Live Again

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I'm trapped and alone
I'm frozen, so cold
Like I'm inside a dome
In this place, I grow old

I panic and cry
I see a light ahead
Is this how I'll die?
Am I already dead?

A hole in my wall
Someone comes in
I feel myself fall
I won't let him win

I push him away
He pushes me down
He never goes away
The king has the crown

I'm broke at his feet
He kicks me again
Will I really be beat?
Is this how it ends?

I refuse to let him!
He can't do this!
I won't let him!
I'm sick of his tricks!

I push him once more
He hits me hard
I'm now on the floor
I play my last card

I surrender at last
I get to my feet
I try to slip past
But I'm too weak

He catches me strong
In his embrace
I was so wrong
I see his smiling face

He meant no harm
Only to save
I'm held in his arms
I now feel safe

He broke down my walls
He let himself in
He was good after all
He's no demon

He wanted to help
I pushed him away
I was all by myself
Now with him I'll stay

He chases my fears
Keeps them away
Wipes away my tears
Holds me upright when lead astray

He's there for me
He's more than my friend
He loved me
When I thought it was the end

I won't let him go
Never again
Because now I know
What it's like to have friends

Now I know
How to live again

In this, I represent my depression and he represents my best friends that help me through this. They are always there when I have no one and when I need someone. I love them. If there were an award for possibly saving a life, I would     
        present them all with it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  Max Foster     &     Reese Philips
  Gus Mclean     &     Kristy Angel
   Phoenix Bridge    &
   Thanks you guys  -  I love you

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