" Kaldur added
"Consider it ended" Mr. Twister reeled back and unleashed two twin cyclones into the air causing a massive storm cloud to form above him.
"Impressive show but we will not indulge you, we will not engage" Kaldur shouted pointing at the hero-in-disguise.
Suddenly lighting began to crackle in Twisters storm cloud.
"Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Wally asked.
"You think I'm Tornado? Ironic" Twister sent a bolt of lightning into the ground in front of the heroes knocking them backwards.
Superboy ripped his jacket off revealing his black and red t-shirt; he roared and jumped into the air only to be struck by lightning in the chest sending him towards the ground.
Alex slapped the Ultimatrix not even realizing who he had chosen. As the green light faded Diamondhead stepped out of the glow and onto the battle field as Twister sent lightning towards Diamondhead who crossed her arms in defense. Her crystals absorbed the lightning turning it into some sort of rainbow colored energy; she smiled and sent a blast of her own up at Mr. Twister who dodged appropriately.
"That's impressive; I suppose one of you has to be" he sent a enormous cyclone that picked up the crystal being and launched her into the air where Mr. Twister sent lightning into her chest pushing her into the ground from eighty feet up.
A green flash signified Alex's defeat as she had transformed back to normal.
Megan realized everyone was down and that they couldn't win but, they could at least survive. Using her telepathy she called the Bio-Ship to appear right between them and Twister who was about to unleash his full power but, stopped when he lost sight of them. As the Bio-Ship was in camouflage mode, it blended in with its surroundings without the heroes in the picture of course.
"Fine then, I won't deny you children have power but, playing hide and seek will not help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed and if you stand in my way again, I will show no mercy!" Twister turned around and flew away after giving the proper warning.
"What happened?" Wally asked sitting up.
"I placed the Bio-Ship in front of us."
Superboy smashed his fist into a boulder next to him, "And that's supposed to make it right?" Superboy stepped in front of Megan who was still on the ground "You tricked us into thinking that this guy was Red Tornado!"
"She didn't do it on purpose" Kaldur said.
"It was a rookie mistake" robin pointed out. "We shouldn't have listened"
"You are pretty inexperienced" Wally spoke up "Hit the showers, we'll take it from here"
Superboy walked away "Stay out of our way" he grunted before leaping into the air and into the distance to find Twister.
"I was just trying to be part of the team" Megan lowered her head so that her bangs covered her eyes.
Alex walked up next to her sadly and dialed up an alien "To be honest, I'm not sure we even have a team" Alex slapped the Ultimatrix appearing as XLR8 and speeding away to catch up to the others.
Happy Harbor Bay
Three tornados rampaged through the bay destroying buildings, boats, sidewalks and injuring innocent people. Boats carried by these tornados rained down on the park area barely missing bystanders. One tornado went straight through a building completely leveling it. Another did the same to another building.
"Certainly this will get the required attention"
"You got ours" XLR8 said as she rushed at speeds of over five hundred miles per hour to strike the armored villain with all her might when a tornado came from the side and smacked her into the water.
Wally attempted the same maneuvers at the same speed from behind while Kaldur jumped in the air to attack from the front.
Twister grabbed Kaldur by the leg and swung him around and into Wally who, at five hundred miles an hour, flew through the air and landed at Twisters feet.
"Immaterial and insufficient; you are a distraction I can no longer tolerate"
Superboy came from the air planning to land on Twister but he moved aside and back handed the boy of steel into a tree.
A green light shun from under the water as the section of water became frozen and a humanoid moth creature fazed up from the ice.
Megan flew towards Mount Justice in the Bio-Ship while talking to Red Tornado.
"The team could really use your help" she pleaded as the screen clearly showed no sign of Red Tornado caring.
"If I were to intervene it would not be to help, still it is an odd coincidence that this 'Twister' shares my elemental abilities as well as my immunity to telepathy."
"Hello Megan"
Twister lifted a boat out of the water and tossed it nose first into Superboy who fell back and was pinned to the ground for the time being.
Kaldur and Robin jumped from the top of a warehouse and dodged around a tornado just to get close enough for Twister to blow them both into the water behind him.
Big Chill exhaled a large blast of liquid nitrogen at the android who barely managed to create a tornado in-between himself and the blast. He then summoned a bolt of lightning that struck at Big Chill who managed to become intangible at the last second although the lightening still fried her causing her to fall to the ground.
Superboy freed himself from the boat wreckage and leaped at Twister who summoned a tornado right under the boy of steel spinning him into the air and flinging him into the air and away from battle.
Kaldur jumped out of the way as Superboy and a yacht flew at him from the battle field. As the Yacht landed on a house it caused the house to collapse in on itself with Superboy still inside.
A discarded motor fell in front of Kaldur who picked it up and launched it at Twister.
Twister caught the machine with a miniature tornado in the palms of his hands and tossed it at a newly transformed Swampfire who was knocked back by the motor.
Wally and Robin had taken strategic cover behind a boat that had been tossed out of the water.
Robin unraveled his utility belt and slung it over his shoulder and across his chest like an ammunitions belt.
"You brought your utility belt?" Wally asked looking between him and the fight.
"First lesson Batman taught me, never leave the house without it"
"Yea right after never go to the bathroom without it"
'Listen to me' Megan spoke to the entire team telepathically 'all of you'
Kaldur stood from the ground where he was currently sitting injured.
"What did we tell you?" Superboy growled
'I know and I know I messed up, but I am very clear on what we have to do now'
"Get back, everybody clear the area!" a single cop yelled as he tried to move everyone away from the giant tornados tearing through the area. As civilians ran for their lives, Red Tornado flew overhead and towards the battle field.
"Hit the showers boys" Red Tornado spoke in his usual monotone as he landed in front of the heroes "I was hoping you could handle this but clearly, you cannot"
"But we have a plan now!" Robin exclaimed as Red Tornado ignored him.
"The subject is not up for debate" the others lowered their heads and moved out of the way so the real fight could begin.
"I was beginning to believe you would never show up!" Twister shouted as Red Tornado showed no sign of emotion once again.
"This ends, here and now" Red Tornado put a hand behind him and summoned a tornado and directed it at Mr. Twister who dodged and countered with his own tornado. The two forces of nature clashed until Red Tornado's was defeated and Twister's tornado headed straight for the android hero. Red Tornado put a hand out and dispersed the wind.
"We are evenly matched, Twister" Red Tornado put two hands behind his back summoning another tornado this time launching large rocks at Twister who chuckled.
"No Tornado, We. Are. Not." Twister punched the ground letting immense amounts of steam block the attack.
Twister summoned lightning and directed it at Tornado who dodged to the left. Unfortunately, this caused the lightning to hit a collapsed boat igniting the gas and causing an explosion that knocked Red Tornado to the ground.
"Remain still android" Twister extended his hand to the collapsed Red Tornado and allowed wire like devices to extend from his finger tips and connect to the androids head. "The reprogramming won't take long"
Suddenly, Red Tornado's head shifted to that of Megan's. "Longer than you might think"
"No" Twister mumbled as Megan pushed him back with telekinesis. Twister hit a tornado which turned out to be Wally spinning at near supersonic speeds.
As he stumbled backwards, he hit a rather hard fist made of crystal. "I think this is the part where you say sorry" Diamondhead barraged the armored villain with diamond shards each one piercing his suit and causing a short circuit of some kind. And as he recovered from that attack, Superboy came from behind and punched a hole in his armor before grabbing him by the arm and tossing him over to Kaldur who used his water bearers in the form of a mace to bash Twister in the side of the head causing a huge dent and even more malfunctions.
Megan floated up and brought the mechanical villain with her as she used her telekinesis to rip the arms of the armor off revealing wires and circuits where Dick threw several exploding bird-a-rangs into the armor causing it to explode and fall to the ground.
The armor barely got to its knees, before it opened up and revealed a pale, skinny man with brown hair who fell out of the armor and onto the ground.
"Foul, I call foul"
Megan raised her arm and lifted a giant boulder up and brought it down on the man's body. "M'gaan no!"
"I don't know how things are done on Mars, but here on Earth, we don't execute our captives!" Robin yelled in anger.
"You said you trust me" Megan spoke with a smile as she lifted the boulder up to reveal a mess of crushed mechanical parts and wires. "That's why I couldn't read his mind"
Wally picked up a mechanical eyeball and smiled "Cool, souvenir"
Alex reverted to normal and joined the group as they semi-celebrated.
"We should have had more faith in you" Aqualad said as the others nodded.
Wally laughed "Yea, you rocked this mission... Get it? Rock?"
"Ignore him" Alex said putting a hand on her shoulder "We're all just happy to have you on the team"
Mount Justice
"It was obviously made to control or destroy you" Alex commented as the remains of the android inside the Twister armor laid out on a table in the cave as Red Tornado stood with the entire team.
"Is that why you wouldn't help us?" Megan asked.
"No, this was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you as you shouldn't not solve my problems for me" Red Tornado could sometimes be very hurtful unintentionally due to his cold hard logic.
"But, if you're in danger-"
"Consider this matter closed" Red Tornado turned to leave dismissing them all with a stoic stare.
"Batman, Aquaman and Flash. They would've jumped right in to fix things" Wally commented.
"I guess if we're gonna have a baby sitter heartless machine is exactly what we need" Robin pointed out as Alex chuckled and pointed over to Red Tornado who stopped to face them.
"Inaccurate" Red Tornado turned around again "I have a heart; carbon steel alloy" he turned his head for just a second "I also have excellent hearing" he turned and left the room without another word.
"Right, sorry" Robin responded.
Alex laughed and slung her arm over Kaldur and Wally's shoulder, "This team thing may work out after all" as they all left the room Megan and Superboy was the last to leave.
Superboy got up to leave silently but right before he left he turned around and his face changed to ne of sympathy.
"Sorry" he turned and left leaving a smiling Megan behind.

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