Ch. 19: Don't Know What To Think

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<~Austin's POV:
~The Next Day~

I got up early this morning. I just felt anxious and I couldn't sleep any longer. Ally was still sound asleep so I got up quietly.

Today I planned to take Ally out somewhere. We needed to discuss a few things...

I already arranged for the babysitter to come and watch Annie.

I wrote Ally a note and left it on her nightstand so she'd get ready right away. I had a great day planned.

<~Ally's POV:

I reached for my glasses, which were resting on my nightstand but instead I grabbed a note.

Good morning babe,
I've got a great day planned for the two of us today. So you can start getting ready.(;

Love you,


Awww how sweet. Austin and I hadn't exactly gone out in awhile. Our lives are actually really busy.

I did as the note said and got ready. I dressed nicely but also casually.

Jillian had already arrived to watch Annie and Austin was ready to go.


"So is there some special occasion today?" I asked Austin as I got in the car.

"Does there need to be for me to take my beautiful girlfriend out on a little date?" He replied starting up the car and going forward.

I sighed, "I was just wondering." I giggled, "What are we gonna do anyways?" I asked.

"Just some fun stuff." He answered.

I didn't reply. I wish he would've given me a better answer.

A few moments later I spoke up again. "Can I at least know what we're doing first?" I asked.

He sighed, "Fine. We are going on a picnic in the park."

"Oooh I love picnics. Did you pack a picnic basket?" I asked.

He nodded.

I smiled at him. He drove to the park which was where we'd have our picnic.

I rolled out the blanket and Austin carried the basket out.

"So what did you pack?" I asked, licking my lips. I was starving.

Austin smiled and handed me three sandwiches...why so many? Does he think I'm some sort of pig!

"Three? That's a lot of sandwiches for just me..." I blurt out.

He shrugged, "I don't want you to get hungry. You don't have to eat them all." He assured me.

I laughed, "Yeah there's no way I can eat three sandwiches!" I exclaimed.


Wow I totally lied to myself. I did eat all three sandwiches and a bag of chips. Austin probably things I have some sort of eating obsession. I feel really fat.

"Austin? Do you think I eat too much?" I ask him, curious.

"No." He said.

"Because I feel like I eat to much." I sigh.

He snakes his arm around my shoulders, " don't have to hide it anymore. I-I already know." He sighs.

My heart begins to pound...please tell me it's something else he knows. It has to be I mean how could he find out.

"Hide what?" I ask playing dumb.

He sighed again, "I saw the tests..."he began.

"What tests? Ha...I'm not in school." I continued bluntly. I could feel my face going hot. I was blushing like crazy.

"Ally. I know your pregnant." He says finally breaking the ice.

"What! I hope not! No that's not true." I stalled. I'm horrible at this. Why even bother.

"Ally, why didn't you tell me?" He asked pulling me closer.

I sighed, "B-because I don't want you to leave me again." I said finally giving in.

" I could never leave you again. I love you. I'm actually kind of excited for another baby." He says, kissing my forehead.

"Really?" I ask a smiles slowly curving on my face.

"Really." He smiles back.

I hug him tightly, "I love you!" I exclaimed. I kissed him square on the lips.


Austin and I had finished eating and were already cleaning up. I was actually happy he found out I was pregnant by himself. It was just so stressful hiding it. But with every secret gone comes a new one...with all this stress I began cutting. I can't stop! It's a terrible addiction. I pulled up my sleeve revealing the deep cuts on my wrist. I couldn't let Austin see any of them. I had more on other places on my body.

"Okay babe, ready to go?" Asked Austin.

I nodded. We both got into the car.

"Are we going home now?" I asked.

"If you want." He replied.

"C-could we? I-I don't feel very good." I say clutching my stomach.

"Alright we'll go home." He said.

I sometimes mistake Austin for my husband. We're still only boyfriend and girlfriend. But I mean how can't I we live together and have kids together. That's what married couples do.

<~Austin's POV:

When we arrived back home Ally pushed past me and ran in the door. Wow she's in a hurry.

"Ally?" I called, "You okay?" I was a bit concerned now.

"Y-yeah I'm okay." She said from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Okay but if your not just tell me. I can take you to the hospital." I assured her.

The door clicked and Ally walked out. She was a wreck. She had tears in her eyes, vomit on her clothing, and makeup smeared across her face. She wrapped her arms around me.

"I have a headache." She mumbled into my shirt.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." I said. I picked her up and carried her back to the car. I know that pregnant woman always get sick like this but Ally seemed way worse. She was pale and half asleep it seemed like.

I carried her into the hospital and got a doctor to look at her right away.


The doctor walked into the uncomfortable room.

"Hello Ms. Dawson. I'm Doctor Brent." He greeted Ally.

She smiled, "Nice to meet you." She replied.

The doctor glanced over her, "So what seems to be the problem here today?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant and I don't feel good. It's really bad though." She coughed.

"Hmmm, I'm going to run some tests and get back to you." He said with a wink.


Dr. Brent came back, "Okay first we'd like to see if your actually pregnant. Have you had your first checkup or do you only know from a home pregnancy test?"

"I used three of the home pregnancy tests and they all came back positive." Ally said.

"Alright. Well lets check up on your baby." He replied.

"Okay." Ally said. She laid down on the bed as Dr. Brent put the cold gel on her belly.

"So how is he/she?" Ally asked. I could tell she still felt sick.

Dr. Brent didn't answer at first. He turned to us to give us the news.

"Ms Dawson... You're not pregnant." He said.

Ally was silent so was I. Wait then why is she sick?

"T-then why have I been feeling sick?" Ally asked, "I've thrown up a few times."

The doctor sighed, "How much have you been eating? I'm sure once you saw that test you decided to eat more. Well if your not actually pregnant and you eat so much your going to puke." The doctor answered with a chuckle.

"I did start eating more..." Ally blushed.

"Then there's why your sick. You can eat a normal amount of good now. There's only one of you to feed." The Doctor laughed.

Ally and I laughed along at her mistake.


We left the room. I wrapped my arms around Ally. I could see that she was a little upset. She was also happy. I felt the same way about it. I just found out today and now I found out its not true.

"Austin, I feel really stupid." Ally said suddenly.

"Why? You are not stupid. Your perfect." I assured her. I kissed the top of her head.

Ally sniffed, "I want to see my baby."

I nodded and held her hand. We left the hospital together. Neither of us knowing what to think. All I know is I love Ally and I want her in my life forever.

A/N: What just happened? Lol. So I guess there is no new baby. So I know this chapter isn't that great I had to write really fast. I added some drama but not many details...I'm sorry.

So anyways thanks for reading! Comment what you think! I'd like to get 5 votes and 5 comments before the next chapter! Also long chapters are on weekends(; if there will be a long chapter anyways.


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