Power & Control ⋙ f i f t e e n

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Katherine sucked in a breath at her father's statement. Shane gave her a reassuring look and pulled away from her grasp. Shane put himself in-between Daryl and Jim, using himself as some sort of shield. Rick repeated himself after Daryl failed to answer. "We don't kill the living." Daryl scoffed at Katherine's father. "That's funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head." Shane took this opportunity to speak. "We may disagree on some things, not on this. You put it down. Go on." Daryl glared at Shane and Rick while slamming the pickaxe into the ground. Shane pulled it up as Rick walked over to Jim. "Come with me." Rick grabbed Jim and pulled him up off of the ground. "Where are you taking me?" "Somewhere safe." Rick walked Jim past Katherine and shot her a warning look. This wasn't going well at all. Shane walked up to her and leaned on the pickaxe. "Baby Girl, can we talk for a bit?"


Katherine and Shane had walked to the edge of camp to speak in a slightly more private setting. Kat was nervous, not really sure what to expect. Shane looked at her and sighed. "Baby, what's going on with your daddy? He's been upset with me." Of course Shane already knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from Kat. "He um, he thinks that theres something going on between us." Katherine was completely flushed now. This was not a conversation that she wanted to have. Shane just looked down at her, not sure what to say. "Is he wrong?" The question shocked Katherine. That wasn't what she had expected to hear. "I, Shane, what?" "You heard me, Kat. Is he wrong?" Kat furrowed her brow and crossed her arms. "Shane, I have no idea what you're talking about." Shane took a step towards Kat, backing her up against a tree. "Katherine, don't play dumb. WE flirt constantly. You're always by MY side. You look to ME to protect you, not your father." Kat looked away from him. His tone was harsh and tears were welling up in her eyes. She was shocked by his aggressiveness about the topic. Yes, Shane was an outspoken man. But this was different. This was a topic that Katherine had felt like they danced around forever. "Katherine." Kat looked up at Shane, her face flushed a bright red. Shane moved closer to Katherine, their chests touching, and placed his hands on either side of her head. His tone was lower now and it made Kat's heart race. "Katherine, what are we?" Kat was a bundle of nerves at this point. There was no reason in dragging this out any longer. Kat placed one hand on Shane's shoulder and the other on his cheek. He closed his chocolate eyes and leaned in. Katherine did the same. With their lips only millimeters apart they were interrupted by a tiny voice. The whole situation was reminiscent of Katherine's final football game. "Miss Kat, your daddy is looking for Shane." It was Sophia. Shane pulled away and turned to face her while rubbing the back of his head. "Thank you, Sophia." Shane turned and looked at Katherine a final time before walking off. Kat leaned back on the tree and watched as Shane retreated. Kat sighed and looked at Sophia. "Hey, Sophia, can you come here for a second?" Sophia ran up to Katherine with a smile on her face. "Yes, Miss Kat?" Katherine squatted down to be on the same level as the girl. "Can you promise me something?" Sophia quickly nodded her head, excited that one of her favorite people ever was asking something so big of her. "I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone that I was out here with Shane, okay? It stays between us." Sophia nodded. "Yes, Ma'am." Sophia stuck her pinky out, obviously taking Katherine's request very seriously. Kat let a smile bloom on her face as she and Sophia linked pinkies. "Alright, Kiddo. Let's get back to camp, okay?" Sophia smiled up at Katherine and nodded. The young girl dashed back to camp with a dazed Katherine right behind her.


Shane strode out to where Rick was. He was digging holes to bury the bodies of their lost campers. "You needed me?" Shane asked, an edge of annoyance in his voice. Rick nodded. "Yeah. I need you to start digging." It was just the two of them out here and the silence was tense. Rick took a deep breath and turned to his former partner. "Shane, I need to ask you something." Shane didn't bother to stop digging. "What is it, Brother?" "Look at me." Shane planted his shovel into the ground and faced his friend. He knew exactly what this was about. "What's going on between you and Katherine." Shane wasn't sure how to handle this, so he decided to play dumb. "I don't know what you're talking about." Rick glared at Shane, hate dancing in his blue eyes. "Don't try. What's going on with you and Kat?" Shane rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Brother. I really don't know what you're talking about." Rick put his hands on his hips and looked at the ground before looking at Shane. "Keep your hands away from Katherine." Shane stared at Rick, almost in a challenge. "You don't even know, Rick. You don't know what I've kept her safe from." "Shane, she is MY daughter. I can keep her safe." Shane rubbed his head and chuckled. "Rick, I know you haven't been back for long, but have you noticed who she goes to when there's a problem? Have you noticed who she looks to for guidance?" Rick just stared at his former partner, anger coursing through him. "Let me give you a hint, Rick. It's not you." Shane stared him down and Rick began to walk towards the man. They were interrupted by the sound of a truck. It was Daryl bringing some bodies. "This isn't over, Shane." Shane just stared at him. "What I have with your daughter isn't over either, Rick."

A/N: this one is a little short, so I'm sorry! Just trying to put some chapters out. Thank you so much to all of my readers for sticking with me through this! Also, quick question. Do y'all listen to the songs I put with each chapter? Thank you all!

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