A new threat

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It had been twelve hours or so since the attack on the cave by the elemental androids. Alex had bandages wrapped around her arms and chest although they were covered by her shirt. Alex had her head laying on the table as she sat next to Robin and Kid at a table in the hall of the cave. Images kept flashing in her mind of an old enemy cackling the images wouldn't stop and were putting a strain on her mind, she nearly collapsed from the mental strain as her heart beat speed up and her pupils shrank thoroughly. Superboy looked over in distress as the others began taking notice of Alex's physical distress. She couldn't bare the strain, her vision blurred and her hearing became fuzzy. Robin stood up yelling something over to Batman who became wide eyed.
He rushed over as Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow and Captain Atom began taking notice as well. They approached her but Alex stood and backed away clutching her head. The other heroes ceased their reconstruction of the cave as they surrounded the team leader.
She fell to her knees holding her head as images of her teammates dying in front of her with a dark figure towering over her.
She found herself in a ruined city, thousands of dead bodies everywhere including the heroes of the justice league Alex saw a figure crying over one of the dead bodies she saw that the body was Robin and that the figure crying was her. Alex stood motionless in the middle of it all. The nearly fifteen foot tall creature with glowing, demon-like red eyes and a sinister grin plastered across his face. "Why couldn't you stop me Tennyson?"
"I failed" Alex whispered as M'gann took notice and entered Alex's mind.
"It's not real, it's not real" Alex muttered tears streaming down her face trying to calm her mind.
"Oh it's not?" the creature stepped forwards still shrouded in darkness "I am very real, little girl, and my vengeance will not go unfinished. I will have my vengeance on Ben Tennyson and everyone he holds dear will die including you little girl. But if I can't have your brother I'll just kill you to hurt him. I promise."
These words shook M'gann from Alex's mind as she screamed and backed away from her, the images were intense and surreal she collapsed in front of the others.
"Dear god" Batman muttered as Kid Flash and Martian Manhunter helped Alex to her feet.
Batman approached Manhunter "Can you help her?"
"I can try" J'ohn looked into Alex's mind seeing everything Megan had seen but managed to block out the fear and agony that pulsed off of her in waves. He controlled Alex's mind and wiped the images from her mind forcefully, he didn't erase the memories he simply shocked the subconscious mind back into the subconscious leaving Alex with her normal thoughts again.
Manhunter and Kid sat Alex down back at the table as more heroes approached her.
"Is she okay?" Superman asked flying down from the hole in the cave he was currently trying to seal with heat-vision. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern joined them as they all gathered around him as Alex still clutched her head wide-eyed and pale.
"I thought you said you fixed her?" Batman asked to Manhunter who shrugged.
"Her mental state should have returned to normal by now"
"He's coming"
Everyone looked over to Alex who still looked shocked and frightened but was now directing herself towards the league who shared looks with each other before returning their questioning gaze to Alex.
"Who?" Batman asked getting closer to Alex who looked at the dark knight.
"Vilgax the Conqueror" Alex spoke.
The crowd of heroes grew silent as no one could find the right words to say.
"Who is Vilgax?" Batman asked the question on everyone's mind.
Alex wanted to answer but couldn't find the words; her mouth was ajar for several seconds before an enormous violet light illuminated the area.
Alex would recognize it anywhere as a purple entity flew from the light and landed in the middle of the hall only feet from the small crowd of heroes currently surrounding Alex. An alarm sounded through the cave as a voice came in through the intercom.
"Unknown energy lifeform present in cave"
Alex shot up from her chair and pushed the remaining heroes from her path as she approached the entity that was currently being surrounded by a green energy sphere. Alex saw the green lantern holding it inside with all his power.
"Let her go!"
The green sphere shattered on its own as a female being immediately saw Alex and smiled warmly at her floating before her.
"Alex!" Batman yelled with a bat-a-rang at the ready. "Who is this uninvited guest of ours?"
The women only stared at all of the figures in the room.
"Everyone just calm down!" Alex tried to reassure. "Let me figure this out" the woman placed a hand on Alex's shirt tightly causing Alex to look beside them at Superman who had a casual face with glowing red eyes.
"Oh come on, this is my grandmother the team has already met her! Does she look like she's going to start killing everyone in the room?"
Superman sighed and put his hands up to shoulder level before allowing his eyes to return to their normal onyx color.
"Why are you here grandma?" Alex asked.
Grandma turned to the others in the room.
"My name is Verdona; Alex gets her anodite heritage from me and I'm here to warn you-"
"About Vilgax?" Alex finished her sentence with her best guess.
"How?" she said.
"For so reason images of what he will do have been appearing in my head but, if you could shed some details?"
"Of course"
Alex, Verdona, Batman, and Superman sat in a conference room of the Cave. It was usually used for movie nights considering the new residents were teenagers but, it still held purpose.
"Where should we start?" Alex asked as Batman looked over to Superman who shrugged.
"I'm here for muscle and guidance" He placed his hands on his hips "Take it away 'world's greatest detective'"
Verdona turned to look at Superman a brow raised and she them turned to Alex.
"Is he always like this" Verdona questioned, Alex only nodded.
"Fine, Just who the hell is Vilgax?"
Alex opened her mouth but Verdona answered "The most ruthless warlord in the Universe"
Superman narrowed his eyes as if remembering something "Your Universe maybe..." He mumbled
Batman and Verdona fixed the Kryptonian with a glare and he responded by turning his head in the opposite direction.
"Tell me more" Batman said looking Verdona in the eyes.
"Vilgax conquered ten planets and absorbed the powers of their greatest heroes in order to defeat Ben Tennyson, savor of the Universe he failed and after many more failed attempts at conquest, Vilgax decided to absorb the powers of a true god. Even then, Ben still claimed victory and Vilgax was sentenced to three-thousand four-hundred and fifty-eight life sentences in the Null-Void prison dimension." Verdona sighed "He escaped two monthes later and made his way to his home planet where he would assemble a vast army of robot drones and warriors willing to sacrifice their lives for the cause."
"What was the cause?" Batman asked.
Verdona looked over to Alex with a worried expression before grabbing her hand tightly "To destroy my grandson Ben and everything he cares about, since he figured he couldn't beat Ben he has decided to go after Alex since he thinks she is alone here and won't have anyone to protect her from him"
Batman rubbed the bridge of his nose trying to fight the headache he could already feel coming on. The complexity of this situation was becoming more and more agitating by the moment.
"The Plumbers and your brother have been trying to track him down since his escape"
"Who're the Plumbers?" Superman asked curiously.
"An inter-galactic police force that works to keep the peace in the Universe" Alex answered without a second thought.
"So like the Green Lanterns? Sure that's not confusing" Superman walked over to the seat next to Batman and whispered in his ears.
Batman nodded and Superman spoke up "How powerful is this Vilgax guy? I'm sure the Justice League can-"
"No I am not pulling this world into my mess not after what I saw in my mind" Alex said
Batman shared a look with Superman before turning back to Verdona who began speaking.
"That might be impossible dear if he is coming here than they will fight to protect their planet"
Batman and Superman only nodded in agreement
"Also in the meantime I will figure out a way to have Ben and your friends come here to help when Vilgax makes his move"
Alex nodded and smiled weakly at her grandmother but became serious.
"When is he coming?"
"It could be months, he still has a lot of technology to gather before he can make it to another Universe, he also doesn't currently have any natural way of getting here like I have"
Alex nodded "alright grandma you should head back so you can discuss with Ben and the plumbers"
Verdona nodded and hugged Alex before disappearing in a flash of light
Kid Flash, Artemis, M'gann, Robin, Conner and Aqualad sat at the same table where all the events had been happening throughout the day.
Kid was currently tapping his feet on the ground at super speed as the others tried not to scream from the agony of not only be betrayed by Red Tornado but watching their leader have a mental breakdown right in front of them. They ignored the pressure as they normally would and tried not to think about the past few days and the struggles they have had to face.
Just as Conner was about to barge into the conference room and demand answers the door opened revealing Alex with a fake smile crossing her face.
"Hey, are you ok?" Kid asked as Robin intervened.
"Yeah, you looked like you'd seen a ghost before"
"I'm fine now no need to worry"
"Are you sure you are alright you were in severe mental pain just minutes ago?" Aqualad asked as everyone eyed Alex with a curious look.
"I'm fine, it was just some stress no big deal"
Artemis scoffed "Just some stress? M'gaan passed out from looking into your stressed out mind Alex" Artemis said "You had a mental breakdown in front of the entire league!"
"Yeah, what exactly are you hiding from us?" Conner added folding his arms.
Alex rubbed the back of her head and sighed.
Megan grabbed her by the hand "You don't have to tell them if you don't want to, I could-"
"No, I'll do it"
After about ten minutes of explaining everything to them including the new information they all sighed in relief.
"I'm so sorry; we shouldn't have probed you like that" Artemis said placing a hand on Alex's shoulder.
"We're all gonna die" Kid Flash said as he fell to his butt on the ground supporting himself with his hands "I don't even have my driver's license yet"
Artemis put her hands on her hips "What do you need a driver's license for? You can break the sound barrier in your sneakers"
"Why does Wonder Woman need the invisible plane? It's all about perspective"
Robin grunted "can we focus? This Vilgax guy is a serious threat!"
"Not right now he's not, Vilgax is a lot of things but he's not smart enough to build a Universal traveling machine and he isn't strong enough to acquire one yet either, and he also has to deal with my brother and the plumbers." Alex sighed and rubbed her chin "The Galvan defense systems are still way superior to Vilgax and the Anodite's are on a different level completely so we should be good for a while."
"So what? We just wait for this guy to get strong enough to make it here?" Conner spoke up frustrated.
Batman and Superman approached the group from the conference room where they had reviewed a few details beforehand.
"we just have to prevent him from getting here."
"We will discuss this topic at another time" Batman spoke up from behind Alex causing the entire team to turn in his direction

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