Ch. 4: Realizing

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<~Austin's POV:

After I left Ally's house I decided to just go home. I hate to say it but I feel horrible. Ally probably hates me. I totally understand that. But I can't fall in love with her again. My career has finally taken off. I don't want to mess that up.

My phone beeped with a new message. I wonder who that could be?

FROM: Unknown
MESSAGE: What's your problem, Austin! You broke Ally's you know how horrible she feels!

Who is it? Do they really think they can tell me what to do. However they are right.

I plop down on the couch. What am I doing! I have to talk to Ally.

I got in the car and drove to Ally's house.


<~Trish's POV:

"Ally, it'll be okay." I say through the phone.

Ally had called me. She sounded really depressed.

"Would you like me to text him for you?" I ask.

"Trish, I don't know. Austin is...different." Ally replied.

"Yeah I'll text him. Talk to ya later." I say and hang up.

TO: Austin Moon
MESSAGE: What's your problem, Austin! You broke Ally's you know how horrible she feels!

There. Hopefully that gets through his head.


<~Ally's POV:

A tear rolled down my cheek. Trish actually hung up on me. Well sorta...and then she texted Austin! This won't be good.

I felt like crap. Austin totally blew me off, but what did I expect? Ha I guess I'm still living in a fairy tale.

I heard the doorbell ring. I wonder who that could be?

I approached the door. Hopefully it would be Trish. I really needed someone to talk to. Someone's shoulder to cry on.

I opened the door.

"A-Austin?" I stutter as I stare at the boy who caused my tears.

"Ally...I need to talk to you." He said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Come in.." I said softly. Maybe this visit will go better.

Austin stepped inside and took a seat on the couch. I sat in the chair across from him and crossed my arms. He folded his hands. I take it this is going to be a very serious conversation.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask starring down at the floor.

"First of" He said pulling out a pile of money and passing it over to me.

"What's this for?" I ask, confused.

"Annie." He stated.

I smiled. Is he slowly starting to care? I hesitantly accepted the money.

"Thank you." I say half smiling.

He nodded.

I starred at him, "Is that all?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "I want to apologize."

I continue to listen to him.

"I really am a horrible person. From the beginning. I never should have left you." He said.

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I'm also sorry about earlier. I was a total jerk." He continued.

I sighed, "Austin...I don't want an apology."

"Then what is it that you want?" He asked.

"The old you... a father for Annie." I mumble.

He sighs and sits up straight, "Ally...I-I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything." I say, I am beginning to loose my patience.

"Ally. I don't want to be someone your afraid of." He said.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I say, now I was a little mad.

"Then what is it about me that you don't like?" He asks.

"I don't like how you've changed. How you don't want a thing to do with your daughter! It's just so complicated.." I explain, shouting at times.

"Ally-" He began but I wasn't done lecturing him.

I stood up looking down at him, "Shut up, just shut up Austin. I'm sick of talking to you. All you ever do is say some stupid, lame apology that doesn't mean anything!" I spat.

He stood up, now he was looking down on me. Grrrr why does he have to be so tall!

He was about to say something but I interrupted him again.

"Just don't say anything. I'd rather not hear you say anything than have you apologize because I'm sick of your shi-"

He stops me by smashing his lips up against mine. What the hell is he doing! Then I realized I really do miss his kisses. I hesitantly kissed him back. Why does he do this! One minute he acts like he doesn't care the next he's kissing me?

I felt Austin begging for entrance, surprisingly I allowed it. His hands slowly found their way to my waist. I wrapped my arms around him. I was lost. We we're enemies but this is deffinetly not what enemies do. Enemies don't make out. Am I forgetting what this boy has done to me?

I pressed myself up against Austin's body and he pulled me down on top of him on the couch. Not breaking the kiss.

I moaned loudly, never wanting this moment to end. It just couldn't end. Austin snuck his hands up my shirt. I didn't mind.

But I should mind.

I heard crying. Annie crying. My motherly instincts began to kick in. I pulled away from Austin, completely breathless.

We starred at each other briefly until I dashed into Annie's nursery. I couldn't let my baby cry.

Austin followed me.

I picked Annie up and held her close. She must be hungry. I sat down on the chair and pulled down my shirt to breast feed her.

Austin walked in the room. It was awkward considering that I'm breast feeding Annie right in front of him.

He walked closer to me and just watched Annie eat.

I didn't say anything I just focused on Annie.

"Ally...can I feed her?" Austin asked.

I starred up at him, "Austin...I don't have any milk and neither do you." I say.

He nods in understanding.

"But you can hold her when she's done eating." I say.

"Okay." Austin said, smiling.

I wonder why he's suddenly wants to hold Annie?

Soon enough Annie finished eating and she fell asleep in my arms.

Austin had stood there waiting, "Can I hold her now?" He asked.

I nodded and got up from the chair giving Annie to Austin.


<~Austin's POV:

I smiled as Ally handed Annie to me. It was the first time I'd ever held her. She's beautiful.

I look down at her cute face and can't help but smile.

Ya know what...I love this little girl just as much as I love her mom.


Yay! They kissed and Austin held Annie!

Is Austin finally back to normal?

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