Ch. 22: Missing You

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<~Austin's POV:

It was a long boring plane ride. All I could think about was Ally. Stephanie was sitting beside me reading a magazine. I starred out the window. Every passing second I was getting further away from Ally. I miss her so much. I don't think I can make it a year without seeing her.

"So are you ready for your first show tonight?" Stephanie asked, still starring at her magazine.

I didn't answer.

She nudged me, "You better be." She said.

I sighed and nodded. It was a lie. There's no way I'm ready to preform. I wasn't even ready to get on the plane.

"Attention everyone. Please buckle up, we will be landing in Chicago in a few moments." The flight attendant announced.

At least I was getting off this stupid plane. I just wish I was getting off the plane in Miami.


<~Ally's POV:

It was lonely at home. It was just me and Annie. It felt cold, dark, and scary without Austin. All I wanted to do was curl up under a blanket and die.

Annie was asleep so I felt completely alone. I hope Austin calls soon. I miss hearing his voice.

Almost as if on cue my phone rang. And it was Austin!

I answered quickly and excitedly.

"Austin!" I exclaimed wishing I could give him a big hug.

"Hey Ally." Austin said. The sound of his voice forced a smile onto my face.

"It is so amazing to hear your voice again." I say, smiling.

"It's great to hear you again too. I miss you so much." He replied.

"Me too. So are you in Chicago yet?" I ask curiously.

"Yep." He said popping the p. "I just got here."

"Yeah. I've been home for awhile. It's so lonely without you." I sigh.

"I wish I could wrap you in my arms right now. I don't want my babe feeling lonely." He said making me smile again.

"Thanks Austin. Just hearing you say that really helps." I say.

"I'm sorry I can't be there to do it for real." He muttered.

"I wish you were here too but you have to preform for all your fans." I say.

"Sorry Al's but I have to go. I love you!" He said suddenly.

"I love you too!" I say. He hangs up.

I sigh and set my phone down. I suppose all of our conversations will be like that. Short and awkward.

I hear Annie mumbling to herself and go check on her. I sat outside her crib and watched as she squirmed around saying things that only she could understand.

"Hey there baby girl, your awake!" I said bending down and picking her up. She giggled and mumbled something.

I smiled down at her. She made me feel so much better. I brush through the small amount of blonde hair she had with my fingertips. She liked it whenever I did that.

"Hey why don't we go find you something to eat." I suggest smiling.


<~Austin's POV:

I take a deep breath. I'm going on stage in two minutes. I'm actually really excited, but afraid I might blow it. I haven't preformed in awhile and I miss Ally.

Jimmie Starr my record dealer walked out on stage to introduce me.

"Hello everybody!" He yelled and the crowd roared.

Jimmie smiled, "Alright alright, now give it up for Austin Moon!" He shouted. That's my cue. Jimmie walked off the stage and I jumped on and began singing a new song of mine, Better Than This.

(A/N: I'm not going to write out the song..sorry if you would have liked me to.)

After I finished performing I rushed off the stage. I was really tired and very thirsty.

"Great job out there Austin" Jimmie said giving me a high five.

I took a big gulp of water, "Thanks Jimmie." I replied.

Stephanie walked into the room, "Great job Austin." She complimented.

"Thanks. So where are we headed next?" I asked.

"I haven't heard the exact city yet but I do know that you will be touring everywhere in the United States before going to the other countries." Stephanie informed me.

I nodded, "Any chance I could get home in between?" I asked hopeful she'd say yes.

Stephanie sighed, "Probably not. I'm sorry Austin." She said.

"Please just once?" I begged.

"When and why?" She asked tapping her foot.

"March 14th. That's my daughters birthday." I said.

"I don't know Austin. We'll have to see. I think you'll be in Australia then. Besides there's only two months left after that." Stephanie replied. She snapped her gum.

"Well I'd just really like to see them." I say closing my eyes to keep tears from falling.

"I understand, Austin. But I can't promise anything." Stephanie said patting my back.

I nodded. I understand that I have lots of shows to do and it's hard to go back home between tours, but I at least have to try.


<~Ally's POV:

~6 Months Later~

Today is the sixth month of Austin's tour, yeah I've been keeping track. Now I just have to wait a whole six months all over again and he's home. I talked to Austin on the phone everyday until he had to go across seas into other countries now I hardly ever get to talk to him. I haven't talked to him for a month.

I've heard a lot of news about Austin. He's gotten quite popular. There are a lot of Austin Moon fans out there.

It's been really hard taking care of a baby all alone for so long. Trish has helped a bit but not much. She seems really depressed. I'm really worried about Trish but I haven't had any time to help her.

Annie is now nine months old. She's awake more and a bit more of a handful. She's always finding trouble now that she can crawl. She's been growing fast.

I wish Austin was here to watch her grow.


Annie giggled as she played with my lips. I was laying on the couch and she was sitting on my chest. She seemed to be having a pretty good time playing with my bottom lip and tangling her fingers in my hair.

I turned on the TV to the news channel. I liked watching the news because sometimes Austin was mentioned.

"And for our celebrity news, Austin Moon cancels his show in Paris to go home and see his family."

My head shot up. H-he what! He's coming home! I rewound the TV. So I knew I wasn't just imagining it.

I went on my lap top to research it more. I found the perfect article to read.

Celebrities: Austin Moon

Austin Moon has decided to cancel one of his biggest shows in Paris, to go and visit his family back in Miami. We interviewed Mr. Moon to get more details. "I miss my family so much." He said. We then asked him if he had a special girl back home. "Yes I do. We even have a little girl together." He replied. This was quite a shock to his fans. Turns out he hasn't told the world about his daughter. "Yeah, My daughter Annie is not even a year old yet. I never told my fans but I think now is a good time." Moon told CelebMagicMagazine. It's great to hear that wonderful news we hope to find out more soon.

I smiled. He's coming to visit and he finally told the world about Annie. But that could have been a mistake now the world knows he's a father and that might not be good. He is only 19.

I had to talk to Austin, but I couldn't. It's too hard to make a call from the U.S to another country. I will have to wait until he comes back.

There's a knock on the door. Who is it? Is it Austin or someone else? I approach the door hoping its Austin. Which that is a possibility but wouldn't he just walk in?

My cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I had one new message.

Come to the door. I have a surprise(;
~Love you.

It is Austin! I whip open the door and jump into his arms but something isn't right. This is not Austin. Austin holds me better than this. He hugs me tighter and has that scent that I adore. I glance up to see the delivery guy.

"Welll, um...this is awkward." He chuckles.

I leap back now standing on my own two feet, "I'm sorry." I say blushing.

He smiles, "Anyways I have a package for you." He says handing me a box.

"Thank you." I reply accepting the box and closing the door.

I open up the box and find a letter.

Dear Ally,

I miss you so much so I decided to send you a gift. It has a birthday present for you and Annie since I never made it home for your birthday and I probably can't for Annie's either. But the biggest surprise is that I'm coming back to see you. I won't say when because I want to surprise you, but I will tell you that it's soon. I can hardly wait to see you. I love you with all my heart.

~Love, Austin.

My eyes are foggy. That was so sweet it brought up my emotions. Most people wouldn't find this that sweet but I haven't seen my boyfriend in six months. This is sweet.

I open the box further and find the two gifts. There's one for me and one for Annie.

I sit down on the couch with Annie on my lap. I held my present in front of me. I slowly opened it up, unwrapping it fold after fold. It was a little box. I opened it up and it was a set of jewelry. A set of diamond jewelry. Real diamond jewelry. A diamond ring, a diamond necklace, and diamond earrings. They were beautiful. I sat there wondering how Austin had the money to afford this. All together this was probably $10,000, maybe more. I wish he was here so I could thank him with kisses. I slipped the ring onto my finger and the wrapped the necklace around my neck. I don't think I'll ever wear a different necklace.

Someone knocks on the door again. I pray that it's Austin this time. I sit Annie down on the floor.

"I'll be right back, sweetie." I say walking over to the door. I swing the door open and it reveals the face I've missed dearly for so long.

"Austin!" I exclaim jumping into his arms and kissing him before he has a chance to say anything. He kisses me back, hard. He hugs me as tight as he can. Our bodies are pressed up against each other, there's no space between us.

"Ally! I missed you so much." He said breathing heavy from the kiss.

I had a smile bigger than the world, "I missed you too!" I shrieked in excitement. He carried me inside. His eyes landed on Annie. He put me down gently and lifted Annie up into his arms. Annie seemed a bit frightened. Austin kissed her forehead.

"She's gotten so big. She's beautiful." Austin says pulling me into a hug.

"I know. She crawls now. She's always getting into trouble." I say smiling.

Austin chuckles, "Are you a little trouble maker?" Austin teases Annie and tickles her belly.

I smiled. It was a beautiful father-daughter reunion, but why can't Austin be back for good?


A/N: Austin came back to visit! Yay! But now he has to leave again for another six months! GRRR! Haha. Yeah so what did you guys think of the chapter? Please comment and vote. I will update soon. Maybe tomorrow(:


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