Tire Me ⋙ e i g h t

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Katherine had made her way to the little bank where all the women were doing laundry. She was in a notably better mood since her chat with Shane. She still wanted an answer from him about why he lied about Rick, but that could wait. Kat settled in between Amy and Carol and started chatting. "Hey, Y'all." Carol smiled. "Hey Kat." Katherine, Carol, Amy, Andrea, and Jacqui were sitting there in a pleasant silence. Katherine looked up when she heard Shane and Carl's voices. Katherine had to suppress a giggle at the sight. Shane was trying to help Carl catch frogs.  Carl began to whine about not seeing any. "I'm not getting anything." Shane looked at the boy with a grin on his face. "Yeah. Being all wily, staying submerged. Little suckers, they know something's up. That's what's going on. Just going to have to do this the old-fashioned way. All right, little man, look. You are the... you are the key in all this, okay? All I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go after one of them, all right, scare the rest of them off. They're all gonna scatter. I'm gonna drive 'em your way, okay?" Carl's face lit up with joy. Katherine's heart swelled at the sight of this. "Alright!" The boys continued their exchange and Kat continued to watch. Seeing Carl this happy was the most amazing thing to her. She didn't think that she would ever see him smile like this again. Carl splashed around without a care in the world and Shane played along like it was the most exciting thing ever. The two loudly carried on and Katherine could tell it was starting to annoy the other women. Katherine quietly worked on washing a shirt. She didn't really have anything in common with these ladies. She was far younger and she knew that it at least drove Andrea crazy. It was safe to say that the two didn't get off to the best start.


"Mom, are you fucking serious? I brought my own tent! I can sleep alone!" Lori whipped her head around to face her daughter. "Listen up, Katherine. I don't give a fuck how old you are or whats happening in the world. You are my daughter and you will do as I say." Lori was heated. Her face was red and Katherine knew she wouldn't hesitate to whoop her ass. "Also, how man times do I have to tell you to not fucking curse when Carl is around?" Katherine narrowed her eyes at her mother. She was fucking pissed right now. "Way to set a goddamn example, Mom." If looks could kill, Kat and Lori would both have dropped dead awhile ago. Lori shot a look at Shane. He nodded and pulled Carl away from the argument. Katherine and Lori were locked in a stare down. Who would break first? It turned out that it would be simultaneous. The two were interrupted by a blonde girl named Andrea. She and her sister, Amy, had been with Dale, the man with the RV. "Why don't you settle down and listen to your mother?" Katherine and Lori whipped around to stare at her. "Excuse you, what do you have to do with any of this?" Andrea raised a brow at Katherine's question. "My name is Andrea, and you need to learn some respect for others. It's obvious that you don't have that skill." Kat felt her blood boil. Lori could feel fire pulsing through her veins. Lori might have been upset with her daughter, but nobody was going to speak to her cub like that. "Listen, Hon. This is between my daughter and myself. You need to keep your nose out of it." Andrea crossed her arms and raised her brow. "And what happens if I don't? I don't want to listen to Little Miss Prom Queen complain all day." Kat could have killed her. "Andrea, stay the hell out of this." Andrea chuckled. "Once again, Prom Queen, what happens if I don't?" "I'll break your fucking nose." Katherine was shocked that she had just said this. Andrea got her heated. In all honesty, Kat would probably get her ass handed to her. She wasn't a huge fighter. Of course Rick and Shane taught her to shoot, but she wasn't going to shoot Andrea. Andrea took a few steps closer to Katherine and got up in her face. "Fucking hit me." Katherine stood still. Andrea got closer and closer. "I said hit me!" At this point Lori grabbed Kat's arm and pulled her back. Andrea's little sister stood in front of her. "What a bitch." Andrea mumbled. Katherine whipped her head around. "Excuse me?" Lori yanked her daughter's arm and Kat looked at her. "Katherine Rae Grimes. Drop it." Lori was furious and Kat couldn't tell if her mother's anger was directed at her or Andrea. "Mom!" Lori slapped her daughter across the face. "I said drop it."


The ladies continued to sit in silence until Carol broke the silence. "I do miss my Maytag." Kat smiled when Carol spoke. Carol was one of her favorite people at camp. "I miss my Benz... sat nav." Kat rolled her eyes. It was Jacqui's turn to speak. "I miss my coffeemaker with that dual-drip filter and built-in grinder, honey." Kat smiled. She could definitely go for a cup of coffee. "I miss my computer and texting." Amy stated with her sweet voice. A small silence fell over the group. Andrea grew a mischievous grin on her face. "I miss my vibrator." The women giggled. Carol spoke up. "Me too." Kat laughed as she and Carol looked at one another. "Me three." Kat stated. The group exploded in laughter. The laughter soon ended when Ed came strolling over to them. "What's so funny?" Andrea sighed. "Just swapping war stories, Ed." Amy and Katherine agreed. Ed stepped closer. Kat couldn't stand him. "Ed, is there a problem?" Kat knew that she should have kept her mouth shut, but it just wasn't possible at this point in time. "Nothin' that concerns you. And you ought to focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." Kat swallowed hard. This was gonna be bad. At some point Lori had wondered down to collect Carl. Katherine was vaguely aware of Carl getting chastised. She watched as Lori led the young boy back to camp. Kat caught Shane staring out of the corner of her eye. Andrea was fed up with this situation. "Ed, tell you what... you don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself. Here." She tossed a shirt at Ed but he threw it right back. "Not my job, Missy." Kat rolled her eyes and stood up "Then what is your job, Ed? Sitting on your ass and smoking all day?" Carol's face was twisted with fear. "Andrea, Katherine don't!" Ed stepped a little bit closer and said "Well, it sure as hell ain't listenin' to some uppity bitch and the little cheerleader. Tell you what, lets go." Ed reached out and grabbed Carol's arm. Andrea and Kat stepped up to protect Carol. "I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you, Ed." "And I say it's none of your business. Come on now. You heard me." Katherine was furious. Carol deserved none of this. "Carol." Andrea stated. "Kat, Andrea, please. It doesn't matter." Ed whipped his head around to look at Katherine and Andrea. "Hey, don't think I won't knock botha y'all on y'all's asses just because you're some college educated cooze and because you're a little cheerleader. Your daddy and your boyfriend don't scare me."  Kat was ready to go. She was about to lay into Ed. "Now come on, let's go or you'll regret it later." Jacqui spoke up for the first time. "So she can show up with fresh bruises later, Ed? Yeah, we've seen them." Ed laughed and Shane began to walk over. A chorus of 'no' and 'you don't have to' was soon ringing out. Ed was furious. He cocked back and slapped Carol straight across the face. All of the women lunged at him to try and protect Carol. Kat pulled back and punched Ed's chest. Ed grunted. "You little bitch!" He let go of his wife and turned his attention to Katherine. Carol and the rest of the group backed up. Ed walked up to the Grimes child and punched her straight across the face. Kat heard Carol wail as his fist made contact with her face. Katherine was in absolute shock. She never thought that he would actually do it. At least it wasn't Carol. Ed raised his fist to hit her again when he was pulled away from her. Kat snapped out of her daze and looked up to see Shane beating the hell out of him. Thank god.

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