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It seems as if I can hear the clock ticking.

Thirty-seven minutes of class left and I can't help but feel the wandering eyes of the boy next to me, on my face.

I look over to meet his gaze. He smiles a small grin, and turns away. He has the most beautiful eyes.

I look down and notice his hands are almost a purple color from how tightly he's squeezing them and I smile back, even though I know he's not looking.

A little while later, I start to drift to sleep, as I have put my headphones back in.

The slow music guides me into a deep sleep, and before I know it, a light push is sent to my arm, and then another.

A soft and deepvoice makes its way into my dreams, "Luna, I think that's her name, how could I forget her name, come on Luke just wake her up. Luna, the bell rang, could you um, wake up."

I realize this isn't a dream and I lift my head, opening my eyes into the beautiful ones next to me.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I whisper. "I must have fallen asleep."

His cheeks tint with pink, and a small smile forms once again.

He turns and walks out the door without a goodbye, and I find myself wishing to see that smile over and over again.


The day goes by, and it's time for lunch. I avoid the eyes of everyone around me, grab a tray, and as usual, walk outside behind the building. No one would ever think of letting the weird quiet girl sit at their table.

I sit down under a big tree, and take a bite of my hamburger. When I hear footsteps coming closer, I freeze. No one is supposed to know about this spot.

I shrink against the tree, wishing it was a friend, wishing it could wrap it's limbs around me and make me invisible.

A boy comes into view, it's Luke.
He's looking at the ground with his tray in his hands, and then looks up. I can tell my presence scared him a little, as he jumps.

"Sorry, I didn't know you sat here, I didn't really.." pause " want to um.." pause " want to sit in there." he stutters.

"I understand." I say. "You can sit here if you want."

He leans back and forth on his feet and takes his lip ring in between his teeth, as if thinking it through.

After a while he says, "Alright," quietly and sits down next to me. He sits very far away, and I'm okay with it, I don't like being close to people either.

We sit there in silence, eating our food. The only sounds I hear are the passing cars and a few chirping birds. The ground is still wet from the rain and the roof still drips but at this moment we could care less.

I hear the bell ring that ends lunch and like first hour, Luke stands up and walks away. Why do I want him to tell me goodbye? I never want people to talk to me.

I stand up as well, and throw my tray away, walking into the building and to my next class.

When I walk in, Luke is in there too. My heart starts to race and I don't know why. It's art, so we can sit anywhere we'd like. Usually I sit alone, but I decide otherwise today.

I walk quietly towards Luke, he sits at the desk made for two, drawing something. I sit down and try to look over, but he covers the paper once he sees me.

His cheeks turn red, and he closes his notebook, shoving it in his backpack. I wonder what he was drawing.

"Oh, hi. I didn't know you were in this class." He whispers.

"Hi." is all I can get out of my mouth. There's so much I'd like to say to him, but the words never seem to come out.

I take out a pencil and paper, and start to draw. The teacher said to draw something that is stuck in our mind, and so I did.

By time the class ended, I drew two blue eyes.


hope you liked it (:

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