Speechless ⋙ o n e

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Katherine Grimes waltzed into school Tuesday morning a little bit more relaxed and a little bit more tan than she was when she left on Friday. Prom, Project Prom, and Senior Skip Day had all been a gigantic success. Friday night was danced away and Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were spent laying on the beach. Kat was honestly surprised that Lori and Rick had let her skip on Monday but she wasn't complaining. Kat had worked very hard to get to where she was and she was glad her parents, especially Lori, were backing off of her and letting her have a social life for once.

Katherine had worked very hard during her entire school career. She was a National Honor Society Student and she was graduating in the top 3 percent of her class. Kat was naturally a hard worker, but Lori and Rick pushed her to be the best. Well, Rick pushed her to do her best but Lori almost pushed Kat over the edge. Kat had been struggling with her feelings towards her mom recently. She and Lori had always had a strained relationship and the divide between the grew even larger when Carl was born. It was very obvious that Lori was living through Katherine due to the fact that she pushed her to cheer and dance from the time she could stand on her own. Katherine felt as though the tension between her and her mother would last her entire life, but she didn't want it to. Prom night was the closest she had ever had to a normal relationship with Lori and it was fantastic. Kat wished she could just openly talk with her mom, but she knew that wouldn't happen for awhile. Kat also knew this was something that could be addressed at a later date. She was too preoccupied with enjoying the end of her senior year to sweat it.


The day had passed slowly and Katherine was dreading cheer practice. Even though the football and basketball seasons were over, the powderpuff game was coming up. Kat was obligated to play seeing as she was cheer captain. This title also obligated her to teach some of the football players how to cheer, meaning she would be here incredibly late tonight. She was confident in her ability to teach but she wasn't so confident in her ability to play the game. Thankfully Rick had offered to teach her some things.

When practice finally arrived all the players and cheerleaders met. The girls were getting their jerseys today. "Okay! Stephanie Hollis! Jersey 52. Katherine Grimes! Jersey 22." You've got to be fucking kidding me, she thought. Shane's number? Really? She plastered a fake smile on her face and walked up to get her jersey. The rest of the names were soon called and everyone split up for practice. Of course Tyler, Katherine's prom date, was assigned to her. In between teaching them cheers and how to do basket tosses she and Tyler were able to chat a little bit. "So Kat, can I uh, talk to you about something?" Katherine nodded. "Your dad's friend was really awkward. He kept giving me nasty looks." Katherine rolled her eyes. Shane ruined everything. "Yeah Officer Jackass is a little weird. He's such an asshole." Tyler laughed. Katherine liked Tyler a lot. He was a linebacker and he was really cute. Kat happened to have a little bit of a crush on him. "Well damn Katherine, tell me how you really feel. I've never seen you this pissed off at someone before." Kat rolled her eyes. "Shane is one of the only people that can bring it out of me." Tyler cocked a brow. "Why is that?" Kat sighed. She didn't want to get into this at the moment. "Shane has been part of my family since before I was born. He's been my daddy's best friend since they were little. I loved him to death when I was younger but as I got older I figured out that he was just a cocky womanizer." Tyler chuckled. "Ooooh Katherine's jealous!" Kat slapped his arm as the two erupted in laughter. "Shut up! Tyler I do not like him!" Tyler laughed harder. "Never said you liked him! You just outed yourself!" Kats cheeks flushed a vibrant red. "GRIMES, HOLDEN! BACK TO PRACTICE!" Tyler and Kat immediately stopped laughing and ran back to practice, not wanting to face the wrath of the cheer coach.


Practice finally ended and Katherine was completely spent. These guys could lay people out on the field but they could not do a cheer to save their lives. Tyler and Kat made their way outside, chatting the whole time. "Where's your truck, Kat?" Katherine rolled her eyes and sighed. "My mother took it one day while I was at a competition and got into a wreck. So it's in the shop." Tyler chuckled. "You and Lori don't get along do y'all?" Kat groaned. "Yes and no. She just puts so much pressure on me all the time. I just want to live." Tyler gave her a knowing look. "Do you need a ride?" Kat shook her head. "Nah. My mom is coming after she gets Carl." Tyler nodded. "Well let me wait with you. " Kat agreed and the two chatted for a bit. At some point Tyler nodded and pointed to his left. "I thought you said your mom was coming." Kat gave him a look. "I did." She arched a brow in confusion. "Well, then why is your boyfriend, Officer Jackass, pulling in?" Katherine looked over just in time to see Shane park and get out of the cruiser. He briskly walked over to her with a panicked look on his face. Katherine felt her blood run cold. Oh no. "This isn't good." Tyler was now nervous as well. He had no idea what was going on, but he knew it was bad. "Kat, sweetie your mom and Carl are already at the hospital. Your dad has been shot." Kat felt like she had just been hit by a truck. "Shane no..." Kat was devastated. "Baby Girl I'm so sorry. None of us saw him. He snuck up on us." Tears were now rolling down her face. "Kat do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Kat turned to Tyler who was long forgotten honestly. "No thank you. I'm going to go with Shane."



Katherine was now sitting in the cruiser with Shane. They were halfway to the hospital. Katherine had yet to say a word. Shane glanced at her and frowned. She was looking straight ahead with a dead look on her face. She looked so empty with tears rolling down her cheeks. Shane hesitantly stuck his hand out and grabbed hers. She didn't push him away so he held on. Katherine was a strong and beautiful girl. He had known her since she was born and he had only see her cry one other time. To be quite honest, it was breaking his heart right now. He didn't know what to do. "Katherine... Baby Girl I'm so sorry." Katherine finally looked at him. Her baby blue eyes glistening with tears. "Shane this isn't your fault. You didn't do this to him." Shane just nodded. What else was there to say?

Shane had always had a soft spot for Katherine. She was always with him when she was little. She would go anywhere if Shane was there. But as she got older, she became more distant. At first Shane thought it was because she was a teenager who didn't have time for anyone. He figured she'd grow out of it and go right back to being his best friend. But she never did. It drove Shane crazy trying to think about it. He just couldn't put his finger on it. Shane was soon pulled out of his thoughts when he arrived at the hospital. The two exited the cruiser and made their way inside. Before they went inside Katherine stopped him. "Shane." He looked at her. "Thank you." She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tight. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him.

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