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we both got popcorn, a coke each and a bag of lollies to share.

"where do you wanna sit?" jungkook asks. i look around and find a row where not many people are sitting. i've never really liked sitting with people i don't know. to my luck, i find a free row on the front left side of the cinema, close to the screen.

i lead jungkook to the seats and we start chatting, waiting for the movie to start.

"what do you think of taehyung?" he asks.

"he's alright, i guess. i didn't really talk to him enough to make a decision," i lie.

"fair enough. he's a nice guy."

"i'm sure he is," i mumble.

i hear someone enter the cinema and turned around to see who it was, like i always do. i was stunned to see that it was jimin. i crouch in my seat so he wouldn't see me and start to silently cry. jungkook notices how i'm slouching.

"what's wrong?"

"jungkook, please don't speak," i quietly whimper out. he slouches in his seat too so he can be levelled with me.

"seriously, what's wrong?" he whispers.

"jimin's here."

he cranes his neck to take a look at where he's sitting.

"it's okay. he's far away from us."

"no, jungkook. please don't sit back up."

"okay. let's sit on the floor so it's more comfortable."

i agree and sit on the floor with him. he was right, it is more comfortable than slouching.

jungkook notices that i'm still so paranoid so he pulls me closer to him. i lean my head on his shoulder and we watch the whole movie in that position, him stroking my hair and me snuggling up next to him as close as i can; as if my life depended on it. sometimes i swear i could feel him staring at me. when i got afraid of jimin finding us, i clenched his sweater extra tight.

when the movie finished, jungkook started to stand up but i quickly yanked him back down.

"we have to wait until jimin is out the cinema!" i whisper-shout at him.

"he's just sitting on his phone. let's make a run for it."

"what? no-" but it was already too late because jungkook yanked me up and sprinted out of the cinema while holding onto my- well taehyung's, sweater.

we were both panting when we stopped running because we ran all the way to the other side of the mall.

"so, what do you wanna do now?" he says, catching his breath.

i laugh at scene that just happened. "what about the game arcade?"

"sounds good." and with that, he interlocked his hand with mine and we sprinted towards the arcade, laughing together.

a/n: this was a cute chapter in which they're warming up to each other! hope you enjoyed.

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