The dinner

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Hey guys Lexie here and I have a friend named Toonaville. Please go and support her. Cya Enderbabies!!!

*time skips through skatepark*
You and Steven head back to his house until you stop each other. "Hey Steven I was wondering if you want to have dinner with me my parents and my brother?" "Sure Y/n. Not to be rude but where did you get that topic?" "My parents called you last night then they yelled at me this morning saying that I have to bring you to my house. Please don't be mad it's not my fault it's my parents" " Hey it's fine I'm not mad. I'll come over and introduce myself. Let's go ok?" "Okay." You and Steven walk back to your parents house. "I'm home!" "Hi honey! Who is this?" "Hi! I'm Steven!" "Hi Steven! Come this way please." You, your mom and Steven walk into the other room. And your dad was standing in the kitchen. "Hi Y/n. Is he here?" Said your dad. "Yes. Hi sir! I'm Steven." "Hi Steven. Go sit at the table and I'll get dinner." You Steven and your mom sit down at the table and your dad brings over grilled chicken. "Thank you dad." You said. "Thank you sir." Steven said. "Thank you honey!" "Your all welcome!" *after dinner* You and Steven are sitting are sitting on the couch. Your dad starts walking to the other couch across from you. "So Steven how long have you been together?" " We've been together for 8weeks." "I see I see. I'm going to give you a test so you can date my daughter." "DAD!! NO STOP CANT YOU EXCEPT US YOUR MY DAD! THIS IS STUPID! I'm sorry Steven my dad is over protective. YOU EXCEPTED MATTHEW AND HIS GIRLFRIEND WHY CANT YOU EXCEPT US?!?!" There wasn't an answer. You and Steven stand up and walk to your room to hang out. "Y/n are you okay because you didn't have to do that?" "I'm fine but he didn't care for Matthew and Matthew didn't get tested by his girlfriend's dad. I understand if you want to leave." "I'm not leaving." Your dad walks in and tries punch Steven until you sat up and he punched you. "I'm so sorry Y/n are you okay??" "I HATE YOU! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!" "That was for Steven! I swear!!" " I HATE YOU! YOU DO THIS EVERY TIME WHENEVER A BOY HAS DATE ME! JUST STOP! *starts laughing in a psycho  way*" " Umm Y/n what are you doing?!?!" You stand up and start walking to your dad as he is backing up. "Y/n calm down everything's fine okay?" "Everything isn't fine. You hurt me and tried hurting Steven. You will pay." "Y/N PLEASE JUST STOP YOUR NOT GOING TO ANYTHING TO YOUR DAD! Mr. Y/l I'll get her just run downstairs." Steven catches you in his arms and you went unconscious. That night Steven stayed the night at your parents house with you so you didn't get up and try to kill yourself or your dad. *in dream* 'SHUT UP! IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! LEAVE STEVEN OUT OF THIS AND STOP TRYING TO PICK ON HIM! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE DAD!!!' Steven woke up to you yelling in your sleep. You woke up and got scared because you didn't know Steven was there. " You okay your screaming?" "I think but my head and throat hurts. Steven wh-" (gets cut off by going unconscious) "Y/N! Oh my gosh! What?! Just hold her so she doesn't go psycho." *the next day* That morning You woke up with Steven holding you. You woke up Steven and you got dressed (Steven was in his clothes already). You were wearing  a f/c tank top and jeans. You and Steven go to his house to drop him off. You both say goodbye and live on with your life.

Hey Enderbabies! I need a name for the mystery girl. If any suggestions write them in the comments section and I'll pick. Cya! 

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