Chapter three: Redeas and Beer.

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               On the first day, by midday, she only arrived at Halestorm, a small town south of Coldwater, which some farmers and constructors worked almost all day to service their families with food, water and the basic necessities, although they were kind of poor, they were happy... There she asked in an Inn for directions, Aliana would always read the Inns' names before entering, it could mean a lot of the town if you were just a passerby, as she always thought. This Inn was called the "Coin in the Root''... locals called it like this by the fact that they make a living by the stuff they raise, in these case, crops and other medicinal plants.

               When she entered, she directed herself to the bartender instead of the innkeeper, for safe directions to Hidana. The Inn was kind of small, made of wood, and since the coldness of the North of Hardelia was so difficult to manage, a small fire was in the center of the inn, in where kids and other folks were talking, and playing, also listening to the bard's songs; it was really cheerful. As she directed herself to the bartender, suddenly a drunk man just got up his chair, and started to say ''cute'' things to Aliana, making her feel uncomfortable and nervous. The man approached Aliana and grabbed her by her arms, ''Gimme a kiss Redea!" (Red rose of the desert). Aliana slapped the shit out of him and he suddenly got up again, this time more hesitant and angry, "I said come hererereeeee!" a small dagger when flying through the room for the drunkard's head, but missed on purpose, getting stuck deep into the wood walls. Before everyone could stop the drunk man or even see who shot that dagger across the room, the door was opened and a man in a coat got out and closed it.... Nobody could see anything.

               The drunkard in fear apologized to Aliana, and went out... Aliana felt some relief, and just asked the bartender about the safest route and went out to take it... She traveled until afternoon in which she took a break to sit alongside a path to get some rest, she made sure nobody could possibly catch her, so she set up some traps around with her basic knowledge of magic and her bow, and went to catch some sleep... Around evening, she heard a scream, one that could be heard from a really far distance, and she quickly grabbed her stuff and went to find out, "Maybe it was a demon!" she thought while shaking. She suddenly went quickly to the origin of the noises, it was an old man being murdered by a tall man... The old man fell unconscious when he saw Aliana, and the man stood up, he then wiped blood from his mouth and politely excused himself for the mess, then disappeared.

Aliana quickly went to the man, she then desperately gave pressure to the wounds on his stomach and neck to stop the bleeding, and he saw her and just said in his last dying breath...

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