Ch. 1: So Different

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A/N: Last time I accidentally said this is the sequel to You and Me however it isn't. Sorry about that. Don't worry I have edited it now.



<~Ally's POV:

I lie in bed awake. I haven't slept decently for exactly a year now. Yep exactly a year ago Austin dumped me because I got pregnant. It makes no sense to me. I loved him so much and I truly believed he loved me back but I guess not. Now he's a big headed popstar and I'm an 18 year old single mother struggling at life.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Annie crying. I crawl out of bed and rush to her crib and cradle her in my arms.

I stare down at her. Her eyes are wide open starring back up at me. It's hard living with someone who looks just like someone who broke your heart.

Annie looked so much like Austin. The deep, brown eyes, perfect blonde hair, and that adorable face. She would be two months old tomorrow.

I'm not going to lie. It's been hell raising a baby alone, but at least I'm not alone. At least I have someone that loves me. Annie will probably be the last one that will ever love me.


~<Austin's POV:

"Thank you everybody!" I yelled out to my screaming fans.

I had just finished a concert in Denver, Colorado.

I walked off the stage cockily. Like I always do.

"Austin that was great!" My manager, Stephanie complimented.

Trish used to be my manager but she hated me for dumping Ally so I hired Stephanie. Stephanie is a way better manager than Trish anyways, plus she's hot! Although I wouldn't date her she's like four years older than me. However age is just a number!

"Isn't it always." I reply with a smirk.

"Oooh and I got it all on tape!" Dez exclaimed.

Unlike Trish, Dez stuck with me although he also hated me for like a month but we're buds. Well now he's more like an employee.

"Cool, so where's my next concert?" I ask.

"Ah, let me check." Said Stephanie. She went and looked at her clipboard, "Miami." She said finally.

Miami, huh. Looks like I'm going home.

"I've already arranged your flight." Stephanie assured me.

I nod, okay.

"Yes, we're going to Miami!" Dez cheered.


~On the Plane~

"Hey Austin, can you pass me my bag?" Asked Dez.

"Dez, I'm a little busy right now! Get it yourself!" I snapped.

"Okay okay, gosh what happened to you Austin?" He complained as he struggled to reach for his bag.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your so...not you." Dez responded.

"What! I'm Austin Moon. How am I not me! Is this about me changing my middle name to Ace? Because Ace is way better than Monica!" I defended myself loudly.

"What! No, no no. It's just that you uses to be nice and now your...not." Dez sighed.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." I muttered.


I stepped off the plane and into the Miami airport. It was good to see this place again. I haven't been here for two months!

After all the last concert of my tour was right here.

"Austin, because you live here in Miami, you will be staying in your own home rather than a hotel." Stephanie informed me.

I nodded. I liked my mansion. It was so me. I got kinda lonely sometimes but hey I've got my music.

Dez, Stephanie, and I all get into a limo. Dez and I were both going home and Stephanie planned to buy a house here.

We were each dropped off at home. Wow it felt weird being home.

I walked in the door. It was quiet. I didn't like it. I wish I had someone to hang out with.

Well might as well start getting ready for my concert tonight. It's already almost 3 o'clock.


<~Ally's POV:

It's been four hours of hell. Annie just would not stop crying. No matter what I did. She was colicky.

Finally she fell asleep and I had a little break. I collapsed onto my bed and rubbed my face. Man babies are a lot if work. I could really use some help.

I laid there starring at the ceiling. Why did Austin have to leave me? I still angry with him but I do miss him. I really need him right now. But lets face it he's a world-wide famous popstar like he'd ever look at me again.

I turned on the TV, only to here more about Austin.

"Tune in and watch Austin Moon preform, live right here in Miami!" A news man announced.

Wait he's back in Miami now? Wow. I sure hope I don't see him, talk about awkward.

But hey I could use a break. Maybe Trish wants to go watch Austin preform. It might be cool watching your ex bestfriend/partner/boyfriend/father of your child preform...right?

I just need to find a babysitter first. Although maybe Austin would like to meet his daughter.

I decided to call Trish.

"Hey Ally." Trish greeted me.

I smiled to myself, "Hey Trish, I was wondering if you wanted to go to that Austin Moon concert with me?" I ask hoping that didn't sound weird.

"Uh Ally, are you okay?" Asks Trish.

"Yeah, why?" I ask confused.

"Because you asked me to go to the Austin Moon concert with you. And well ya know..." Trish trailed off.

I sighed, "Trish I just though it might be cool to see Austin. Ya know because we used to be friends."

"Yeah I understand. But sure I'd love to go. But what about Annie?" Trish reminds me.

"I'll call the babysitter." I say confidently.

"Okay, so I'll pick you up at six? The concert starts at seven so be ready." Trish says.

"Okay, goodbye Trish." I say and hang up the phone.

I then call Annie's babysitter, Jillian.

"Jillian, hey. I was wondering if you could watch Annie tonight from six until around ten?" I ask.

"Well I was gonna go the the Austin Moon concert but I could use the money so, okay." Jillian said.

"Great, so see you at six?" I ask.

"Yup! Bye Ally!" Jillian says and hangs up.

That's something I love about Jillian, always so perky and happy.

I go straight to getting ready. This concert was a big deal for me. I haven't been out for so long. I've been so busy with the baby and when I was pregnant I didn't feel like doing anything fun. So this was really exciting for me.

When I'm done getting ready I hear the doorbell and run to answer the door.

"Hey Jillian." I smile and allow Jillian to walk in. I give her a friendly hug.

"Hey Ally. So where's little Annie?" Ask asks.

"She's asleep in the nursery." I say.

Jillian nods.

Just then Trish arrives, "Hey Ally, ready to go?"

"Yup! Bye Jillian! Take care of my sweet angel!" I say waving goodbye.

"Bye Ally, and I will! Don't worry!" She replies before Trish is dragging me out the door to the car.

This was it. I was going to see Austin again for the first time in a year.

I wonder if he'll remember me...


A/N: So that's chapter one! Just a reminder this is NOT the sequel to You and Me. Next chapter will be up tomorrow! So be ready! Thanks for reading.

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