Ch.17: Too Cute

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<~Austin's POV:

Cody cleared his throat before he spoke. I could see that he had a black eye and that his jaw was a little loose.

"I'm here for pay back." He growled with an angry frown.

I glared at him, "No, your not. Your here for something else."

He swung his fist at me but he missed.

Ally ran into the room. She stares at me with pleading eyes.

"Please don't fight." She said, tears growing in her eyes.

I sighed. I didn't want to fight, but Cody did. Why can't we just talk it out?

I looked at Cody, "Your heard the lady. . . Don't fight." I said coldly.

"Ha. Like what she says can stop me. I don't care about Ally anymore! Or you! Or anyone!-" Cody shouted but I interrupted.

"Then-" I started but Ally ran in front of me to face Cody.

"PLEASE stop!" She shouted pushing Cody and I away from each other.

"Ally, baby. How ya doin?" Cody asked Ally, leaning in to kiss her.

Ally slapped him across the face, "I've been just fine except that your here! You can't just come here to hurt my boyfriend! I know he hurt you but you deserved it!" Ally says, her face was turning red from the lack of breath.

I was proud of my girl for saying that. I knew she could stand up for herself but why should she have to when she has me. I'd go through any amount of pain to protect her.


<~Ally's POV:

Cody glanced back at Austin, who was standing there ready for anything, and then he starred at me.

I was glad Austin was letting me help handle the situation. I just didn't want him getting hurt for me. I-

My thoughts are traded in with bad ones when I feel Cody pulling me up against him and smashing his lips onto mine and forcing his tongue inside my mouth. I couldn't get away, he was too strong.

Austin pulled me out of Cody's grasp and kept me behind him. My eyes were burning with tears.

"What the hell was that!" Austin shouted angrily, now there's no stopping him from anything.

Cody just chuckled. Suddenly Austin punched away his smile and literally kicked him out the door. Cody laid on the ground, too weak to get up.

"You better stay away from here." Austin warned. He slammed the door shut.

Cody was breathing heavy. He needed medical help. I may hate him with every bone in my body but I don't want him to die.

"Austin! He needs to go to the hospital!" I said franticly.

Austin shook his head, "I don't care. Someone else can take him there then but there's no way that we're gonna help his sorry ass." Austin snapped. Great now he's in a bad mood.

I sighed, "So you want him to die on our doorstep?" I mumbled softly, loud enough for him to hear.

Austin sighed, "Ally, think of the things he's done to you."

"I know, I know. But I don't want him to die, that's horrible for anyone to die." I say trying to reason with him. I never knew Austin was this cold hearted...wait yes I did. See this is the side of Austin that I don't like.

"No's probably a trick." Austin said.

"Ah!" I screamed, "Why can't you listen to me! He needs help!"

I ran towards the door, I could never live with myself if someone died because I didn't help them.

"Ally don't you open that door!" Austin warned. He sounded like my father.

I frowned at him and swung the door open but Cody was gone...and so was his car. What.

Austin was already by my side, "See he's fine." Austin muttered, he closed the door.

I sighed. I guess Austin was right. He's fine. Now I kinda don't want him to be.

"I-I'm gonna go see Annie." I stutter walking past Austin. He could tell I was upset.

I walked upstairs to Annie's nursery. She was sound asleep. I'm sure glad she didn't wake up from all the noise.

Despite the terrible head ache and aching stomach I was currently fighting, I forced a smile. She was a sweet little girl I love her so much.

I glanced at the door. Austin was standing in the doorway watching me.

"You okay?" He asked.

I shook my head. He came in and sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall. He pulled me into his lap.

"What wrong?" He asked rubbing my back.

"I have a head ache." I said, "A really really bad one." I didn't say anything about my stomach pains because I didn't want him to have any suspicion that I'm pregnant. I'm not going to tell him until I have to.

I could see in his face that Austin felt bad. He continued to rub my back and threw in a few kisses every now and then.

"Feeling any better?" He asked.

I smiled at him, "A little."

"Good." He replied.


<~Austin's POV:

A few minutes later Ally was asleep on my chest. It was only late afternoon but I guess she's tired.

I carried her to bed and laid her down gently. He hair was slightly covering her face and her mouth gaped open just slightly. I pulled the blanket over her. She's cute, I just can't get over how cute she is. She's just too cute!

I leave her room and close the door behind me. I don't want her waking up from any noise. I can hear Annie awake in her room.

I find Annie rolling around in her crib. Her eyes were wide open. She was really happy right now.

"Hey sweetie." I said scooping her up in my arms. She giggled and I kissed her cheek.

I couldn't get over how cute she was. She and Ally are just so cute. I love them with all my heart.


A/N: Yay an update! Two days in a row! This chapter is really short though...I'm sorry. I don't know what you like better shorter more frequent chapters or loooooong chapters like once a week? Comment what you like best! But if you like shorter chapters I could update like five times a week maybe more. Yeah so before I blab I forever I should stop...hehe.

Until next time,


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