Dead and Bloated ⋙ t w o

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The life of Katherine Grimes had been quite different these past few months. First off, her daddy was still in the hospital. Secondly, she had graduated high school. But the biggest change had to be the fact that she was currently stuck living through the apocalypse. Everything had happened so quickly. Katherine was still so confused, but she had nowhere to turn because everyone else was too.

Katherine was currently sitting with Carl and a little girl named Sophia. She was going over a book with them. It was an unspoken goal around this camp to keep the children educated and the task was often split between Katherine, Lori and a woman named Carol. Carol was one of the other women at the little camp that had been set up. She was older with short gray hair and very sad eyes. She was here with her husband Ed and her little girl Sophia. Ed was abusive towards Carol but everyone just kinda looked the other way. It drove Katherine insane. "Baby Girl!" Katherine turned to look at Shane. She rolled her eyes. Katherine hated Shane's nickname for her but she really couldn't do anything about it. "Yes Shane?" She asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "You and I have watch tonight!" Kat groaned. She hated watch and she didn't really want to be stuck with Shane. "Don't complain. You know you love me." Katherine rolled her eyes and stood up. Carol happened to make her way over at that moment. "Want me to take over, sweetheart?" Katherine smiled. She really liked Carol. "Yes ma'am. I'd appreciate that." Carol smiled and sat down. Kat looked back at Shane. "Can I talk to you?" Shane smirked. "You can do whatever you want to me girl." Kat felt her face flush a deep scarlet. She didn't know if it was from anger or embarrassment.

Katherine had dragged Shane out into the woods around their camp. She was pissed. Katherine backed Shane against a tree and spoke in a low voice to avoid attention. "Shane. You need to stop with the nicknames. People around camp think that we're sleeping together." Shane laughed and rolled his eyes. "Since when does Katherine Grimes care what others think of her?" Kat rolled her eyes. "Shane I don't care what everyone else thinks. I care what my mom and Carl think." Shane just looked at her. "My mom is on my ass about it!" Shane grunted and he took a step forward. He grabbed Katherine's shoulders and looked her dead in the eyes. "Kat your mom is always on your ass for something." Kat sighed. "Yeah she is but she's pissed at me. Carl is starting to ask questions too." Shane sighed. "Look sweetheart. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to be there for you. And I've noticed that the more I flirt with you, the more Merle leaves you alone." Katherine's skin crawled at the mention of Merle. Merle Dixon was a racist, sexist, redneck asshole. He had no regard for anyone around him and unfortunately he fixated on Katherine. Kat sighed and Shane smirked. "Okay Shane. You're correct but can we just do this in front of him? I need my mom to leave me alone." Shane nodded. "Yes baby girl we can." Kat rolled her eyes and pushed Shane back. "I hate you Shane." Shane winked at her and smiled. "See you during watch, Babe!" Katherine huffed and walked back to camp.


Kat had decided to take a nap before watch tonight. She was curled up in the tent that she shared with Lori and Carl. About 2 hours into her nap, Katherine was awoken by the sound of the tent unzipping. Kat opened her eyes to see Lori standing over her looking pissed. "Mom I have watch tonight. Please let me rest." Lori grunted. "What're you so damn tired from?" Lori just stared at Kat. "Huh? You tired from having sex with Shane all day? Katherine Rae, that is your fathers best friend. I'm so disappointed in you." Kat was over it. She got out of her sleeping bag and stood up. "Mom. I am not sleeping with Shane! I don't know how many times I have to tell you that." Lori frowned at her daughter. "Katherine I'm not stupid. You and Shane got very close after your father's accident. You just used that Tyler boy to distract me." Kat was furious now. Why did her mom have to bring Tyler into this? "Okay mom. Obviously we aren't getting anywhere. I'm going to the lake." Lori pushed Kat as she was leaving the tent. "Katherine, you no longer have a place to sleep. Share someone else's tent." Katherine just kept walking.


Lori was right. Kat had gotten closer to Shane since her father had gotten shot. But it wasn't in that way. Yeah Kat had a crush on him. She had forever, but she would never act on it. When her father was hurt, Shane stepped up and helped with her and Carl. Shane was there every night with Carl doing homework while Lori was at the hospital with Rick. He even helped Katherine practice for powder puff.

"Kat, you look stressed. What's up baby girl?" That nickname made Kat shiver. "I have powder puff this week and I have no idea what the hell im doing." Shane chuckled. What's your jersey number girl?" Kat rolled her eyes. "22." Shane's face lit up. "And yes, before you tell me this story for the millionth time, I know that was your number in high school." Shane smiled. "Well we gotta keep up appearances, let me help you practice." Kat nodded and the two made their way outside. The duo had spent the night running plays and Katherine had become exponentially better. At some point during the impromptu practice, Carl had made his way outside. He would cheer and holler every time shane made a heroic catch but would laugh and boo every time Katherine made a fool out of herself. The latter happened quite frequently. Katherine plopped down on the ground, trying to catch her breath and Carl followed suit. Shane laughed at the siblings and sat down with them. The three were now laying in the backyard star gazing. Kat was so happy. The only thing that could make it better for Carl and Katherine was if Rick was there with them instead of in the hospital.

Katherine was snapped out of her thoughts when she made it to the lake. Kat had adopted this area as her 'safe space'. She would often come here to decompress and it truly made her feel better. Kat scanned the area to see who was there. Carol, a woman named Andrea and her sister Amy were sitting by the lake washing everyone's clothes. Carl was splashing around in the water with Sophia. The two were just laughing and having a great time. Almost as if nothing was wrong. All of a sudden Katherine felt a hand on her shoulder. "What are you doing out here on your own, Kitty Kat?"

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