Save Me From Myself

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I'm lost in a world that no one knows

A place even I hate to go

I made it all up, it's all in my head

The water in the streams are a deep, dark red

The trees are dead and the grass is gone

But that's not the only thing that's wrong

Every house, building, structure of sorts

Behind every wall, tree, or any closed door

Not a sound is made but my echoing footsteps, you can hear

This is because there is no one living in this world my dear

Only the ghosts and demons come to visit and play

They only come out at night, but I know that they're there all day

Bodies and graves litter the bare ground

And my feet crushing dry earth is the only sound

The red sky the perfect colour to see

The only colour that truly makes me free

A red sky to match my arm, red rivers to match my skin

Black souls to match my heart, that is until I let you in

You entered my life and made me feel whole

My life was an act and you played the lead role

You entered the depths of my demonic, mental hell

You were the only person there to save me from myself

If only you could see how much you meant

You came as fast as you went

One second you're here, the next you're not

Then I'm lost again, back into hell to rot

You saved me for a while, kept me from destroying myself

You were there to catch me every time I fell

I knew that you were too good and you hadn't seen it yet

And the day you found out, I was condemned to death

I'm already gone, too far to save

Just leave your sorrows upon my grave

We will meet again, I'm sure, it'll be great

Because after what you've done, you should suffer the same fate

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