Ch. 6: Date

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<~Ally's POV:

I stare at Austin's name in my contact list. I don't even know why I still have his number.

I finally decide to call him. I was nervous. Austin has never babysat Annie before and things could go either way.

On the fifth ring Austin answered.

"Hello?" He said. He obviously had no idea who I am.

"Hi, Austin." I say rather annoyed.

"Who is this?" He asks.

I sigh, "It's Ally."


<~Austin's POV:

"Ally?" I questioned.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Okay so why are you calling me?" I ask. I was so confused right now.

"I-I was wondering if you could babysit Annie tonight?" Ally stuttered. I could tell she is nervous.

But seriously babysit! Now I'm sucked into all this crap! Dammit.

I roll my eyes, what should I say?

"You want babysit Annie?" I blurt out. Like I never thought she'd want me to so I don't know what to say. I guess I'm not doing anything.

"Yes." Ally clarified.

I sighed, "For how long."

"From now until I get back." Ally answered.

"Okay...." I paused, "I'll babysit." I say finally.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you so much Austin!" Ally exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah." I mumble.

"Okay so come over ASAP! I gotta go, bye!" She said really fast before she hung up.

What have I gotten myself into? I don't know how to take care of a baby! I mean normally I would have said no but I kinda wanna see Annie again...and Ally. In a way I really want her back.

There was one thing I forgot to ask...where is Ally going tonight??


<~Ally's POV:

"Austin is going to babysit. He'll be here soon." I announced to Cody.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yep." I smiled. I really didn't think Austin would say yes!

The doorbell echoed through the house.

"He's here!" I exclaimed.

I took Annie out of Cody's arms and held her in my own as I went to let Austin in.

I open the door and he actually came! Wow maybe Austin is slowly going back to being his normal self.

"Hey Ally." Austin greeted me.

"Hi Austin! Thank you so much for coming!" I say, inviting him in.

He walks in the living room, I follow behind him with Annie.

Austin sees Cody.

"Who's this?" Austin asked referring to Cody.

"That's Cody, my boyfriend." I clarify.

"Hi." Cody said to Austin. He stuck his hand out to shake hands but Austin stepped back.

"So you have a boyfriend now?" Austin asked me. He sounded a little angry almost like he was jealous.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I ask nervously.

Austin sighed angrily, "No." He grumbled.

I smiled, "Good."

Cody stood beside me and wrapped an arm around my waist as I carefully laid Annie down in her crib.

"Now you know what to do?" I ask.

He nods, "Of course."

"Okay, well we better get going. Good luck Austin! Oh and you better not let anything happen to my little girl!" I shouted as Cody and I walked out the door.

"Don't worry Ally, I won't!" Austin assures me as I slam the door shut.

I sigh and look down at the ground. Don't worry? How can I not worry? My little baby is with Austin Moon...

Cody looks at me and intertwined our fingers, "You ready?" He asked opening the car door.

I nod, "I think so." I say quietly and confidently.

I get inside the car and Cody gets in on the other side to drive.

I sat there nervously. I was just so worried something would go horribly wrong with Austin babysitting. I guess Cody noticed.

"Ally, I know your nervous about Austin babysitting. We can go out another time if you'd rather." Cody said.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I faced him, "Yeah I'd like that." I sniff.

He smiles and turns around to drop me off at home.

When I got home I didn't bother saying goodbye to Cody I just rushed inside.

"I'm back!" I announced as I walked in through the door.

What I saw brought a smile to my face. Austin was holding Annie close, both Annie and Austin were asleep. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I tiptoed over to the couch they were sleeping on and just starred at him. Austin's nose twitched and he woke up.

"Your back already?" He yawned.

I nodded.

"Wow, I must have slept a long time." Austin chuckled.

"Actually I didn't go on the date." I confessed.

"Oh, why not?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck.

"I don't know. I guess I don't really like Cody and I was worried." I admitted.

"Oh. Well you don't have to worry about me. I would never let anything happen to our little girl." Austin assured me.

"Our little girl?" I asked.

"Yeah...Ally I wanna be with you. I can't miss anymore of Annie's life and I-I think I love you." Austin confessed.

"Austin...I don't know." I blushed.

Austin slowly got up and laid Annie down in her crib. He then stood up walking over to me resting his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them.

"I miss you, Ally." He whispers, leaning his forehead against mine.

I felt butterflies when I felt his hot breath on my face.

I suddenly pushed him away, "No Austin, I can't." I said tears burning in my eyes. I had to stay strong crying wasn't going to do any good.

Austin kept his distance, "I guess I should go then." He said.

I sighed.

"Well, bye Ally." Austin waved heading for the door.

"Bye." I wave, "Oh and Austin!" I called.

"Yeah?" I asked, his hand on the doorknob.


He smiles at me and then leaves. Why do I feel sad now. I like having Austin here.

Ya know what...I really miss him too.


A/N: I know this chapter want much but yeah...the next chapter is gonna be good I think you'll like it(;

Please comment and vote! Oh and please comment on what you think of the book...I really like that. (: I will also update faster with more comments and votes!


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