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"Charlie? Are you all right?"

Charlie came to slowly, blinking against the harsh lights that adorned her now familiar living room. She sat up and took a few deep breaths, trying to clear the last of the dizziness.

Thelia was staring at her with some concern and handed Charlie a bottle of Vitamin water. It may essentially be a knock-off of Gatorade, but she loved it nonetheless, it always seemed to have the right amount of electrolytes to keep her going after a particularly draining day, with a much better flavor.

"I'm okay, thanks." Charlie took another sip before placing it on the coffee table and glanced around.

"Where's Lo -" She spotted him sitting across from her wearing a passive expression, though Charlie could swear she saw a hint of worry as those jaded eyes met hers.

"I must say, you have good taste in décor. At least everything is consistent."

Thelia shot a glare his way, though he didn't seem to notice. She knew her theme was stuck somewhere between Modern and Retro, but is she the one who insisted he wear matching Hunter green pants as well? Where did he even find those?

He made a Peace sign, a Peace sign, much as she did to him. Although by now, Charlie was hidden unsuccessfully from view behind the sofa, trying in vain to bring Thelia with her.

"No. No no no, no," Charlie said it as more of a chant than anything. "There is no WAY that psycho is staying in my home! Did you not see what he did? How can you be calm about this!?"

She couldn't understand how Thelia was so accepting of this, whether he was pretending to be a good guy or not, she isn't going to suddenly feel sorry for him.

"Charlotte, stop being bloody ridiculous. I am far from psychotic." Loki stated in a thoroughly agitated tone. For an immortal, Thelia guessed he'd spent long enough honing that level of patience.

"Charlie, he's right. He isn't going to - oh God," Thelia paused and started rubbing her temples, Charlie held a broom in her hands and mouthed the words 'I will'.

Loki however, found this entirely unamusing, and succeeded in pulling off a complete 'WTF' look. Thelia could understand her friend's fear, but once Charlie made up her mind about something, it could be tooth and nail attempting to change it - even when she didn't know the full story.

"Charlie, he isn't going to hurt you! You don't even understand what happened!"

"How many lies has he told you? Why aren't you calling the police already!?"

"That's enough!" Loki threw up his hands in exasperation, going went straight for the door. "I am tired of such foolish endeavors."

"No wait, you guys need to -"

She was interrupted when without warning Loki turned on her.

"Why? So she can throw it back in my face, again? I am getting awfully tired of being treated like a fucking dolt. I am a Prince, a Prince whether you believe it or not, I don't care or wish to at this point. I have dreamed of taking over the throne, if not to prove to every solidarity Asir of what I am truly worth and not just some odious poltroon who the almighty Allfather took in for charity," He took a breath and ran a hand through his hair, which had fallen into his face due to his outburst. To them, he looked as though he would fall into a weeping mess, as if all his regal stance and self-importance had shattered to bits in a moments time. "But thank you, Charlie McLane of Midgard, for even after I revealed my true form to you, you have indefinitely showed me the errors of my 'wishful thinking' that there is any shred of hope for a future, together or otherwise."

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