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jungcock: i'm safe

minjii: fuck you

jungcock: i know and i'm sorry it took me so long to reply to you

minjii: are you hurt

jungcock: not at all

minjii: where are you now

jungcock: walking to yours


jungkook walks in my room completely spotless of bruises and cuts or anything like that. i guess he was really telling the truth. what the fuck happened?

"are you okay?" i ask him as he comes to lay down next to me on the bed.

"yeah he didn't even touch me. i hit him plenty times but he didn't react."

that's not like the jimin i know.

"but are you okay?" he whispers and brushes his thumb lightly over a small cut on my forehead. i wince from the contact.

"fuck. sorry."

"it's not you, it's me."

"minji, are you blaming yourself? this is jimin's fault, not yours. entirely one hundred and ten percent jimin's fault."

i shrug. i know it's his fault but sometimes i can't help but think of how stupid i am. 

he sighs and gets off the bed.

"what are you doing?" i ask him.

"you need to get cleaned up," he says and spreads his arms out.

i give him a questioning look.

"i'm gonna carry you to the bathroom."

"i can walk."

"no you can't. you're hurt."

i crawl over to the other side of the bed and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. i can't help but look at his facial features being this close to him.

his pink lips and sparkling eyes. everything about him is so perfect.

he carefully puts me down on the toilet seat and starts running the bathtub.

"um, do you want me to stay? or should i leave? are you capable of washing yourself? or are you sore? i know you hurt your arm and leg pretty badly," he rambled on and on.



"stay and help me."

i seriously couldn't care less if he saw my naked body. i'm in excruciating pain and i do need some help cleaning up. and i know he couldn't care less too. he was just making sure that i was comfortable with it.

he turned around and waited for me to get undressed and get into the bathtub. i pulled my legs up to my boobs so he wouldn't see just yet.

"okay," i said and he turned around and walked towards the bathtub, crouching down.

"how could someone do this to you?" he whispers to himself, on the verge of crying. i reach my arm out and cup his cheek.

"it's okay.." i whisper to him.

"it's not, you deserve love. you deserve everything pure in this world. n-not this," he says, now crying. i straighten my legs and he starts to lightly wipe the blood off my legs with his wet hand.

"it's not your fault," i say.

"it's not yours either."

he continues to wash my legs in complete silence. it wasn't an awkward silence though, it was nice. i enjoy his touch on my legs, i enjoy his hands running up and down my leg; and not in a sexual way. i just liked the way someone was touching me in a loving way, not like how jimin touches me.

he moves onto my arms, exposing my breasts. i was nervous at first but he didn't even glance at them, he's concentrating so hard on getting me better.

"i love you, jungkook."

i see him smile for the first time today.

"i love you too, minji."

he leans over the bathtub and gives me a quick but passionate kiss.

a/n: i know my book is quite full on with the abuse, but these things happen in real life and it even happened to my aunty. i'm basing the abuse in this book from what i know - from what my aunty has told me. minji is based off my aunty. minji's story is based off my aunty's story. what minji thinks about the abuse and herself is what my aunty thought about herself when she was going through the abuse. so if you can't handle this book, please stop reading. it's not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings or do anything like that. but if you continue to read my book, thanks so much for supporting me!

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