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Jungkook's POV:

I patiently waited on my bed for Jimin. Playing on my phone to fill the time. I kept glancing out the window for any signs of his arrival.

I was so excited. A whole week with Jimin. It was practically a dream come true!

I heard the faint sound of a car coming down my drive way. The excitement began bubbling up inside me as I raced downstairs to see the boy I liked.

I flung the front door open to see Jimin taking out his duffle bag from his car.

"Jimin!" I called out. He looked up locking eyes with mine. "Hi Jungkook." He replied beaming.

He walked over and put down his bag pulling me into a hug. His warmth engulfed me as he wrapped his defined arms around me.

"I know it's hasn't been long since I've seen you last but I missed you so much."  I whispered to him, pulling my head away from his shoulder, so we still had our arms around each other.

I looked deep into his eyes and my hands traveled to the back of his neck. I pulled his head into mine as our lips crashed into each other, perfectly moulding around each other.

We pulled away out of breath. "Come on." I told him picking up his bag and pulling him inside.

I showed him his room which was the guest room and let him unpack his things.

I sat on the couch patiently waiting. His phone, which was sitting about 2 metres away from my vibrated. "Jimin! Your phone!" I called out. No answer. I picked up the phone and went to bring it to him.

I looked down at the notification on his lock screen.

New message:
Yuri- Jimin! Saranghae! ❤️

I looked up slightly horrified, confused and hurt.

What the hell?

Omg this sucks so much. I'm sorry I'm such a sucky writer.

Ugh I know this is terrible don't kill me pls.

I have a new book, and most chapters are pretty short so it's an easy read. It's called notes

It's a park Jimin fan fiction so yep.

Anyway I'm gonna go write some more terrible fan fiction bye


From, Le terrible writer

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